Releases: finos/SymphonyElectron
Releases · finos/SymphonyElectron
Release 3.8.3
- feat: SDA-1292: unpack all .node files in asar @VishwasShashidhar (#794)
- feat: SDA-1561: move app data to local profile @VishwasShashidhar (#797)
- bump up version number and make mkdir recursive
- fix: SDA-1561 (Create app data directory manually) @KiranNiranjan (#799)
- Enable context isolation by default
- SEARCH-1750 - Add unpacked dependencies in .aip file
- fix: SDA-1581 (Set document title for all the window) @KiranNiranjan #802
- fix: SDA-1588 (Add support for chromium sandbox mode) @KiranNiranjan #807
- fix: INFOSEC-392 (Fix a security vulnerability with pupa an internal dependency of electron-dl) @KiranNiranjan #813
- INFOSEC-392 - Add package-lock.json to git
- INFOSEC-392 - Update package-lock.json file
- Add title for the notification windows
Release 3.8.2 🌈
- fix: SDA-1520 (Optimize memory refresh logic & make it randomize) @KiranNiranjan (#782)
- fix: SDA-1347 (Group multiple processes into a single task bar icon) @KiranNiranjan (#779)
- feat: ELECTRON-1462 (Combine more information into about app window) @KiranNiranjan (#777)
Release 3.8.1
- fix: ELECTRON-1505 (Prevent opening links longer than 2083) @KiranNiranjan (#776)
- fix: ELECTRON-1488 (Update i18n resources when page fail to load) @KiranNiranjan (#773)
- fix: ELECTRON-1389 (Fix snack bar issue on Windows & Fix RTC pop-out issue) @KiranNiranjan (#771)
- fix: ELECTRON-1478: remove dev tools menu item via configuration @VishwasShashidhar (#772)
- fix: ELECTRON-828 (Make screen snippet window the top most window) @KiranNiranjan (#766)
- feat: ELECTRON-1463: support linux build @VishwasShashidhar (#770)
- fix: ELECTRON-1482 (Update dependencies third-party dependencies) @KiranNiranjan (#768)
- fix: Migrate to napi version of node-ffi/ref @keerthi16 (#767)
- fix: ELECTRON-1171 (Sets font-family dynamically based on locale) @KiranNiranjan (#765)
- fix: ELECTRON-1321: support uppercase urls in windows installer @VishwasShashidhar (#764)
- feat: ELECTRON-1327 (Add/Remove 5.x Electron dependencies) @KiranNiranjan (#763)
- fix: ELECTRON-1465 (Persist locale changes to the user config file) @KiranNiranjan (#761)
- fix: SEARCH-1646 - Include dictionary file and Update libraries for compressing the renderingBlob filed @keerthi16 (#760)
- fix: ELECTRON-1459 (Update screen snippet image type to png from jpg) @KiranNiranjan (#758)
- fix: ELECTRON-1464 (Update custom title bar's title correctly) @KiranNiranjan (#755)
- feat: ELECTRON-1327 (Bump Electron version to 5.x) @KiranNiranjan (#754)
- fix: ELECTRON-1451 (Fix notification flashing issue and logo in network error) @KiranNiranjan (#752)
- fix: SEARCH-1627 - FreeDiskSpace check uses FREE instead of AVAILABLE @keerthi16 (#175)
- fix: ELECTRON-1445: fix minimise on close behaviour on macOS @VishwasShashidhar (#750)
- fix: ELECTRON-1426 (Update custom title bar icon and fix Symphony icons) @KiranNiranjan (#749)
- fix: typo (Search API version displays as N/A) @keerthi16 (#748)
- fix: SEARCH-1621 - Index Version in the config file gets updated immediately before lz4 file gets updated @keerthi16 (#747)
- feature: ELECTRON-1426: update assets to reflect new branding @VishwasShashidhar (#746)
- fix: ELECTRON-1409 (Identify screens based on name instead of display_id for Windows) @KiranNiranjan (#745)
