A collection of awesome resources for building with Evidence
- NBA Monte Carlo (Source) by Jacob Matson: Monte Carlo simulation of the NBA / NFL games with Meltano, dbt, DuckDB, Evidence
- BuzzFeed Trending (Source) by Vikram Oberoi: Analysis of the top articles and reporters featured on Buzzfeed News until it closed in 2023.
- Hacker News Insight (Source) by Hooopo: Analysis of trends on Hacker News, powered by TiDB, and Evidence.
- evidencedev-py by Frank Boerman: A small python package to directly download datasets from evidence created reports into Pandas. Supports header based authentication.
- Google Sheets - Load a private or public google sheet into Evidence
- Microsoft SQL Server - Azure AD Auth - Azure AD Authentication for MS SQL Server source
- OracleDB - First shot at OracleDB Datasource or NPM evidence-connector-oracledb
- Parquet - Apache Parquet Evidence connector
- AWS Athena - AWS Athena Evidence connector
- S3 - S3 Evidence connector
- ClickHouse - ClickHouse Evidence connector
- Any API - An Evidence connector thatsruna arbitrary JavaScript instead of SQL
- NPM Stats - Load the download stats for any public npm package into Evidence from an API
- PostHog - PostHog Evidence connector
- Evidence Labs: A collection of experimental components incuding maps and advanced analysis components
- Sample Themes: A set of theme configurations that can be used with Evidence in light and dark mode
- The "Pip Install Data Stack" by Julien Hurault
- Own your Business Intelligence Reports by Siegfried, deploy!
- Hands on Keyboard with Evidence and dbt [FR] with Kevin Rosamont Prombo