Releases: flowdev/gparselib
Releases · flowdev/gparselib
Get ordered feedback
Keep best feedback
ParseAny keeps only the best feedback in case of an error.
Keep more feedback
We keep feedback from earlier parsers in error case of ParseAll.
Fix the feedback handling fix
The user has to decide how strict we clean.
More exact feedback cleaning
Make feedback cleaning more exact.
Especially (and automatically) at EOF.
Allow cleaning of feedback for transactional behaviour
The new method on *ParseData, "CleanFeedback()" can be called at convenient places.
This is usually after receiving a successful result that is meaningful for the user.
More information about errors
Feedback from unsuccessful but optional parsers isn't discarded anymore.
Useable for production
Rounded up the parsers and some rough edges.
Added tests for almost everything.
First official release
Realeasing this now so I can use it in another project.
TODO: Test the ParseGoodRunes parser!