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Practical 02 - Functions, Git Version Control

This week (and from now on), we'll be using Git and GitHub for our work.

If you haven't set up your own GitHub account, please do so now.
See our instructions at:

Use a meaningful username that identifies you.
JCU staff should be able to determine who you are from your username.
Your GitHub account is an important and professional record of your work. You will likely use it as an online portfolio in the future.


Pencil Icon

In one of our end-of-subject YourJCU student feedback surveys, a student suggested that we do more hand-writing code to help prepare for the final examination. Great idea!
And it shows it's a great idea for you to provide us with your feedback -- during the semester anytime, and especially in our main surveys.

On paper, write a program that asks the user for a password, with error-checking to repeat if the password doesn't meet a minimum length set by a variable.
The program should then print asterisks as long as the word.
Example: if the user enters Pythonista (10 characters), the program should print **********.

It's a valuable skill to be able to write code with pen and paper -- without the support of an IDE. Watch out for things like consistent variable names and clear indenting as well as basic syntax like colons and brackets.

Walkthrough Example

GitHub logo

Let's start with the basics of Git version control.

Git and GitHub are different things!

These instructions are from the point of view of someone working on a JCU lab computer.
Please keep learning and practising with Git and GitHub.


It's not easy to provide exact instructions that cover multiple versions of PyCharm.
Your experience may be a bit different depending on your OS, version of PyCharm and settings.

First, we are going to create a new project just to test using Git and GitHub.
This will not be inside your existing practicals or other projects.
Keep it separate.

  1. Create a new PyCharm project (not just a new folder) called Sandbox, which you can use for doing small tests and demos. DO NOT put it inside your practicals project or any other project.

  2. Add a Python file called and enter just a single docstring (triple-quoted comment) with your own name in it.

  3. Now we'll put this project into Git version control (without using GitHub).
    From the PyCharm menu choose VCS > Create Git Repository...
    Accept the default (current) directory it offers.
    What happened? Not much it seems, but we're ready to commit our files to Git version control. (You may have noticed some colours change.)

  4. Click on the Git tool window in the footer and click the Log tab.
    It's empty because our project has no commits.

  5. Choose Git > Commit... You should see a window with a list of changed files with empty tick boxes beside them.
    We do not want to version control anything in the .idea folder, like misc.xml or vcs.xml... but we will add our own code files. Tick the box next to
    Now we need to enter a meaningful commit message that briefly describes what your change will be using the imperative mood for your messages. One way to think about this is that your message goes after "If applied, this commit will...".
    Let's use "Add starter file".
    Git Commit window
    Then click Commit.
    You should now see your first commit appear in the Log tab of the Git tool window. Yay!

  6. Create a new file called PyCharm will prompt you to "Add File to Git". Add it. Type the code you wrote on paper earlier. Test it.

  7. Commit again. PyCharm will show you only the files that have changed since the last commit.
    Use a different commit message, perhaps something like "Add password check program").
    Get used to using different, always appropriate, commit messages. Imperative mood. Start with a Capital. No full-stop
    Have a look and see that it also appears in your log.
    We have now saved the state of our project at multiple stages by committing to a local Git repository.
    We have not used GitHub at all.

  8. Now time for GitHub!
    Choose Git > GitHub > Share Project on GitHub
    Enter your GitHub username and password and press Enter.
    If PyCharm asks for a master password, just Cancel this. You never need to use this master password facility in PyCharm.
    Enter a brief description of the repo, leave it public (don't tick Private) and Share it.
    Share Project on GitHub window

  9. If that worked, PyCharm will show a message in the status bar at the bottom of the window. You can click on this to view your new repository (repo) in your browser on GitHub. Or go to it manually at a URL like (change to your own username):
    Explore your repo, clicking to see the 2 commits and any other details.
    So now GitHub stores our same Git project from our local computer, including its commit history.

  10. OK, now let's go crazy!
    Close the project in PyCharm, then delete the project from your computer. That's right, delete it all! This is what you could do if you had finished working on a lab computer, and you had committed and pushed all of your changes to GitHub.

  11. Now, imagine we've moved to another computer on a different day... How do we keep working on our project? We clone it. Choose Git > Clone... from the menu.
    Please do not use the GitHub website to clone or upload. Always use PyCharm or git command line.
    Copy and paste the GitHub URL of your Sandbox project, and choose the location on your local computer where your projects are stored, then click Clone. You now have the whole project, including any previous version history, locally.

