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+Q: 13:27:13 From Amine Mortaji To All Panelists : I have a question: while using webwizard, i dont get always the right informations for example the location of traffic lights.
+A: Part of this may be input data issues which can only be fixed manually. Some of this is interpretation of the input data. Make sure to use the recommended options:
+https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Networks/Import/OpenStreetMap.html#recommended_netconvert_options. If input data is lacking your best option may be heuristic generation: (tls.guess, https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/netconvert.html#tls_building)
+Q: 13:28:26 From John Pinder : i cant find the tools folder with osmWebWizard.py in, have i not installed it correctly?
+A: if you downloaded the installer, check to target of the link in your start menu. If you downloaded the zip it should be in there.
+Q: 13:30:09 From Guang Wu To All Panelists : Can stop sign be created by osmWebWizard? It seems stop sign is not from auto-generated .xml files?
+A: 13:30:45 From Michael Behrisch : No stop signs but the priorities of the junctions are usually correct
+A: At the moment, no. The relevant information is currently not extracted from OSM. You can manually change the junction type to priority_stop though.
+Q: 13:30:49 From Mohit Garg To All Panelists : There are some other files I saw somewhere .emi.xml and poi.xml files. What are they for?
+A: .poi.xml is the customary extension for points of interest which are loaded mostly for cosmetical purposes. .emi.xml is not a customary extensions and could be anything (i.e. user defined additional input files to declare outputs
+Q: 13:33:03 From John Pinder : where is the default install path in ubuntu?
+A: 13:33:16 From Michael Behrisch : /usr/share/sumo
+Q: 13:34:15 From Ei Ei Mon To All Panelists : can we get the flow and route information instead of trip.xml after using osmwebwizard?
+A: 13:34:54 From Michael Behrisch : Not directly but you can simply call duarouter for that. You can also add -r "route.rou.xml" to the randomTrips call in build.bat
+A: 13:37:54 From Sasan Amini : is it possible to import the sattelite images in NETEDIT? or they only work in SUMO_GUI?
+Q: 13:38:46 From Michael Behrisch : Satellite images work in netedit as well
+Q: 13:42:32 From Behzad Bamdad Mehrabani To All Panelists : Does importing large scale network, the same as what Jakob did right now? Is it possible to import large scale network?
+A: 13:45:34 From Michael Behrisch : You can import large scale networks, but probably you would not use the webWizard but download the osm file separately.
+A: see http://download.geofabrik.de/
+Q: 13:43:29 From Mario Krumnow To All Panelists : Nice idea to have osm tag's for actuation mode of the traffic light and for detectors as well ;-)
+A: 13:46:51 From Michael Behrisch : Having more information about the traffic light in OSM is an ongoing discussion and the OpenStreetMap people do not always like the idea (some are very map focussed)
+Q: 13:46:11 From Levente Alekszejenkó : Are there a shortcut for changing the type of all traffic lights back to the static behaviour? (Or is there a script which changes it in input files?)
+A: 13:47:48 From Lara Codeca : @Levente: I usually change it in the netconvert config file, using the default.
+A 13:52:29 From Giuliana Armellini To All Panelists : @Levante: you can use the selection mode in netedit to select all traffic lights (or only the ones with actuated type) and then in the inspection mode change all to static type
+Q: 13:46:49 From Jackie Zhang To All Panelists : If I want to use SUMO in Linux, the latest version 1.7.0, Ubuntu 18.04LTS or 20.04LTS, which one is better, or either is fine
+A: 13:47:15 From Michael Behrisch : We test SUMO on 18.04 but both should be fine.
+Q: 13:50:05 From Narayana Raju To All Panelists : can we induce a new car following model for the vehicles with traci??
+A: 13:50:50 From Michael Behrisch : @Naranya (Changing CF model via traci): Yes, you can change the vehicle type and the car following model is a part of that
+Q: 13:51:35 From Narayana Raju To All Panelists : thanks, like I code my own new model and assign it to the vehicles
+A: 13:53:13 From Michael Behrisch : @Narayana: You can use your own model either by coding the whole model with traci (setting the speed /position in every step) or by implementing the model in C++ and then selecting it in the vehicle type.
+Q: 13:55:00 From souhir bennaya To All Panelists : hello
-what is the role of random when applying activitygen (what is the difference between running the simulation with and without the random option)?
