General Resources for Multi-Omics
- PMA - Performs Penalized Multivariate Analysis: a penalized matrix decomposition, sparse principal components analysis, and sparse canonical correlation analysis, described in Witten, Tibshirani and Hastie (2009) doi:10.1093/biostatistics/kxp008 and Witten and Tibshirani (2009) Extensions of sparse canonical correlation analysis, with applications to genomic data doi:10.2202/1544-6115.1470.
- gesca - Hwang - RGSCA regularized generalized structured component analysis
- RGCCA - Tenenhaus - Regularized Generalized CCA and Sparse Generalized CCA
- scca - Lee - Sparse Canonical Covariance Analysis for High-throughput Data
- STATIS/DiSTATIS - Abdi - structuring three-way statistical tables
- RIMBANET - Zhu - Reconstructing Integrative Molecular Bayesian Networks
- FactoMineR - Abdi - MFA: multiple factor analysis
- JIVE - Lock - joint & individual variance explained
- pandaR - Schlauch - Passing Attributes between Networks for Data Assimilation
- omicade4 - Meng - MCIA: multiple co-interia analysis
- STATegRa - Planell - DISCO, JIVE, & O2PLS
- GFAsparse - Khan - group factor analysis sparse
- CCAGFA - Klami - Bayesian Canonical Correlation Analysis and Group Factor Analysis
- CMF - Klami - collective matrix factorization
- moGSA - Meng - multi-omics gene set analysis
- iNMF - Yang - integrative NMF
- BASS - Zhao - Bayesian group factor analysis
in missMDA - Voillet - multiple imputation for multiple factor analysis (MI-MFA)- PLSCA - Beaton - Partial Least Square Correspondence Analysis
- mixOmics - Rohart - various methods
- mixedCCA - Yoon - sparse CCA for data of mixed types
- SLIDE - Gaynanova - Structural Learning and Integrative Decomposition of Multi-View Data
- fCCAC - Madrigal - functional canonical correlation analysis to evaluate covariance
- TSKCCA - Yoshida - Sparse kernel canonical correlation analysis
- AJIVE - Feng - angle-based JIVE
- MOFA - Argelaguet - multi-omics factor analysis
- PCA+CCA - Brown
- JACA - Zhang - Joint Association and Classification Analysis
- pCIA - Min - penalized COI
- OmicsPLS - Bouhaddani - O2PLS implemented in R, with an alternative cross-validation scheme
- SCCA-BC - Pimentel - Biclustering by sparse canonical correlation analysis
- WON-PARAFAC - Kim - weighted orthogonal nonnegative parallel factor analysis
- BIDIFAC - Park - bidimensional integrative factorization
- SmCCNet - Shi - sparse multiple canonical correlation network analysis
- msPLS - Csala - multiset sparse partial least squares path modeling
- D-CCA - Shu - Decomposition-based Canonical Correlation Analysis
- COMBI - Hawinkel - Compositional Omics Model-Based Integration
- DPCCA - Gundersen - Deep Probabilistic CCA
- MEFISTO - Velten - spatial or temporal relationships
- MultiPower - Tarazona - Sample size in multi-omic experiments
- mixedCCA - Yoon - Sparse semiparametric CCA for data of mixed types
- ade4 - Dray - Implementing the Duality Diagram for Ecologists
- THEME - Verron - THEmatic Model Exploration
- iCluster - Shen
- MDI - Kirk
- iClusterPlus - Mo
- BCC - Lock - Bayesian consensus clustering
- iBAG - Wang - Integrative Bayesian Analysis of Genomics
- SNF - Wang
- clusternomics - Gabasova
- IBOOST - Wong
- Spectrum - John
- INF - Chierici and Bussola
- maui - Ronen - Stacked VAE + clustering predictive of survival
- IntegrativeVAEs - Simidjievski - Variational autoencoders + classification
- DeepProg - Poirion - DL and ML ensemble + survival prediction
- SHAE - Wissel - Supervised Hierarchical Autoencoder + survival prediction
- MolTi-DREAM - Didier - identifying communities from multiplex networks, and annotated the obtained clusters
- RWR-MH - Valdeolivas - Random walk with restart on multiplex and heterogeneous biological networks
- MOGAMUN - Novoa-del-toro - A multi-objective genetic algorithm to find active modules in multiplex biological networks
- RWRF - Wen - Random Walk with Restart for multi-dimensional data Fusion
- cardelino - - gene expression states to clones (SNVs from scRNA-seq + bulk exome data)
- clonealign - Campbell - gene expression states to clones (scRNA-seq + scDNA-seq (CNV))
- CiteFuse - Kim - CITE-seq data analysis
- CoSpar - Wang - infer dynamics by integrating state and lineage information
- MSFA - De Vito - multi-study factor analysis: same features, different samples