issues Search Results · repo:explosion/wasabi language:Python
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inexplosion/wasabi (press backspace or delete to remove)As of now, wasabi just calls print(), which by default prints to the stdout. In my opinion, this is wrong, as stdout (in
the Unix ideology) should be used to output the result of the program (for eventual ...
- 3
- Opened on Jan 17, 2023
- #34
The wrap function takes a wrap_max argument that controls the maximum line width. When I m using the typical functions
for printing formatted messages like good, fail, warn, and info, they are calling ...
- Opened on Jul 4, 2022
- #23
Hello, When I use wasabi and process bar package tqdm together, wasabi Printer s color will be invalid. Just like this:
image code result: image
How could it be like this?
- 1
- Opened on Feb 17, 2022
- #19
Currently if I wish to print debug messages, the usage is something like this:
from wasabi import msg Hello , show=is_verbose)
But now is_verbose is scattered everywhere in code. I d like to ...
- Opened on May 23, 2021
- #15
I run into the following error when trying to run a simple sample snippet using msg.loading with wasabi
An attempt has been made to start a new process before the
current ...
- 3
- Opened on May 14, 2021
- #14
It seems that colors do not work in Windows. In an ipython session: image In a python script: image
Also, the following example, that is stated in the readme, does not work, at least in my Windows box. ...
- 2
- Opened on Jul 9, 2019
- #5
Hi @ines
Lovely tool!
In Printer I can provide my own colors dictionary but that is not an option in TracebackPrinter. The colors being used
there are defined by wasabi.COLORS. I need to change it since ...
- 1
- Opened on Jun 20, 2019
- #4
I couldn t find anything in the docs about how to get rid of the Loading... text fully after the loading is finished ? I
tried it in a Jupyter Notebook and this is the result:
Any suggestions? ...
- 7
- Opened on May 16, 2019
- #3
First of all, thanks for wasabi! It s really easy to use and most importantly, looks cool.
I just ran into an error using the context manager and no_print=True. I have a verbose option in my code that ...
- 2
- Opened on May 4, 2019
- #2

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