+A: 13:56:29 From Michael Behrisch : @souhir Please read here: https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Simulation/Randomness.html
+Q: 13:55:33 From 云阳 史 To All Panelists : Hi, I want to konw if sumo supports a custom area to let the vehicle drive freely on it(similar to being in an area of a parking lot), thanks!
+A: 13:58:03 From Michael Behrisch : @ 云阳 史 (free movement of vehicles) is not possible with the standard models but you can achieve it with traci.
+Q: 14:02:43 From Tobias Ferfers To All Panelists : Hey, whats a good way to evaluate the count data like in this tutorial scenario? Placing some detectors?
+A: 14:04:21 From Michael Behrisch : @Tobias (How to evaluate counts): It depends whether you need only local data or the whole network. The format is usually more like meandata https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Simulation/Output/Lane-_or_Edge-based_Traffic_Measures.html
+Q: 14:05:06 From John Pinder : can you do similar things for busses
+A: 14:06:30 From Michael Behrisch : @John The vehicle type does not matter
+Q: 14:03:40 From Yukon_Red To All Panelists : ooo use the taxi functionality to show how Tesla autonomous taxis will upset the market
+A: 14:08:33 From Michael Behrisch : @Yukon_Red (use this for autonomous taxis) Yes, that is the idea, although you need probably a more elaborated dipatching / scheduling here.
+Q: 14:09:18 From Gerald Richter : can the operation of taxis be intermodal, e.g. taking ppl to park&ride points with swapping to train?
+A: Yes
+Q: 14:09:50 From Benedikt Buhk : Is there a database for real counting data of cars on real streets? (To simulate random traffic but near to reality in certain cities)
+A: 14:16:53 From Michael Behrisch : @Benedikt (Zähldaten) For German Autobahnen there is data like that: https://www.bast.de/BASt_2017/DE/Verkehrstechnik/Fachthemen/v2-verkehrszaehlung/Verkehrszaehlung.html?nn=1817946
+A: 14:28:34 From Gabriel Tilg : @Benedikt Buhk: You will find some loop detector data for urban traffic here: https://utd19.ethz.ch/.
+Q: 14:10:00 From Gerald Richter : can the pickup at pt stops be limited to just a certain subset of those?
+A: At the moment no. It's an obvious (and simple) enhancement though
+Q: 14:15:53 From Inna Morozova : Is it possible to use the same lane in both directions,if one direction has priority to pass this lane?
+A: Yes.
+Q: 14:14:01 From John Pinder : is there an (taxi) algorithm list that explains each use?
+A: 14:15:07 From Giuliana Armellini : @John Pinder; here you can find a list of the available algorithm: https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Simulation/Taxi.html#dispatch
+Q: 14:13:46 From Meng Long To All Panelists : If I use flow to generate vehicles, such as defining 500 vehs per hour, does this generate uniformly or followed the Poisson distribution? And how to get the average delay of the whole network?
+A: By default departures are uniform but you can also define a random flow: https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Simulation/Randomness.html#flows_with_a_random_number_of_vehicles
+Q: 14:24:04 From John Pinder : who can i contact for email support?
+A: 14:25:45 From Michael Behrisch : @John see https://www.eclipse.org/sumo/contact/
+Q: 14:26:19 From Samuel Würtz To All Panelists : what can I expect from the "public transport in meso"? how does it differ from current posiiblities to simulate public transport busses?
+A: 14:27:14 From Michael Behrisch : @Samuel meso is much faster so it would allow for larger networks or more simulations done in shorter time
+Q: 14:25:50 From praveen pandey To All Panelists : I am interested in knowing how in sumo network link freespeed and capacity is controlled.
+A: 14:29:03 From Michael Behrisch : @praveen (how to control freespeed and capacity) those are emergent properties from the car following and the road properties and not controlled directly
+Q: 14:32:09 From Tristan Stull To All Panelists : can someone point me to the documentation for SAGA? Thanks.
+A: 14:35:02 From Michael Behrisch : @tristan (SAGA docs): https://github.com/lcodeca/SUMOActivityGen
+Q: 14:34:35 From Narayana Raju : can we code our own lane change models using traci?
+A: 14:35:34 From Michael Behrisch : @Narayana yes
+Q: 14:36:05 From Jackie Zhang To All Panelists : Is it possible to get the Edge ID list and Junction ID list by TraCI functions, is yes, which one should be used?
