Argument Cultures and Unregulated Aggression - by Kate Heddleston. Takeaway: Using arguments as a tool for decision-making hurts creativity and diversity. Unregulated arguments create hostile work environments by promoting a win-at-all-costs attitude.
Atlassian Boosted Its Female Technical Hires By 80% — Here’s How - by First Round Review. Takeaway: Start on inclusion and diversity as early as possible. Get your management board to commit to inclusion and diversity. Evaluate what is causing exclusion and plan how to address the causes. Have clear guidelines for promotions and job roles.
Beginning with Ourselves: Using Data Science to Improve Diversity at Airbnb - by Riley Newman and Elena Grewal. Takeaway: Airbnb managed to increase the number of women in the company from 15% to 30% by analyzing and improving their recruiting practices.
Being an Effective Ally to Women and Non-Binary People - by Toria Gibbs and Ian Malpass. Takeaway: "Relying on members of minority groups to shoulder the burden of diversity issues is just as flawed as expecting one person to do all the work to fix a broken deploy system. You can’t excel at your job when you spend half your time dealing with other stuff. We need ways of spreading the load. We need allies. And we hope that’s why you’re reading this now."
Criticism and Ineffective Feedback - by Kate Heddleston. Takeaway: Research shows that more critisism and negative feedback is given to women. In order to boost people's performance, it is best to give positive feedback. If we want people to improve or change, it is best to tell them what exactly to do as opposed to what not to do.
5 Strategies for Being an Ally to Women in Tech - by Joy Ebertz. Takeaway: 1) Look who does your "housework" tasks; 2) be mindful of the peer feedback you give; 3) help make sure people are credited with their ideas; 4) create space for others in meetings; 5) make sure team-building is inclusive.
For an Inclusive Culture, Try Working Less - by Rich Armstrong. Takeaway: "When our office culture is focused on business rather than socializing, we reduce the number of ways in which we all have to be the same. When we do that, we allow diversity to flourish. If your culture expects people to work long hours or hang out off-hours, the strain on the people who are different, in whatever way, is increased, and your ability to retain a diverse work force is reduced."
How Men and Women See the Workplace Differently - by Nikki Waller. A Wall Street Journal article on a study conducted by LeanIn.org and MicKinsey. "Data show that men win more promotions, more challenging assignments and more access to top leaders than women do. Men are more likely than women to feel confident they are en route to an executive role, and feel more strongly that their employer rewards merit."
How Our Engineering Environments Are Killing Diversity (and How We Can Fix It) (video) - by Kate Heddleston.
How Our Engineering Environments Are Killing Diversity: Introduction - by Kate Heddleston.
Imposter Syndrome + Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Resources - by Neha. A good collection of resources on Imposter Syndrome and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Managing Unconscious Bias - by Facebook. A collection of videos to help people identify and manage their unconscious bias.
On Being a Female Program Manager at Microsoft - by Donna Malayeri. Takeaway: The author describes how poor management can stall one's career. Chaos, lack of empathy, biased feedback ("you're too aggressive/pushy/complaining") are all factors the author faced. "...I can’t help feeling that a man would have been treated differently. Perhaps there was unconscious bias at play; perhaps I didn’t act the way women should, and this bothered people. Despite my asking for bigger opportunities, I saw project after project handed to my peers instead of me. Without opportunities to do important work, my career stalled."
Onboarding and the Cost of Team Debt - by Kate Heddleston. Takeaway: Lack of onboarding hurts mostly those who are different from the rest of the team. Onboarding can improve diversity as new hires will feel more integrated.
The Null Process - by Kate Heddleston. Takeaway: The lack of a clear promotion process creates an informal process for promotions that favors men.
Recommended Reading for Allies - by Toria Gibbs and Ian Malpass. Takeaway: A list of helpful resources on feminism, privilege, allyship, research, and more.
There's No 'Silver Bullet' to Increasing Diversity, But Here's How We're Making Progress - by Bhavin Parikh. An honest and personal account of how Magoosh is addressing the topic, and what they're doing to create a fair hiring/growth culture: providing guidance to candidates, creating a salary framework, stay interviews/check-ins, and more. Their efforts produced noticeable results.
Ways Men in Tech Are Unintentionally Sexist - by Kat Hagan. Takeaway: Little, unintentially malicious things people say reinforce stereotypes.
What Does Sponsorship Look Like? - by Lara Hogan. Takeaway: The former Etsy leader and current Kickstarter lead talks about shifting focus from mentoring to sponsoring as a way to change the ratio. "When privileged people begin to see the systems of bias and privilege, their first instinct typically is to mentor those who haven’t benefited from the same privilege. ... What members of underrepresented groups in tech often need most is opportunity and visibility, not advice."
Women in Tech: We Need You - by Kristina. A request to women to speak publicly, mentor, and become a role model. "We need to hear your experiences, your lessons, your failures and your successes. We need to hear them because you can never be sure who you’ll influence and whose life you’ll change."