v3.2 (2018-01-16)
Closed issues:
- Communication exceptions are not catched in C API #89
- Devices are not detected under Windows #88
- Python bindings example is not working #82
- Missing NK_C_API.h in install includes #77
- Handle time-taking commands #67
v3.1 (2017-10-11)
v3.0 (2017-10-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- Support for NK Pro 0.8 #51
Closed issues:
- tests are failing #71
- cmake doesn't install any headers #70
- SONAME versioning #69
- Read slot returns invalid counter value for Storage #59
- Return OTP codes as strings #57
- Fix compilation warnings #56
- Add Travis support #48
- Correct get_time #27
- Move from Makefile to CMake #18
v2.0 (2016-12-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- Support for Nitrokey Storage - Nitrokey Storage commands #14
- Support for Nitrokey Storage - Nitrokey Pro commands #13
Fixed bugs:
- Fails to compile on ubuntu 16.04 #46
- C++ tests do not compile #45
- HOTP counter values limited to 8bit #44
- Device is not released after library function disconnect call #43
Closed issues:
- Compilation error on G++6 (flexible array member) #49
- No library function for getting device's serial number #33
- Pass binary data (OTP secrets) coded as hex values #31
- set_time not always work #29
Merged pull requests:
- Support for Nitrokey Pro 0.8 #53 (szszszsz)
- Support Nitrokey Storage #52 (szszszsz)
- Fix compilation G++6 error #50 (szszszsz)
- Fix compilation warning and error under G++ #47 (szszszsz)
- Support Pro stick commands on Storage device #42 (szszszsz)
- Readme update - dependencies, compilers, format #40 (szszszsz)
- Issue 31 secret as hex #36 (szszszsz)
- Function for getting device's serial number in hex. Fixes #33 #34 (szszszsz)
v1.0 (2016-08-09)
Closed issues:
- Automatically detect any connected stick #22
- Security check #20
- Show friendly message when no device is connected and do not abort #17
- Fix PIN protected OTP for Pro #15
v0.9 (2016-08-05)
Closed issues:
- Add README #6
- Support configs for OTP slots #19
- Cover remaining Nitrokey Pro commands in lib and tests #16
Merged pull requests:
- waffle.io Badge #21 (waffle-iron)
v0.8 (2016-08-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- Change license to LGPLv3 #1
Closed issues:
- Python wrapper for OTP and PINs #12
- Fails to built with default setting on ubuntu 14.04 #11
- Check why packet buffers are not zeroed #8
Merged pull requests:
- Reset the HOTP counter #9 (cornelinux)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator