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Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL

This chart deploys Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL on Kubernetes controlled by Percona Operator.

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This chart will deploy a PostgreSQL cluster in Kubernetes. It will create a Custom Resource, and the Operator will trigger the creation of corresponding Kubernetes primitives: Deployments, Pods, Secrets, etc. NOTE:

The PG Operator v2 is not directly compatible with old v1 so it is advised to always specify `--version`
when installing pg-operator or pg-db charts to not accidentally cause upgrade to v2 if you were using v1

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the pg release name using a dedicated namespace (recommended):

helm repo add percona
helm install my-db percona/pg-db --version 2.4.0 --namespace my-namespace

The chart can be customized using the following configurable parameters:

Parameter Description Default
finalizers Finalizers list {}
crVersion CR Cluster Manifest version 2.4.0
repository PostgreSQL container image repository percona/percona-postgresql-operator
image Postgres image percona/percona-postgresql-operator:2.4.0-ppg16.3-postgres
imagePullPolicy image Pull Policy Always
port PostgreSQL port 5432
postgresVersion PostgreSQL container version tag 16
pause Stop PostgreSQL Database safely false
unmanaged Start cluster and don't manage it (cross cluster replication) false
standby.enabled Switch/start PostgreSQL Database in standby mode false Host address of the primary cluster this standby cluster connects to ``
standby.port Port number used by a standby copy to connect to the primary cluster ``
standby.repoName Name of the pgBackRest repository in the primary cluster this standby cluster connects to `` A secret with TLS certificate generated for external communications "" A secret with TLS certificate generated for internal communications ""
openshift Set to true if the cluster is being deployed on OpenShift, set to false otherwise, or unset it for autodetection false The name of the PostgreSQL user ""
users.databases Databases accessible by a specific PostgreSQL user with rights to create objects in them (the option is ignored for postgres user; also, modifying it can’t be used to revoke the already given access) {}
users.options The ALTER ROLE options other than password (the option is ignored for postgres user) ""
users.password.type The set of characters used for password generation: can be either ASCII (default) or AlphaNumeric ASCII
users.secretName User secret name "rhino-credentials"
databaseInitSQL.key Data key for the Custom configuration options ConfigMap with the init SQL file, which will be executed at cluster creation time init.sql Name of the ConfigMap with the init SQL file, which will be executed at cluster creation time cluster1-init-sql
dataSource.postgresCluster.clusterName Name of an existing cluster to use as the data source when restoring backup to a new cluster ""
dataSource.postgresCluster.repoName Name of the pgBackRest repository in the source cluster that contains the backup to be restored to a new cluster ""
dataSource.postgresCluster.options The pgBackRest command-line options for the pgBackRest restore command []
dataSource.postgresCluster.tolerations.effect The Kubernetes Pod tolerations effect for data migration jobs NoSchedule
dataSource.postgresCluster.tolerations.key The Kubernetes Pod tolerations key for data migration jobs role
dataSource.postgresCluster.tolerations.operator The Kubernetes Pod tolerations operator for data migration jobs Equal
dataSource.postgresCluster.tolerations.value The Kubernetes Pod tolerations value for data migration jobs connection-poolers
dataSource.pgbackrest.stanza Name of the pgBackRest stanza to use as the data source when restoring backup to a new cluster ""
dataSource.pgbackrest.configuration[] Name of the Kubernetes Secret object with custom pgBackRest configuration, which will be added to the pgBackRest configuration generated by the Operator "" Repo path are to be included in the global section of the pgBackRest configuration generated by the Operator ""
