In this lesson we learn how to make the event dates more human readable.
We're now going to take a look at styling and formatting dates in React.
At the moment, we are currently displaying the date by separating the startDate and the endDate with a hyphen, but this isn't ideal.
We're going to refactor the Event component to improve the way that the date is displayed.
- If the event is one day, we want it to display like June 21 2019
- For events spanning multiple days, we want the date to look like June 21-23 2019
- If the event spans across months, we want it to look like June 30-July 2 2019
To get started, we'll create a helper function getDate
. That will take in our date, and we're going to pass in an object saying whether or not we want to show the day, month and year. All of those will default to true
const getDate = (date, { day = true, month = true, year = true } = {}) =>
date.toLocaleDateString("en-US", {
day: day ? "numeric" : undefined,
month: month ? "long" : undefined,
year: year ? "numeric" : undefined,
Now we can use this helper function back inside of our EventDate
Inside of the time
tag, we'll call the function with the start date and tell it we only want to show the year if it's a one day event. We can also pass the start date to the time dateTime
const EventDate = ({ startDate, endDate }) => {
const start = new Date(startDate)
const end = new Date(endDate)
const isOneDay = start.toDateString() === end.toDateString()
return (
<time dateTime={start.toISOString()}>
{getDate(start, { year: isOneDay })}
{!isOneDay && (
<time dateTime={end.toISOString()}>
{getDate(end, { month: start.getMonth() !== end.getMonth() })}
We can now refactor our Event
component to include EventDate
const Event = ({ name, location, url, startDate, endDate }) => (
<h1>{name} ({location})</h1>
<EventDate startDate={startDate} endDate={endDate} />
Website: <a href={url}>{url}</a>
We can now view our pages on localhost:8000 and see that our one day, multiple day, and multiple month event dates are being displayed correctly.
For me personally, the dates for multiple day events were not displaying as they did in the video. For example, on the DinosaurJS page, the date was displayed as
June 20-2019 (day:21)
instead of
June 20-21 2019
This may be due to a change in toLocaleDateString() or due to my own personal settings. If you also encounter this issue and have an easy fix, please feel free to contribute!