- New pricing_stream endpoint. Big thanks to @joseluis-fw.
- Raises an OandaApiV20::ParseError exception when a malformed response returned from Oanda API.
- The OandaApiV20::RequestError exception object now has an original_exception attribute which contains the original exception object raised.
- Fixed issues when trying to reuse a Client object to make HTTP requests to Oanda.
- Moved instance variables last_action, last_arguments, instrument and account_id from the Client class to the Api class. They should not be part of a Client object.
- Removed last_transaction_id instance variable.
- RubyVM::Logger changed to ::Logger.
- Added a connection_pool_size option to allow persistent HTTP connection control on the Client object.
- Added a max_requests_per_second option to allow customized control on the Client max requests per second allowed to Oanda API.
- Added multithreading support for HTTP request governing. HTTP requests will be correctly allocated across multiple client threads.
- Raises an OandaApiV20::ApiError exception when no client object was supplied when instantiating an OandaApiV20::Api instance.
- Updated the orders method to allow query options to be passed along.
- Ability for API requests to go through a proxy.
- Updated the account method to allow query options to be passed along.
- Added the instruments method to retrieve candlestick data.
- Added an optional field to the account instruments method to query only a list of instruments instead of returning all instruments.
- Added the RSpec Gem for writing unit tests.
- Added the WebMock Gem to stub HTTP requests to Oanda API when writing unit tests.
- Raises a NoMethodError exception when the method does not exist. Previously nil was returned.
- Raises an OandaApiV20::RequestError exception when the status code is not 2xx.
- Fixed an issue where the requests to Oanda API was limited to 30 requests per minute instead of 30 requests per second. Whoops!
- Fixed a bug where the response body would sometimes be nil and cause the client to crash.
- HTTP exception handling added.
- Added the Gemfile to allow the 'bundle install' command to work.
- Limit Oanda API requests to 30 per second.
- Persistent HTTP connections using the persistent_httparty Gem.
- README Documentation added.
- Functions to map to the Oanda API endpoints.
- Setting up gemspec file.
- Added gitignore.
- Added LICENSE.
- Added README.md.
- Initial commit.