dataSource.pgbackrest.tolerations.effect The Kubernetes Pod tolerations effect for pgBackRest NoSchedule
dataSource.pgbackrest.tolerations.key The Kubernetes Pod tolerations key for pgBackRest role
dataSource.pgbackrest.tolerations.operator The Kubernetes Pod tolerations operator for pgBackRest Equal
dataSource.pgbackrest.tolerations.value The Kubernetes Pod tolerations value for pgBackRest connection-poolers Name of the pgBackRest repository ""
dataSource.pgbackrest.repo.s3.bucket The Amazon S3 bucket name used for backups ""
dataSource.pgbackrest.repo.s3.endpoint The endpoint URL of the S3-compatible storage to be used for backups (not needed for the original Amazon S3 cloud) ""
dataSource.pgbackrest.repo.s3.region The AWS region to use for Amazon and all S3-compatible storages ""
dataSource.volumes.pgDataVolume Defines the existing pgData volume and directory to use in the current PostgresCluster {}
dataSource.volumes.pgWALVolume Defines the existing pg_wal volume and directory to use in the current PostgresCluster {}
dataSource.volumes.pgBackRestVolume Defines the existing pgBackRest repo volume and directory to use in the current PostgresCluster {}
expose.annotations The Kubernetes annotations metadata for PostgreSQL {}
expose.labels Set labels for the PostgreSQL Service {}
expose.type Specifies the type of Kubernetes Service for PostgreSQL LoadBalancer
expose.loadBalancerSourceRanges The range of client IP addresses from which the load balancer should be reachable (if not set, there is no limitations) []
exposeReplicas.annotations The Kubernetes annotations metadata for PostgreSQL replicas {}
exposeReplicas.labels Set labels for the PostgreSQL Service replicas {}
exposeReplicas.type Specifies the type of Kubernetes Service for PostgreSQL replicas LoadBalancer
exposeReplicas.loadBalancerSourceRanges The range of client IP addresses from which the load balancer should be reachable (if not set, there is no limitations) for PostgreSQL replicas [] The name of the PostgreSQL instance instance1
instances.replicas The number of Replicas to create for the PostgreSQL instance 3
instances.affinity.podAntiAffinity Pod anti-affinity, allows setting the standard Kubernetes affinity constraints of any complexity {}
instances.resources.requests.memory Kubernetes memory requests for a PostgreSQL instance ""
instances.resources.requests.cpu Kubernetes CPU requests for a PostgreSQL instance ""
instances.resources.limits.memory Kubernetes memory limits for a PostgreSQL instance ""
instances.resources.limits.cpu Kubernetes CPU limits for a PostgreSQL instance ""
instances.containers.replicaCertCopy.resources.limits.cpu Kubernetes CPU limits for replicaCertCopy instance 200m
instances.containers.replicaCertCopy.resources.limits.memory Kubernetes memory limits for replicaCertCopy instance 128Mi Name of the custom sidecar container for PostgreSQL Pods testcontainer
instances.sidecars.image Image for the custom sidecar container for PostgreSQL Pods mycontainer1:latest
instances.topologySpreadConstraints.maxSkew The degree to which Pods may be unevenly distributed under the Kubernetes Pod Topology Spread Constraints 1
instances.topologySpreadConstraints.topologyKey The key of node labels for the Kubernetes Pod Topology Spread Constraints my-node-label
instances.topologySpreadConstraints.whenUnsatisfiable What to do with a Pod if it doesn’t satisfy the Kubernetes Pod Topology Spread Constraints DoNotSchedule
instances.topologySpreadConstraints.labelSelector.matchLabels The Label selector for the Kubernetes Pod Topology Spread Constraints instance1
instances.tolerations.effect The Kubernetes Pod tolerations effect for the PostgreSQL instance NoSchedule
instances.tolerations.key The Kubernetes Pod tolerations key for the PostgreSQL instance role
instances.tolerations.operator The Kubernetes Pod tolerations operator for the PostgreSQL instance Equal
instances.tolerations.value The Kubernetes Pod tolerations value for the PostgreSQL instance connection-poolers
instances.priorityClassName The Kuberentes Pod priority class for PostgreSQL instance Pods high-priority
instances.securityContext The Kubernetes Pod security context for the PostgreSQL instance {}
