title |
Ensure that the compat directories are NOT called by FieldTrip itself |
{% include /shared/development/warning.md %}
This has been resolved with http://bugzilla.fieldtriptoolbox.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1114 and test_bug1114.m
a = dir('*.m'); % a = dir('ft_*.m')
inlist = {a.name}
inlist = {a.name}'
[outlist, mat] = mydepfun(inlist)
sel2 = find(~cellfun(@isempty, strfind(outlist, 'compat')))
% these compat functions are called
find(any(mat(:,sel2), 2))
sel1 = find(any(mat(:,sel2), 2))
% these are the calling fucntions
% this shows the call details, i.e. which function calls which