+A: 14:36:57 From Michael Behrisch : @Jackie (get edge and lane ids via traci): Yes, getIDList is part of the edge and the junction module
+Q: 14:40:18 From Jackie Zhang To All Panelists : Thanks, but the getIDList function is for the all the objects in the road network, is it possible to separate the edges and junction ID ?
+A: No. traci.edge.getIDList and traci.junction.getIDList return distinct lists
+Q: 14:36:26 From Tobias Ferfers To All Panelists : @Jakob You mentioned it is possible to "mix" car following models (a tool), could you give me a keyword to look for?
+A: 14:39:10 From Michael Behrisch : @Tobias (mix following models) you can generate vehicle type distributions using https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Tools/Misc.html
+Q: 14:37:39 From Vikash Kumar To All Panelists : Does latest version of SUMO which is 1.7.0 supports sumo web3D simulaltion on browser or we have to use the older version which is SUMO 0.3.2
+A: 14:39:47 From Michael Behrisch : @Vikash (support for web3D) We do not test this regularly, so we cannot tell.
+A: 14:39:50 From Robert Hilbrich : Vikash: web3d was built by Side walk labs for SUMO 0.31 … not sure if it still runs with 1.7.0, I think it should … but we did not test
+Q: 14:51:46 From Eduardo Perez Guzman To All Panelists : Hi team! Thank you for the nice introduction. We have been using SUMO for some years and we jumped into meso at the time it was introduced, being it a real experience. What would be the best way to interact with you in terms of getting advice, gathering suggestions, or doing evaluation?
+A: 14:53:45 From Robert Hilbrich : @Eduardo: you can reach us on our regular support channels (sumo-user mailinglist, mattermost, twitter) where we provide free support; the German Aerospace Center is a choice for a more elaborate research collaboration and we have a spin-off - the co4e.com - for professional consultancy and support (and less research)
+Q: 14:59:38 From Eduardo Perez Guzman To All Panelists : Thanks a lot for the Information. And do you have any advice from your experience about getting traffic lights Information in Germany (Lichtsignalanlagen)? Is it something DLR makes use of? This turns to be a key point for large scale simulations like the ones we perform.
+A: It's difficult and involves lots of handcrafting. Some relevant tools: See https://github.com/DLR-TS/sumo-ocit and https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Tools/tls.html#tls_csvsignalgroupspy
+Q: 14:46:29 From Daniel Schleicher To All Panelists : Is it possible to put some kind of business model to a taxi driver to calculate the profits?
+A: You could do this when controlling the taxis via TraCI
+Q: 14:43:03 From Meng Long To All Panelists : Is there any tutorial or example for signal timing optimization by reinforcement Learning using traci?
+A: No.
+Q: 14:38:58 From Maria Laura Clemente To All Panelists : Are there car following model configurations which better simulate specific places, such as Italian traffic?
+A: There probably are but it's hard to make a general recommendation on this. I recommend looking at junction model parameters jmDriveAfterYellowtime, jmIgnoreKeepClearTime, jmDriveAfterRedTime, ...
+Q: 14:17:07 From Giovanni Ferrara : Good evening, I'd like to ask if is possible to change the driver agent
+A: Yes. Take a look at https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Definition_of_Vehicles,_Vehicle_Types,_and_Routes.html#car-following_models
+Q: 14:09:10 From Ken SHIRAHATA To All Panelists : When adding lanes in the left-hand traffic, can we add "right-turn lane" on the right side of the road?
+A: Yes. You can define arbitrary lanes and connections via Netedit
+Q: 14:13:08 From Linyang Wang To All Panelists : Is it possible to control the matching strategy of specific taxi and passenger with TraCI?
+A: Yes
+Q: 14:25:26 From souhir bennaya To All Panelists : -wich algorithm that acticitygen and duarouter used to the traffic affectation ?
+A: Fastest part search. This optionally uses travel times from a previous simulation.
+Q: 14:30:59 From Rober Younes To All Panelists : What are the possabilitys within intermodal Routings ?
+A: Any combination of walking, private car, public transport and taxi use. (private car only in the first step).
+Q: 14:45:18 From Ei Ei Mon To All Panelists : how can we control the lane changing behavior of left turn vehicles and buses near bus stop? thanks
+A: The point at which vehicles change for strategic reasons (i.e. turning) is configured with attribute lcStrategic.
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+Q: What is the difference between SUMO and MATSim. In mathematical models used?