  12. Now add another file,, Add, then enter this code:

    import os
    print(f"The files and folders in {os.getcwd()} are:")
    items = os.listdir('.')
    for item in items:
        prefix = "(d) " if os.path.isdir(item) else "(f) "
  13. Run the code. It should show you a list of all the files and folders/directories in the current project folder, and you should see a directory called .git. This is where Git stores all the history and state information.
    If you ever want to move a project that's using git, you can either use GitHub to store it and then clone it to the new place, or you can just copy the project, making sure you include this .git folder.

  14. Now Commit using the PyCharm shortcut... enter a meaningful message...
    Use the button option to Commit and Push, then check that the new file is up on GitHub.

We covered a fair bit in that walkthrough. Hopefully you can see the process for working on your projects:

  • Initialise a new project (Create Git Repository) at the beginning
  • Add new files when you create them
  • Commit every time you make significant changes (small milestone), using good messages in the imperative mood
  • Push to GitHub so that you have an up-to-date online copy

Then when you want to keep working on the project again on a different computer:

  • Clone the repository from GitHub to your local computer, then add, commit, push, etc.

If you're working on your own computer you won't need to clone -- just keep using the same local repo.

Even though it is possible to edit and upload files directly via the GitHub website, do not do this!

We only made the Sandbox repo so that we could practise Git and GitHub.
You don't need to use it again, but you're welcome to put whatever you want there... but do not put your practical work in Sandbox or vice versa.

Now let's get your practicals on GitHub

You will create a new repository from a "template" on GitHub so that you have a complete and correct folder structure.
Then, you will clone this as a new PyCharm project and move your existing work into it.

Use this template > Create a new repository

  • Name your repo "cp1404practicals"
  • Your repo must be public!

New repo from template

This next step is a bit advanced, but we need to do it first when our repo is "fresh".
We're going to create a new branch and then a pull request for staff to provide feedback on prac work.

  • On GitHub, click on "1 branch" then "New branch", type "review" as the name, then click "Create branch"

GitHub create new branch

Now let's use this repo for your practicals:

  • In PyCharm, select Git > Clone and enter the URL of your new repository.
  • This will open your new repository as a PyCharm project complete with folders.
  • Copy all of your prac 1 work into the prac_01 folder in your new project.
  • Commit (all your prac 1 files) with a message like "Add prac 1 files".
  • Push (if you didn't push in the previous step) this commit to GitHub.

(Again, the following is a bit advanced, but we'll do it now.)

  • In GitHub, click on "Pull requests" then "New pull request".
  • Change the "base" drop-down to select "review", then click "Create pull request".

GitHub new pull request

  • In the next screen, change the text in the text box (which is whatever your last commit message was) to "Review" and click the "Create pull request" button.
  • We'll learn more about Pull Requests (PRs) later, but for now just click on the name of your repo to return to the main page in GitHub.

For every prac for the rest of the subject, when you finish a task, do a commit with a meaningful message.
Push your prac work to GitHub at least at the end of each prac.

You do not need to commit or push for every little change, just for decent-sized changes, small milestones, or before you start making major changes.

Do you understand that if you always keep your work up-to-date on GitHub, you will never have the problem of not having access to your work?
You will always have your work available on GitHub. Nice!

Intermediate Exercises - Functions:

Before we start writing code with functions, let's remind ourselves of some principles.

Function names should say what they do.
Use verb phrases, and complete the sentence, "This function will..."
E.g., this function will calculate_area.

Follow the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP, functions should do one thing).

E.g., a function that calculates the area of a rectangle should have the height and width values passed in as parameters, rather than asking the user for them in the function. That way it can be used no matter where these values come from.
It should also return the result rather than printing it. That way the result can be used in any way.

DO NOT use any global variables.
You should never use a global variable in this subject.
(CONSTANTS can and should be global, but never any variables.)

All functions should have docstring comments that say what the function will do.
Here's the third place we use the imperative mood (what a thing will do):

  • Commit messages
  • Function names
  • Comments

From now on, when writing programs with functions, create a main() function for the main part of the program. Put the main function at the top and call it at the bottom. If you are changing an existing program that does not already use functions, first put it all in a main function; then add the other functions.

The structure for all programs is:

"""Module docstring"""

# imports

def main():
    """Function docstring"""
    # statements...

def do_stuff():
    """Function docstring"""
    # statements...  



We are going to change some of our earlier programs using refactoring.

If you need help with any of these, first ask a classmate - to get used to helping each other - then talk to your tutor.

Password Check with Functions


Copy that you wrote earlier from Sandbox into your prac_02 folder and commit (with a message like "Add password check program").
Now let's modify this program.


If you don't have a main function, the refactoring below will use global variables.
So, it's an important first step to use main before adding other functions.

