In this lesson we learn how to create a theme.js file and allow people using your theme to apply their own design by defining design tokens with theme-ui.
We can make our Gatsby theme styles "extendable" using the gatsby-plugin-theme-ui package.
- How is it extendable? gatsby-plugin-theme-ui takes a global theme context object and makes it available to all themes that use gatsby-plugin-theme-ui.
Install the package via terminal:
yarn workspace gatsby-theme-events add gatsby-plugin-theme-ui theme-ui @emotion/core @emotion/styled @mdx-js/react
Now that the package is installed, we add the gatsby-plugin-theme-ui plugin to gatsby-theme-events/gatsby-config.js:
module.exports = ({ contentPath = "data", basePath = "/" }) => ({
plugins: [
// ...
To use this plugin, we create a theme.js file within gatsby-theme-events/src.
gatsby-plugin-theme-ui uses Theme UI, which is part of a System UI network of tools
- In other words, gatsby-plugin-theme-ui will give us an object that follows the System UI theme specification.
Within theme.js:
export const theme = {
We will first define a space array, which will contain data associated with styling widths such as margin, padding, etc. These values are set in pixels.
export const theme = {
space: [0, 4, 8, 16, 32],
Next, we set the fonts and font-sizes:
export const theme = {
space: [0, 4, 8, 16, 32],
fonts: {
body: "-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, sans-serif",
fontSizes: [16, 18, 20, 22, 27, 36],
For line heights, 1.45 is good for legibility in our body text, and heading text with larger fonts will have smaller line heights.
export const theme = {
// ...
lineHeights: {
body: 1.45,
heading: 1.1,
Now we set up colors, with an array of shades of gray, a background color of white, and a primary color of "rebecca purple"
export const theme = {
// ...
colors: {
gray: ["#efefef", "#ddd", "#333", "#111"],
background: "#fff",
primary: "rebeccapurple",
Now we define sizes of containers and documents. For more information regarding Viewport concepts, check out the resources:
export const theme = {
// ...
sizes: {
default: "90vw",
max: "540px",
We can finally start setting some styles. Theme UI provides some ** special components**.
DEPRECATION WARNING: The components Header, Main, and Layout are now deprecated as of version 0.3. In order to continue with the lesson, we will use the theme.js from the Gatsby docs found in resources.
To our theme, we define heading and container styles, like so:
export const theme = {
// ...
text: {
heading: {
backgroundColor: "primary",
color: "background",
fontWeight: "bold",
margin: "0 auto",
maxWidth: "max",
padding: 3,
width: "default",
a: {
color: "inherit",
layout: {
container: {
margin: "0 auto",
maxWidth: "max",
width: "default",
padding: 3,
color: "gray.2",
fontFamily: "body",
fontSize: 1,
lineHeight: "body",
Finally, we can design basic HTML markup:
export const theme = {
// ...
styles: {
// ...
h1: {
color: 'gray.3',
fontSize: 5,
fontWeight: 'bold',
lineHeight: 'heading',
margin: '1rem 0 0'
ul: {
borderTop: '1px solid',
borderColor: 'gray.0',
listStyle: 'none',
padding: 0
li: {
borderBottom: '1px solid',
borderColor: 'gray.1',
padding: 2,
'&:focus-within, &:hover': {
backgroundColor: 'gray.0'
For me, this important piece of information is cut off in the video: At the bottom of your theme.js, remember to export the theme!:
export const theme = {
// ...
export default theme;
All in all, your theme.js
should look like the following:
export const theme = {
space: [0, 4, 8, 16, 32],
fonts: {
body: "-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Roboto, sans-serif",
fontSizes: [16, 18, 20, 22, 27, 36],
lineHeights: {
body: 1.45,
heading: 1.1,
colors: {
gray: ["#efefef", "#ddd", "#333", "#111"],
background: "#fff",
primary: "rebeccapurple",
sizes: {
default: "90vw",
max: "540px",
text: {
heading: {
backgroundColor: "primary",
color: "background",
fontWeight: "bold",
margin: "0 auto",
maxWidth: "max",
padding: 3,
width: "default",
a: {
color: "inherit",
layout: {
container: {
margin: "0 auto",
maxWidth: "max",
width: "default",
padding: 3,
color: "gray.2",
fontFamily: "body",
fontSize: 1,
lineHeight: "body",
styles: {
h1: {
color: "gray.3",
fontSize: 5,
fontWeight: "bold",
lineHeight: "heading",
margin: "1rem 0 0",
ul: {
borderTop: "1px solid",
borderColor: "gray.0",
listStyle: "none",
padding: 0,
li: {
borderBottom: "1px solid",
borderColor: "gray.1",
padding: 2,
"&:focus-within,&:hover": {
backgroundColor: "gray.0",
export default theme