+A: Sumo uses car-following and lane-changing models whereas MATSim uses a coarser and faster queing model (very similar to SUMO-meso). MATSim also includes models for building a virtual population and their plans (whereas SUMO requires those plans as input)
+Q: Is it possible to draw the TAZ in different shapes (say I want to draw a TAZs based on neighborhoods) using the tool shown in the tutorial?
+A: Arbitrary polygonal shapes can be drawn. TAZ can also be built based on shapes from OSM: https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Tools/District.html#edgesindistrictspy
+Q: Do you plan to improve or update Traci? Currently, I am trying to integrate Sumo to Unity, and road construction was a bit hard. The shape list of a lane only gives information about the center line, but I needed end points of a lane in Unity.
+A: TraCI is mainly for dynamic features. Lane geometry is static and tools/sumolib is the recommended library to retrieve this data. sumolib.geomhelper.move2side can be used to compute the outer boundar for a given lane center line.
+Q: Is it possible to automatically optimise traffic light signal plans. By changing green times and/or cycle times. By running multiple simulations and resulting into an optimum. Which is minimal traffic delay.
+A: Sumo does not include tools for iterative optimization. Timing and offsets can be optimized for given traffic demand: https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Simulation/Traffic_Lights.html#improving_generated_programs_with_knowledge_about_traffic_demand
+Q: I see you plan to couple SUMO with some pedestrian models. Which pedestrian models do you think are good candidates for this?
+A: We plan to couple SUMO with JuPedSim which contains multiple models. Social Distance and Cellular automaton models could all be useful. Any kind of model as long as it's fast enough.
+Q: What is the most efficient way to estimate travel times for paths from SUMO simulation output?
+A: edgeData-output with duarouter or tripinfo-output with vehicles that drove the desired paths
+Q: How can one associate trips generated from od2trips with passenger cars exhibiting varying behavior (e.g. in terms of car-following or lane changing)?
+A: od2trips option --vtype TYPEID and then in sumo load an additional file that defines vTypeDistribution TYPEID (https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Definition_of_Vehicles%2C_Vehicle_Types%2C_and_Routes.html#vehicle_type_distributions)
+Q: Is there any weather information in sumo?
+A: There is no direct support for wheather but sumo can associate arbitrary date with network edges using generic parameters (https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Simulation/GenericParameters.html) and custom models can access these parameters.
+Q: Does SUMO support multi-cores cpu? how to set SUMO simulation setting in order to fully utilize the computer resources such as multi-core cpu or GPU?
+A: Routing can be parallelized over multiple cpu cores with sumo option --device.rerouting.thread and duarouter option --routing-threads. SUMO also supports option --threads for multi-core simulation but the realized speed-up is currently low. GPUs are not supported.
+Q: About TAZ: Is it possible to only allow specific edges to be a origin/destination edge in a TAZ?
+A: Yes. gridDistrict.y and edgesInDistrict.py support option --vclass. filterDistrict.py also filters and existing TAZ with option --vclass
+Q: By any chance, are you aware any study using SUMO for simulating logistics process, e.g., in container terminals (or production systems in factory)? Thank you.
+A: https://www.dlr.de/ts/en/PortalData/16/Resources/Veranstaltungen/2015/SUMO2015_Proceeding.pdf
+Q: Can I change lane change parameters such as lcPushy, lcAssertive during the simulation via Traci ?
+A: Yes. traci.vehicle.setParameter(vehID, "laneChangeModel.lcPushy", str(value))
+Q: Is it possible to control a pedestrian like I can control an ego car using an XBOX (or similar) controller?
+A: Yes. traci.person.moveToXY
+Q: How the TAZ is created, and who create it?
+A: Candidate tools: netedit, polyconvert+edgesInDistrict.py, gridDistricts,py
+Q: Is it possible to change the net connections in real time using an existing TraCI module?
+A: Yes. traci.edge.setAllow(internalEdgeID, "authority") -> normal cars cannot use this connection anymore. See https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/sumo-gui.html#investigating_internal_edges_and_lanes
+Q: What are the main uses of SUMO for V2X?
+A: mobility model for communication simulation, cooperative behavior (i.e. platooning, smart traffic lights)
+Q: Can you briefly describe how the Python packages work? Is it the recommended way to start and run simulations from Python?
+A: Many python tools are stand-alone. tools/sumolib is for writing own tools (i.e. analyze networks), tools/traci is for coupling own code to a simulation (which can be started with traci.start). Normally sumo is started from the command line, batch files etc.