  1. Move all the code inside a main() function and call main() at the bottom. Run it to make sure it works.

  2. Refactor the part that gets the password into a separate function...
    You could do this manually, but let's use PyCharm's refactoring tool:
    Select the lines that get and check the name (it should be 3-4 lines) then right-click and choose Refactor > Extract Method...
    Set the name to get_password and press OK.
    PyCharm should create the function and replace the old code with a call like password = get_password()
    If it didn't work properly, your starting code may not have been correct.

  3. Now refactor the part that prints the asterisks into a function that takes 1 parameter: the password. PyCharm will see that password needs to be an input parameter and create the function accordingly.
    This will be a very simple function, but that's fine.

  4. Commit with a meaningful message in the imperative voice.
    This could be something like "Refactor password check program to use functions"

If you have not done so already, please upgrade your GitHub account to a free student account at:
(You may need to upload a photo of your JCU student ID.)
This allows you to have private repositories for free, and you can get the GitHub Education Pack!

Now we'll refactor two programs from prac 1 to use functions (with suitable verb-phrase function names)...
Copy both of these from prac_01 into prac_02, commit, then update them. We do the commit first before updating so that we can see clearly what we have changed in the "diff".
We copy (instead of move) them because we want each week's prac folder to contain that week's prac work (don't change prac 1).



Use 2 functions (NOT one!) for converting Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa.
Important: Remember SRP - functions should do one thing, so these should be simple calculation functions.
Do not get user input or print output in the functions - do those things outside.



Copy from prac 1 and rename it to, then commit.

Your main function should ask the user for their score and print the result.
Write a new function that takes in the user's score as a parameter and returns the result to be printed.
Follow SRP: The function should not print it.

Now add a new part to the bottom of your main function that generates a random score and prints the result.
You do NOT need to write a different function to determine the result for the random score.
If you've written your new function properly, you can use it.
If you've breached SRP, then you'll see that you can't.

Do-from-scratch Exercises



In the lecture there was a "do this now" activity similar to this, so you can use what we did there to help with this program.

Write a complete Python program following the standard structure that uses a main and other functions.
Use a main menu following the standard menu pattern.

The menu should have four separate options:

  • (G)et a valid score (must be 0-100 inclusive)
  • (P)rint result (copy or import your function to determine the result from
  • (S)how stars (this should print as many stars as the score)
  • (Q)uit

Handle each of these (except quit) separately, and consider how you can reuse your functions.

In main(), before the menu loop, get a valid score using your function.
When the user quits, say some kind of "farewell".


Even though we've only done two practicals so far, it's helpful to stop and reflect, and adjust as needed.

Download and save the template markdown file to your prac_02 folder.
Write short but meaningful answers to the questions in that file.

Practice & Extension Work


More scores

Create and copy in only your function from above. Now write a main program that uses this function:

  • Ask the user for a number of scores
  • Generate that many random numbers (scores) between 0 and 100 inclusive
  • For each of those scores, write the "result" to a file called results.txt as below:

Example file output for 4 random scores:

66 is Passable
4 is Bad
92 is Excellent
51 is Passable


More temperatures

Create a text file called temps_input.txt and fill it with at least 15 floats of any values between -200 and +200. Where will you get these numbers from?
Write a Python script to create the text file, of course!

Now write a program, , that uses the functions you made to convert temperatures.
Read the values in temps_input.txt as Fahrenheit values and write the converted Celsius values to temps_output.txt.

Example, if your file temps_input.txt contained:


You should write temps_output.txt as:


GPS (Gopher Population Simulator)

A secret population of 1000 gophers lives near the library. Every year, a random number of gophers is born, between 10% of the current population, and 20%. (e.g. 15% of the gophers might give birth, increasing the population by 150). Also, each year a random number of gophers die, between 5% and 25% (e.g. 8% of the gophers might die, reducing the population by 80).

Write a program that simulates a population of gophers over a ten-year period and displays each year's population size. The output should look something like this (it's random, so yours won't be the same):

   Welcome to the Gopher Population Simulator!
   Starting population: 1000
   Year 1
   145 gophers were born. 228 died.
   Population: 917
   Year 2
   124 gophers were born. 152 died.
   Population: 889
   Year 3
   138 gophers were born. 180 died.
   Population: 847

Learn Git and GitHub

The following guide shows you lots of useful things just using GitHub online:

Even if you just use the built-in tools in your IDE, you will be able to understand more of what's happening in Git Version Control if you know the command line tools. Over time, you should get experience using both.

Try some of the websites and resources provided in the lecture materials.

You may also like to do one or more of the GitHub courses on LinkedIn Learning


This section summarises the expectations for marking in this practical.
Please follow the submission guidelines to ensure you receive marks for your work.

  • Type the URL of your GitHub practicals repository in the text box when you submit your practical.