This page provides some useful tips for using the EndeavourOS apps.
This app ranks the EndeavourOS mirrors into file /etc/pacman.d/endeavouros-mirrorlist
In file /etc/rankmirrors.conf
you can prefer mirrors you know are the best for your location. To do that, add value(s) to this variable, for example:
ALWAYS_FIRST_EOS_MIRRORS='moson|de.freedif|funami' # use single quotes!
As you can see, the values are (partial but unique) mirror URLs. With this value, eos-rankmirrors
will add these mirrors as first in the ranked endeavouros-mirrorlist
Another useful variable may be EOS_AUTORANK_TIMEOUT which you can use to reduce the time to rank EndeavourOS mirrors. The default is 30 seconds (for ranking each mirror), but making this value smaller can reduce the total ranking time.
For example:
EOS_AUTORANK_TIMEOUT=5 # allows max 5 seconds for each mirror
To disable the initial warning window when starting eos-pacdiff
, modify the value of variable EOS_PACDIFF_WARNING
to "no"
in file /etc/eos-script-lib-yad.conf