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Releases: flowdev/gparselib

Get ordered feedback

19 Sep 08:38
Choose a tag to compare

GetFeedback() orders the feedback (by position and message) before returning it.

Keep best feedback

19 Sep 08:19
Choose a tag to compare

ParseAny keeps only the best feedback in case of an error.

Keep more feedback

19 Sep 07:33
Choose a tag to compare

We keep feedback from earlier parsers in error case of ParseAll.

Fix the feedback handling fix

18 Sep 22:52
Choose a tag to compare

The user has to decide how strict we clean.

More exact feedback cleaning

18 Sep 21:46
Choose a tag to compare

Make feedback cleaning more exact.
Especially (and automatically) at EOF.

Allow cleaning of feedback for transactional behaviour

18 Sep 20:47
Choose a tag to compare

The new method on *ParseData, "CleanFeedback()" can be called at convenient places.
This is usually after receiving a successful result that is meaningful for the user.

More information about errors

18 Sep 17:26
Choose a tag to compare

Feedback from unsuccessful but optional parsers isn't discarded anymore.

Useable for production

18 Sep 08:30
Choose a tag to compare

Rounded up the parsers and some rough edges.
Added tests for almost everything.

First official release

17 Sep 19:49
Choose a tag to compare

Realeasing this now so I can use it in another project.
TODO: Test the ParseGoodRunes parser!