instances.walVolumeClaimSpec.accessModes The Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim access modes for the PostgreSQL Write-ahead Log storage ReadWriteOnce
instances.walVolumeClaimSpec.storageClassName The Kubernetes storageClassName for the Write-ahead Log storage "" The Kubernetes storage requests for the PostgreSQL Write-ahead Log use 1Gi
instances.dataVolumeClaimSpec.accessModes The Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim access modes for the PostgreSQL data storage ReadWriteOnce
instances.dataVolumeClaimSpec.storageClassName The Kubernetes storageClassName for the PostgreSQL data storage "" The Kubernetes storage requests for the storage the PostgreSQL instance will use 1Gi
backups.pgbackrest.metadata.labels Set labels for pgbackrest test-label:test
backups.pgbackrest.configuration Name of the Kubernetes Secret object with custom pgBackRest configuration, which will be added to the pgBackRest configuration generated by the Operator []
backups.pgbackrest.containers.pgbackrest.resources.limits.cpu Kubernetes CPU limits for pgbackrest instance 200m
backups.pgbackrest.containers.pgbackrest.resources.limits.memory Kubernetes memory limits for pgbackrest instance 128Mi
backups.pgbackrest.containers.pgbackrestConfig.resources.limits.cpu Kubernetes CPU limits for pgbackrestConfig instance 200m
backups.pgbackrest.containers.pgbackrestConfig.resources.limits.memory Kubernetes memory limits for pgbackrestConfig instance 128Mi The Kuberentes Pod priority class for pgBackRest jobs high-priority Kubernetes CPU limits for a pgBackRest job 200m Kubernetes memory limits for a pgBackRest job 128Mi The Kubernetes Pod tolerations effect for a backup job NoSchedule The Kubernetes Pod tolerations key for a backup job role The Kubernetes Pod tolerations operator for a backup job Equal The Kubernetes Pod tolerations value for a backup job connection-poolers The Kubernetes Pod security context for pgBackRest jobs {} Settings, which are to be included in the global section of the pgBackRest configuration generated by the Operator /pgbackrest/postgres-operator/hippo/repo1
backups.pgbackrest.repoHost.topologySpreadConstraints.maxSkew The degree to which Pods may be unevenly distributed under the Kubernetes Pod Topology Spread Constraints 1
backups.pgbackrest.repoHost.topologySpreadConstraints.topologyKey The key of node labels for the Kubernetes Pod Topology Spread Constraints my-node-label
backups.pgbackrest.repoHost.topologySpreadConstraints.whenUnsatisfiable What to do with a Pod if it doesn’t satisfy the Kubernetes Pod Topology Spread Constraints DoNotSchedule
backups.pgbackrest.repoHost.topologySpreadConstraints.labelSelector.matchLabels The Label selector for the Kubernetes Pod Topology Spread Constraints instance1
backups.pgbackrest.repoHost.priorityClassName The Kuberentes Pod priority class for pgBackRest repo high-priority
backups.pgbackrest.repoHost.affinity.podAntiAffinity Pod anti-affinity, allows setting the standard Kubernetes affinity constraints of any complexity {}
backups.pgbackrest.repoHost.tolerations.effect The Kubernetes Pod tolerations effect for pgBackRest repo NoSchedule
backups.pgbackrest.repoHost.tolerations.key The Kubernetes Pod tolerations key for pgBackRest repo role
backups.pgbackrest.repoHost.tolerations.operator The Kubernetes Pod tolerations operator for pgBackRest repo Equal
backups.pgbackrest.repoHost.tolerations.value The Kubernetes Pod tolerations value for pgBackRest repo connection-poolers
backups.pgbackrest.repoHost.securityContext The Kubernetes Pod security context for pgBackRest repo {}
backups.pgbackrest.manual.repoName Name of the pgBackRest repository for on-demand backups repo1
backups.pgbackrest.manual.options The on-demand backup command-line options which will be passed to pgBackRest for on-demand backups --type=full Name of the pgBackRest repository for backups repo1
backups.pgbackrest.repos.repo1.schedules.full Scheduled time to make a full backup specified in the crontab format 0 0 \* \* 6
backups.pgbackrest.repos.repo1.schedules.differential Scheduled time to make a differential backup specified in the crontab format 0 0 \* \* 6
