- #411 Fixes issue navigating from tag -> test view
- #413 Fixes ID conversion (when ID > 999) in freemarker template
- #400 Adds Video display to tests (credits: https://github.com/grasshopper7)
- #331 Fixes issue parsing
on JDK 17
- #393 Adds circular auto-scroll to failing nodes or events
5.1.0 - JDK11
- #366 removeTest deletes the test case, but not in the statistics entry in the category tags
- #366 Resolves vulnerabilities
- com.google.code.gson » gson from 2.8.6 to 2.10.1
- io.reactivex.rxjava3 » rxjava from 3.0.4 to 3.1.6
- org.freemarker » freemarker from 2.3.30 to 2.3.32
- org.projectlombok » lombok from 1.18.12 to 1.18.26
- org.testng » testng from 7.3.0 to 7.7.1
- #386 Setting to prevent report from repeat displaying a retried test
- #379 New ExtentTest method: log(Status status, Markup markup, Media media)
- #364 Adds the test description to the card body
- #305 Fix HttpClient version-4.5.2 vulnerability
- #310 Remove RawGit hosted templates
- 377354 Update test status using generatedLog
- #292 SparkReporter - Exceptions - Overall count of failed tests is not correct
- #293 SparkReporter - Timestamps - Datetime formats are not unified
- #297 Nodes: improve node meta-info
- #295 KlovReporter: Expose MongoClient
- #250 ConcurrentModificationException in ReportStats
- #261 Fix issue with table creation from POJOs
- #275 setEncoding not working on ExtentSparkReporter on 5.0.6
- #282 Category tags are being duplicated if multiple tests have same tag
- #265 Alignment issue in authors table in the dashboard view
- #273 ExtentKlovReporter: incorrect order for default @AllArgsConstructor of KlovMedia
- #274 ExtentTest does not propagate generated-log to listener
- #271 Update gherkin-languages.json
- #247 Spark Report - Wrong test durations displayed in tests tab
- #259 ExtentSparkReporter constructor throws NullPointerException if path argument don`t contains parrent fodler
- #267 Spark-css.css uses a googleapis.com import causing offline reports to attempt external connection
- #269 KlovReporter: provide ability to specify a database name
- #240 Change static URI anchor behavior
- #246 Collapse all nodes other than failure
- #252 Nodes were using status color from the parent node
- #235 #236 Style updates
- #233 ExtentSparkReporter does not show timeline in dashboard view
- #232 Display duration for child tests
- #235 Critical: KlovReporter fails to upload ScreenCapture for events
- #103 Add missing lightbox for base64 screenshots
- #220 Add missing tags for child tests
- #222 Removed TestNG from main scope and added under
- #226 Perform null check for SystemEnvInfo elements
- #227 Change SKIP priority to be higher than WARN
- #223 Added attribute (tag) details for Klov
- #224 All tags will be propagated down the test tree. An attribute assigned to a parent test would automatically be assigned to a child test also.