- fix: ELECTRON-1431: add logic to update pod version dynamically @VishwasShashidhar (#743)
- fix: ELECTRON-1396 & ELECTRON-1429 (Fix window constructor opts) @KiranNiranjan (#744)
- fix: ELECTRON-1418 (Update permissions localization strings) @KiranNiranjan (#742)
- fix: ELECTRON-1425 & ELECTRON-1405 - (Fix notification z-index & mouse hover issues) @KiranNiranjan (#741)
- fix: ELECTRON-1368 (Fix SnackBar & DownloadManager in pop-out) @KiranNiranjan (#740)
- fix: Bump index-version & Fix large index size (With libraries) @keerthi16 (#739)
- fix: ELECTRON-1401 (Fix issues with pop-out window restore) @KiranNiranjan (#738)
- fix: ELECTRON-1408: fix toggle dev tools menu item @VishwasShashidhar (#737)
- fix: ELECTRON-1346 (Fix notification fonts and safety checks for setAboutPanel) @KiranNiranjan (#734)
- fix: ELECTRON-1406: fix issue in windows menu popping up for custom title bar @VishwasShashidhar (#736)
- fix: ELECTRON-1394 (Add support for flashing notification) @KiranNiranjan (#735)
- fix: ELECTRON-1388: fix typo in notification setting radio button text @VishwasShashidhar (#729)
- revert: "fix: ELECTRON-1369 (Set custom title bar's title once)" @KiranNiranjan (#731)
- fix: ELECTRON-1400: fix dev tools disabled localisation @VishwasShashidhar (#733)
- fix: ELECTRON-1370 (Add default user profile picture) @KiranNiranjan (#728)
- fix: ELECTRON-1380 (Show pop-up menu only on main window) @KiranNiranjan (#732)
- fix: ELECTRON-1392 (Add backward support for RTC v1 api) @KiranNiranjan (#730)
SDA 3.8.0
- fix: ELECTRON-1382 (Fix notification z-index when alwaysOnTop is enabled) @KiranNiranjan (#727)
- fix: ELECTRON-1379: fix localisation for "Version" string @VishwasShashidhar (#726)
- fix: ELECTRON-1381: fix localisation for file not found cases @VishwasShashidhar (#725)
- fix: SEARCH-1582 - Fix sort order check @keerthi16 (#723)
- fix: ELECTRON-1369 (Set custom title bar's title once) @KiranNiranjan (#721)
- fix: ELECTRON-1380 (Fix pop-up menu position for native title bar) @KiranNiranjan (#724)
- fix: ELECTRON-1346 (Update notification text color to match previous version) @KiranNiranjan (#722)
- fix: ELECTRON-1339 (Update DOM when ever custom title bar updates) @KiranNiranjan (#720)
- chore: ELECTRON-1362 (Bump electron version to 3.1.12 to fix notification crash issue) @KiranNiranjan (#719)
- fix: ELECTRON-1344 (Add logic to persist notification on mouse over) @KiranNiranjan (#718)
- fix: ELECTRON-1346 & ELECTRON-1370 (Fix notification text & background color) @KiranNiranjan (#717)
- fix: ELECTRON-1373: fix spacing in download manager @VishwasShashidhar (#716)
- fix: ELECTRON-1364 (Optimize and fix window bounds update issue) @KiranNiranjan (#714)
- fix: ELECTRON-1371 (Fix Custom title bar title margin issue) @KiranNiranjan (#715)
- fix: ELECTRON-1366 (Prevent javascript error related to screen module) @KiranNiranjan (#713)
- fix: ELECTRON-1367 (Fix always on top issue when relaunched) @KiranNiranjan (#712)
- fix: ELECTRON-1365 & ELECTRON-1350 (fix issues with logo) @KiranNiranjan (#711)
- fix: ELECTRON-1364 (Fix issue with saving window state) @KiranNiranjan (#710)
- fix: ELECTRON-1363 (Fix pop up menu position) @KiranNiranjan (#709)
- fix: ELECTRON-1037 (Disable context menu for notification windows) @KiranNiranjan (#708)
