All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Super tic tac toe: Highlight the last move
- Super tic tac toe: fix timer tick overriding state
- Super tic tac toe: better grid lines and clarity
- Handle out of order broadcast messages in the room liveview page
- Add footer and how to play
- Set endpoint config URL to
- Handle error when player concurrently start/end games
- Fix super tic tac toe: timer round off is incorrect
- Improvement in super hangman: reset guess letter form after submit
- Support quit room and remove the user from its room
- Support host removing player from its room
- Images are in webp format by default, with png as fallback
- Fix sentry config and update deployment documentation accordingly
- Super tic tac toe: timer of current move + cumulative of each player
- Add sentry for error capturing
- Super tic tac toe: fix is draw logic
- Make the restart/new game buttons smaller
- Create room and join room forms don't automatically convert name uppercase
- Better icons and borders for super tic-tac-toe
- List games page
- Add how to play instructions for each game
- Replace all
in code
- Add super tic-tac-toe game
- Name the Multi Hangman game as Super Hangman
- Set up GitHub actions for checks
- Wrong
in deployment script and updated the deployment doc
Playground engine
- Create the playground engine for creating and joining room
- The room process support starting and ending a game
- The room process forward moves to game module
- The room process persist the game state initialized or updated by the game modules
- The room process broadcast the room state and the room liveview subscribe it
Home page
- Create room with host name
- Join room with code or with URL
Room liveview
- Select game page when there is no active game
- Render the component of the active game with the game state passed in
- Subscribe and display notifications from games
- Restart, quit game or quit room with the info box from the top right
- Added as a demo for game turns, notifications and display game statesmulti-hangman
- Added game with select secret word, render guess screen for each player, take turns guess letter, guess words at any time