+Q: There are several car-following-models, do you know if they give results comparable to the one used by SUMO?
+A: All model behave differently. The same model implemented in different simulations should mostly work the same but there are difference in situations that are not fully discribed by the model (i.e.
+how to stop at intersections).
+Q: Is there a workaround to show WMS layers as background map in SUMO-GUI? or such feacture needs to be carefully developed (hopefully for future realeses)?
+A: SUMO only supports backgrounds via raster images. Those can be imported from WMS via tileGet.py: https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Tools/Misc.html#tilegetpy
+Q: Is it planned to implement another lane change model, for example MOBIL?
+A: Not directly but the API is module and pull-request are very welcome. The SUMO-team may be able to give support to anyone willing to do so.
+Q: Topic train/bus tls request: Is it possible to create a traffic light program with a (preferred) bus/train request without TraCI?
+A: Actuated traffic lights support custom detectors and those can filter by vType. Together with a branching program this could make the traffic light adapt to public transport:
+Q: Is it possible to define a minGap when a car passenger follows a heavy truck and a minGap when following an ordinary vehicle?
+A: No by default but it's possible via TraCI or custom carFollowingModels
+Q: Is there a way to have a command-line SUMO as a "server" and connect something like SUMO-GUI to it? E.g. running a SUMO in docker and check how the simulation runs?
+A: Yes. See https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Tools/Misc.html#statereplaypy. Additional features are planned.
+Q: Is it possible to embed rerouters to divert pedestrian traffic temporarily?
+A: No. Rerouting pedestrians only works via TraCI at the moment.
+Q: I find sometimes emergency vehicle (has been equipped with bluelight device and permitted to violate red light through setting jmDriveAfterRedTime) does not change lane to pass intersection during red light, is there any possible reason for it and how to solve it?
+A: Possible bug, please send in minimum example scenario.
+Q: The number of teleports increased considerably when we use calibration ? Do you have any idea about that?
+A: If calibration increases traffic, any problems with the network/infrastructure model likely show up as jamming/teleports.
+Q: When SUMO automatically generates traffic light sequences, does it estimate flow rates?
+A: No. Flow can be incorporated into signal plans via extra tools: https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Simulation/Traffic_Lights.html#improving_generated_programs_with_knowledge_about_traffic_demand
+Q: Is this session of the tutorial being recorded?
+A: Q&A is not recorded
+Q: Have you mapped the historical data based on GTFS-R data?
+A: No. Import into static scenarios should work.
+Q: I have a very little experience about this, but, are there many implementations of SUMO connected with real-time data from Waze and tomtom (car flow applications)? I would appreciate if you have any links to share as well. Thank you.
+A: We are not aware of this kind of coupling.
+Q: Is there any efficient way to insert a new phase during a cycle? Now I implement it by switching to a new program and switch back to the original
+A: For various options see https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Simulation/Traffic_Lights.html#controlling_traffic_lights_via_traci
+Q: I have noticed that when the vehicles change lanes, they change at 90 degrees in the adjacent lane. Is it possible that they line up over a greater distance like in real life?
+A. See https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Simulation/SublaneModel.html
+Q: Does SUMO used for only virtual scenarios which are similar to reality or do we have implementation in the real world?
+A: All scenarios are virtual in a sense but some there are some projects with tight coupling to real-time data. (https://elib.dlr.de/105545/1/HEUREKA%2717_VITAL_online.pdf)
+Q: Can SUMO simulate electric vehicles, and charging infrastructure? Can sumo-gui show the charging state?
+A: Yes: https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Models/Electric.html To see the charging state, Set vehicle coloring to "by param (numerical)" and use parameter "device.battery.actualBatteryCapacity". Optionally activate checkbox "show vehicle color value". (https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/sumo-gui.html#vehicle_visualisation_settings)
+Q: Can Sumo restrict the set of persons that may enter a vehicle at a stop?
+A: Yes. using stop-attribute 'permitted' (https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Definition_of_Vehicles%2C_Vehicle_Types%2C_and_Routes.html#stops)
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+Q: Just have downloaded sumo on my new computer (Mac OS), however I am having trouble with the installation FXApp::openDisplay: unable to open display :0.0 is the error I am receiving - has anyone come across this before?
+A: It looks like XQuartz is missing. You can install it with “brew install --cask xquartz”.