backups.pgbackrest.repos.repo1.schedules.incremental Scheduled time to make an incremental backup specified in the crontab format 0 0 \* \* 6
backups.pgbackrest.repos.repo1.volume.volumeClaimSpec.accessModes The Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim access modes for the pgBackRest Storage ReadWriteOnce
backups.pgbackrest.repos.repo1.volume.volumeClaimSpec.storageClassName The Kubernetes storageClassName for the pgBackRest Storage "" The Kubernetes storage requests for the pgBackRest storage 1Gi
backups.pgbackrest.repos.repo3.gcs.bucket The Google Cloud Storage bucket my-bucket Name of the Azure Blob Storage container for backups my-container
backups.pgbackrest.restore.tolerations.effect The Kubernetes Pod tolerations effect for the backup restore job NoSchedule
backups.pgbackrest.restore.tolerations.key The Kubernetes Pod tolerations key for the backup restore job role
backups.pgbackrest.restore.tolerations.operator The Kubernetes Pod tolerations operator for the backup restore job Equal
backups.pgbackrest.restore.tolerations.value The Kubernetes Pod tolerations value for the backup restore job connection-poolers
backups.restore.enabled Enables or disables restoring a previously made backup false
backups.restore.repoName Name of the pgBackRest repository that contains the backup to be restored repo1
backups.restore.options The pgBackRest command-line options for the pgBackRest restore command --type=time
backups.pgbackrest.image Set this variable if you need to use a custom pgBackrest image percona/percona-postgresql-operator:2.4.0-ppg16.3-pgbackrest2.51-1
backups.repos.repo2.s3.bucket Storage bucket ``
backups.repos.repo2.s3.region S3-compatible storage name ``
backups.repos.repo2.s3.endpoint S3-compatible storage endpoint ``
proxy.pgBouncer.expose.annotations The Kubernetes annotations metadata for pgBouncer pg-cluster-annot: cluster1
proxy.pgBouncer.expose.labels Set labels for the pgBouncer Service pg-cluster-label: cluster1
proxy.pgBouncer.expose.type K8S service type for the pgbouncer deployment ClusterIP
proxy.pgBouncer.expose.loadBalancerSourceRanges The range of client IP addresses from which the load balancer should be reachable (if not set, there is no limitations) []
proxy.pgBouncer.sidecars.image Image for the custom sidecar container for pgBouncer Pods mycontainer1:latest Name of the custom sidecar container for pgBouncer Pods testcontainer
proxy.pgBouncer.exposeSuperusers Allow superusers connect via pgbouncer false Custom configuration options for pgBouncer. pool_mode: transaction
proxy.pgBouncer.topologySpreadConstraints.maxSkew The degree to which Pods may be unevenly distributed under the Kubernetes Pod Topology Spread Constraints 1
proxy.pgBouncer.topologySpreadConstraints.topologyKey The key of node labels for the Kubernetes Pod Topology Spread Constraints my-node-label
proxy.pgBouncer.topologySpreadConstraints.whenUnsatisfiable What to do with a Pod if it doesn’t satisfy the Kubernetes Pod Topology Spread Constraints DoNotSchedule
proxy.pgBouncer.topologySpreadConstraints.labelSelector.matchLabels The Label selector for the Kubernetes Pod Topology Spread Constraints instance1
proxy.pgBouncer.tolerations.effect The Kubernetes Pod tolerations effect for the PostgreSQL instance NoSchedule
proxy.pgBouncer.tolerations.key The Kubernetes Pod tolerations key for the PostgreSQL instance role
proxy.pgBouncer.tolerations.operator The Kubernetes Pod tolerations operator for the PostgreSQL instance Equal
proxy.pgBouncer.tolerations.value The Kubernetes Pod tolerations value for the PostgreSQL instance connection-poolers Custom external TLS secret name keycloakdb-pgbouncer.tls
proxy.pgBouncer.securityContext The Kubernetes Pod security context for the pgBouncer instance {}
proxy.pgBouncer.affinity.podAntiAffinity Pod anti-affinity, allows setting the standard Kubernetes affinity constraints of any complexity {}
proxy.pgBouncer.image Set this variable if you need to use a custom pgbouncer image percona/percona-postgresql-operator:2.4.0-ppg16.3-pgbouncer1.22.1
proxy.pgBouncer.replicas The number of pgbouncer instances 3
proxy.pgBouncer.resources.requests.cpu Container resource request for CPU 1