- #225 All attribute views (Author, Device, Tag) now use the same template
- #231 Exceptions from log will be assigned to its owning test
- #103 Clicking base64 images does not fire lightbox
- KlovReporter uses the ExtentReports 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT dependency, revert to RELEASE
- #191 Navigation from Attributes/Exceptions views to test for BDD
- #47 Anchors for each test
- #150 Unused status from charts will not be displayed
- #152 Spark: Author view
- #153 Spark: Device view
- #157 Spark: Add TestRunnerLogs view
- #168 Spark: Navigation from attributes pages (tags, exception) to Tests View
- #173 Spark: Allow configuration to select view order, Dashboard view as primary
- #176 Apply Status filters to report
- #177 Minified templates (> 10% reduction in file size)
- #184 Reporter::loadExternalConfiguration with json file
- #188 Display upto 4
blocks on a single row - #191 Navigation from Tags/Exception pages to nested steps
- #213 Toggle theme from URI component using '#theme='
- #215 A test removed from the report will also be removed from MongoDB (Klov)
- #131 Merging two html extent Reports works but Category view gets overwritten
- #161 Merging ExtentSpark 4.1.5 Reports causing the existing base64 image removed
- #169 Fix SparkReporter shortcuts
- #197 MarkupHelper::codeBlock has extra indentation on the first line
- #208 Show title text for screencaptures
- [#193] Unable to format the JSON code String in report
- [#149] Skipped count is not displaying in authors tag and category tag
- [#155] Fixes Cmd+C key listener
- [#159] Fixes ConcurrentModificationException
- [#167] Clicking Extent Logo on top-left navigating to 404
- [#139] BDD: Feature must not be eligible to increment counts for TestAttributeContext, part of fix of cucumber4-adapter#50
- [#143] Fix issue with a long node name breaking view (Spark)
- [#144] Fix Skipped status colors in charts
- [#145] ExtentKlovReporter adds BasicConfiguration
- [#114] ExtentSparkReporter to display hierarchical name in tags view
- [#119] ExtentSparkReporter to display thumbnail screenshots
- [#125] ExtentSparkReporter displays clip icon for tests with leaf containing screenshots
- [#132] ExtentSparkReporter to accept file-name instead of Index.html default
- [#135] ExtentSparkReporter issue with not parsing the
tag in config.xml
- [#119]
now displays thumbnails as default
- [#123] Prevent class cast exception in
- [#124] Fixes issue with
throwing freemarker errors due to image path being empty
- ExtentHtmlReporter has been deprecated. ExtentSparkReporter is the default reporter starting version 4 and it now supports SPA-style view by default.
- [#114] Tags tab lost a display of a full name of test
- ExtentKlovReporter can not be initialized with the
- [#115] Fixes issue with Base64 strings not displaying
- [#121] Fixes BDD SessionStats bug causing feature aggregates to be miscalculated
- [#18] Steps count in dashboard displays 0 even though there are logged steps
- [#94] Cleanup tag view naming
- [#103] AppendExisting functionality similar to version 3 API, via
JsonFormatter json = new JsonFormatter("target/test.json");
- [#107] ExtentSparkReporter's default view is SPA, similar to V3HtmlReporter. This can be changed by instantiating as
new ExtentSparkReporter("dir", ViewStyle.DEFAULT);
- [#108] All resources migrated to jsDelivr
- [#57] ExtentKlovReporter: Screenshot cannot be saved in base64 format
- [#101] Fixes Freemarker templating error
- [#35] HtmlReporter, BDD: description to appear as tooltip instead of newline
- {#36] SparkReporter: display ScenarioOutline children as toggles
- [#37] SparkReporter: auto-size textarea on click
- [#42] CategoryView status toggles
- [#39] Test case name overlap test case timestamp Spark Reporter
- [#40] Author & device name don't have a background label
- [#43] SparkReporter: issue with
not working
- [#31] ExtentHtmlReporter does not display devices
- [#32] ExtentSparkReporter freemarker issue when injecting custom js
- [#33] ExtentSparkReporter dark theme fix
- ExtentSparkReporter
- {#6] Invalid testEndTime and timeTaken
- [#21] Adds ResourceCDN to use ExtentReports instead of cdn.rawgit
- [#24] Timeline is broken because commas appear in duration
- [#29] Embedded screenshot is missing in html report
- [#30] Skipped tests not being displayed in HtmlReporter's tags view
- Issue with KlovReporter not uploaded base64 strings to the server
- [#testng-adapter-1] Fixes issue where test start and end times were created as per the IReporter time of execution
- [#12] Chart increasing in size when resizing browser window
- Several layout improvements for BDD view
- Adds missing ScreenCapture for steps
- Issue with BDD view showing charts in 2 rows
- Fixes build configuration
- Add support for LoggerReporter to navigate from Category/Bug view to Test view
- [#6] Fix issue where total time taken was 0
- [#7] Fix issue where markup was not parsed correctly in code blocks
- [#4] Add support for Asterisk (*), BDD/Gherkin
- [#5] Auto-size pre/textarea/code size upon click
- Disable checking for media existence as its causing issue with several Cucumber1 users