- fix: ELECTRON-1338: fix download manager issues @VishwasShashidhar (#707)
- fix: Bump release version
@keerthi16 (#706) - feat: ELECTRON-1357: show version info from pod @VishwasShashidhar (#703)
- fix: ELECTRON-1358 (Fix Multiple instance issue) @KiranNiranjan (#704)
- fix: ELECTRON-1345: fix protocol handler action issues @VishwasShashidhar (#702)
- fix: ELECTRON-1331 (Update the menu element text casing) @KiranNiranjan (#701)
- fix: ELECTRON-1227 (Add translations for permissions dialog) @KiranNiranjan (#699)
- fix: Add safety check for deleting real-time index (safety check) @keerthi16 (#700)
- feat: SEARCH-1565 - Swift Search - ThreadAPI client interaction with throttling @keerthi16 (#698)
- fix: ELECTRON-1278 (Bump up screen snippet version) @KiranNiranjan (#697)
- feat: ELECTRON-1331 (Add new performance settings and add support for BI APIs) @KiranNiranjan (#695)
- fix: ELECTRON-1243: fix chrome flags tests @VishwasShashidhar (#696)
- feat: SEARCH-1562 - Check Index File Size Before Initializing Swift Search @keerthi16 (#694)
- feat: ELECTRON-1292 (Unpack node binding files) @KiranNiranjan (#693)
- feat: ELECTRON-1332 (Make Context Isolation configurable) @KiranNiranjan (#691)
- feat: SEARCH-1541 - Remove FreeDiskSpace to use node native binding @keerthi16 (#692)
- fix: ELECTRON-1238 (Handle session permissions) @KiranNiranjan (#686)
- feat: SEARCH-1527 - Display swift-search version details in the More Info @keerthi16 (#688)
- fix: ELECTRON-1310 L10N: Minimize on Close not localized in French @VishwasShashidhar (#690)
- fix: ELECTRON-1264 (Fix ATS for localhost and update TLS version to 1.2) @KiranNiranjan (#689)
- feat: Bump search API version to 1.55.3 to support from R55.3 @keerthi16 (#687)
- fix: ELECTRON-1177 (Update French translations for menu items) @KiranNiranjan (#684)
- fix: ELECTRON-1169 (Increase screen sharing indicator to support Japanese chars) @KiranNiranjan (#685)
- fix: ELECTRON-1306: update aip files to uninstall on scripts failure @VishwasShashidhar (#683)
- fix: Typescript (Fix issues with notification, menu & logger modules) @KiranNiranjan (#682)
- revert: ffi and version changes @keerthi16 (#681)
- feat: ELECTRON-1297 (Add role alert to the notification container) @KiranNiranjan (#679)
- feat: SEARCH-1313 - Bump swift-search version from 3.0.0 to 1.55.2 @keerthi16 (#674)
- feat: SEARCH-1514 - Include Index-Validator for verifying the index @keerthi16 (#669)
- fix: Typescript (Bump electron version to 3.1.11) @KiranNiranjan (#678)
- fix: ELECTRON-1022 (Fix issues with notification and origin) @KiranNiranjan (#673)
- fix: Typescript (Fix throttle issue and update stats logs) @KiranNiranjan (#671)
- chore: aligning and to FINOS project blueprint language @nikoganev (#672)
- feat: ELECTRON-1204 - add support for ttl @VishwasShashidhar (#668)
- Typescript (Change network error logic and remove loading screen) @KiranNiranjan (#666)
- Typescript (Fix issues with setting the window origin) @KiranNiranjan (#663)
- SEARCH-1502 - Swift Search create search queries in SFE-client instead of Electron @keerthi16 (#664)
- ELECTRON-1265 (Fix checks for handling links & pop-outs) @KiranNiranjan (#662)
- Typescript (Fix bound changes issue with main window) @KiranNiranjan (#660)
- Set env path on app start child_process issue @keerthi16 (#659)