proxy.pgBouncer.resources.requests.memory Container resource request for RAM 128Mi
proxy.pgBouncer.resources.limits.cpu Container resource limits for CPU 2
proxy.pgBouncer.resources.limits.memory Container resource limits for RAM 512Mi
proxy.pgBouncer.containers.pgbouncerConfig.resources.limits.cpu Kubernetes CPU limits for pgbouncerConfig instance 200m
proxy.pgBouncer.containers.pgbouncerConfig.resources.limits.memory Kubernetes memory limits for pgbouncerConfig instance 128Mi
pmm.enabled Enable integration with Percona Monitoring and Management software false
pmm.image.repository PMM Container image repository percona/pmm-client
pmm.image.tag PMM Container image tag 2.42.0
pmm.serverHost PMM server related K8S service hostname monitoring-service
pmm.resources.requests.memory Container resource request for RAM 200M
pmm.resources.requests.cpu Container resource request for CPU 500m
patroni.syncPeriodSeconds The interval for refreshing the leader lock and applying dynamicConfiguration 10
patroni.leaderLeaseDurationSeconds TTL of the cluster leader lock 30
patroni.dynamicConfiguration Custom PostgreSQL configuration options. Please note that configuration changes are automatically applied to the running instances without validation, so having an invalid config can make the cluster unavailable {}
patroni.dynamicConfiguration.postgresql.parameters Custom PostgreSQL configuration options {}
patroni.dynamicConfiguration.postgresql.pg_hba PostgreSQL Host-Based Authentication section {}
patroni.switchover.enabled Enables or disables manual change of the cluster primary instance ""
patroni.switchover.targetInstance The name of the Pod that should be set as the new primary. When not specified, the new primary will be selected randomly ""
extensions.image Image for the custom PostgreSQL extension loader sidecar container ""
extensions.imagePullPolicy Policy for the custom extension sidecar container Always The cloud storage type used for backups. Only s3 type is currently supported. "" The Amazon S3 bucket name for prepackaged PostgreSQL custom extensions "" The AWS region to use "" The S3 endpoint to use. "" The Kubernetes secret for the custom extensions storage. It should contain AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY keys ""
extensions.builtin The key-value pairs which enable or disable Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL builtin extensions {}
extensions.custom Array of name and versions for each PostgreSQL custom extension [] Database secrets object name. Object will be autogenerated if the name is not explicitly specified <cluster_name>-users
secrets.primaryuser primary user password (in use for replication only) autogenerated by operator
secrets.postgres postges user password (superuser, not accessible via pgbouncer) autogenerated by operator
secrets.pgbouncer pgbouncer user password autogenerated by operator
secrets.<default_user> Default user password autogenerated by operator

Specify parameters using --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install Notice that you can use multiple replica sets only with sharding enabled.


Deploy for tests - single PostgreSQL node and automated PVCs deletion

Such a setup is good for testing, as it does not require a lot of compute power and performs and automated clean up of the Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs). It also deploys just one pgBouncer node, instead of 3.

$ helm install my-test percona/pg-db \
  --set instances[0].name=test \
  --set instances[0].replicas=1 \
  --set instances[0] \
  --set proxy.pgBouncer.replicas=1 \
  --set finalizers={'percona\.com\/delete-pvc,percona\.com\/delete-ssl'}

Expose pgBouncer with a Load Balancer

Expose the cluster's pgBouncer with a LoadBalancer:

$ helm install my-test percona/pg-db  \
  --set proxy.pgBouncer.expose.type=LoadBalancer

Add a custom user and a database

The following command is going to deploy the cluster with the user test and give it access to the database mytest:

$ helm install my-test percona/pg-db  \
  --set users[0].name=test \
  --set users[0].databases={mytest}

Read more about custom users in our documentation