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Project: riak_core_lite

Pablo Costas Sánchez edited this page Mar 2, 2022 · 7 revisions

Erlang and Elixir are known as powerful languages for building large-scale distributed applications. riak_core_lite a framework that simplifies the development of dynamo-style architectures, such as highly-available key-value stores or messaging systems. It is an extraction of the essence of the RiakKV's core and provides an up-to-date, modular and extensible foundation for elastic distributed services.

# Idea 1: Implementing and evaluating an anti-entropy protocol for riak_core_lite


Active anti-entropy (AAE) identifies and repairs data inconsistencies between a system's replicas. It is typically implemented as a set of background processes that iterate over the data items, compare their state and trigger synchronisation actions. Riak_core_lite currently does not offer an active anti-entropy module.


Mariano Guerra, Annette Bieniusa, Albert Schimpf

Expected outcome

  • A extended/modified vnode behavior that implements anti-entropy
  • User documentation on anti-entropy
  • Test cases cases that fail with the current riak_core implementation but succeed with the anti-entropy implementation

Recommended Skills

  • Good programming skills in Erlang
  • Basic knowledge about distributed systems

Expected size

175 hours

Difficulty rating

Medium / hard

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