+Q: Does the:sumo -c run.sumocfg --seed 1 --output-prefix 1.
+ sumo -c run.sumocfg --seed 2 --output-prefix 2.
+ sumo -c run.sumocfg --seed 3 --output-prefix 3.
+ randomize also the arrival distribution of vehicles?
+A: Yes, if at least one of the following conditions are met:
+- option --random-depart-offset is set
+- traffic is defined as
with attribute random="x" or period="exp(x)"
+Q: I would like to know about map-matching in SUMO. How can it match a sequence of GPS points on the SUMO network? I tried to associate each GPS point with the closest edge, but this led to a noisy trajectory, mainly when the GPS point lies inside a junction.
+A: see https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/FAQ.html#how_do_i_generate_sumo_routes_from_gps_traces
+ Discarding points that map to junction-internal edges (edge id starts with
+':') could also help
+Q: may I know, is it SUMO can plan a vehicle from one destination to another destination with several options of the route with estimated time arrival (ETA)
+A: There a several tools that deal with this topic. Good entry point are:
+- https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Demand/Dynamic_User_Assignment.html
+- https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Simulation/Routing.html
+Q: I am trying to import the Junction connections, but the issue is that a connection or traversal drawn by a single vehicle is acutally separated I also looking for a way to customize the IDs in network if its possible
+A1: Most connections across an intersection consist of a single edge with one or
+more lanes. For some movements (i.e. permissive left turns) there are two edges
+split at the waiting position within the junction (a so-called internal
+junction). See https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Networks/SUMO_Road_Networks.html#internal_junctions
+A2: Edge and junction ids can be customized freely. Lane ids and internal edge
+ids are always generated based on the former.
+Q: Is there any way we can export the junction from network as JSON?
+A: The tool net2geojson.py supports option --junctions to export junction
+shapes. See https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Tools/Net.html#net2geojsonpy
+Q: As SUMO is the core of many academic research, I wonder whether there are benchmark scenarios. E.g. highway scenario for platooning, downtown scenario to improve traffic control, etc., with predefined networks, traffic demands, and baseline results. Do you know any of such scenarios? How can we help creating such benchmark cases?
+A: Scenarios that have been made available to the community are collected at
+https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Data/Scenarios.html Contact us on any channel to have
+your scenarios added there.
+Q: I am new to understanding netedit also is there any way to distinct the junction export separated as a polygon ? and separated the vehicle type with IDs? Where and how are the ids generates?
+A: You can export the junction shape with net2geojson.py (see above). The
+vehicle ids can be freely customized. Tools that generated vehicles (i.e.
+randomTrips.py) provide options for setting an ID-prefix and then add a numbered
+Q: Is there a 3D Mode for the SUMO GUI planned?
+A: The "extra" build already includes a 3D-mode! https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Downloads.php#note_on_licensing
+Q: I have a question regarding the process of making my own model of the Swiss motorway public as a SUMO Scenario on your web page. Is there a contact to talk about publishing the SUMO model on your webpage? So far, I sent an email to sumo@dlr.de.
+A: We're happy to add your scenario. Please resend your question or open an issue at https://github.com/eclipse/sumo/issues/new
+Q: Is there a containerized version of SUMO (e.g. Docker)? We want to support the Simulation part as part of a synthetic data generation toolchain. No GUI and Scenarios are pre configured.
+A: Yes. See https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Developer/Docker.html
+Q: Do you plan to help get from TraCI the name of the lane embedding a detector like multientryexit detector ?
+A: Version 1.13.0 provides methods to retrieve the lanes and positions of entry
+and exit detectors.
+Q: Does Sumo support the import of objects from open drive such as markings, parking spaces, and crossings? Attempts I’ve made so far do not appear to be correctly importing.
+A: Road objects can currently be imported as shapes. Import of parkingArea
+elements and crossings is planned for the future
+Q: I was wondering if you are planning on incorporating quadrupedal robots (four legged robots) as a vehicle type. I am working on a research project related to them as a sustainable solution for last mile logistics and I am wondering if there is a way to configure them as a vehicle
+A: It should be possible to model them with the current version, either as a special type of pedestrian or a vehicle. The vehicle classes 'custom1' and 'custom2' can employed for this.
+Q: It's a recoming problem in our research that we need to know when a vehicle approaches and leaves an intersection. Is there a way to observe this?
+A: This can be achieved with detectors
+Q2: If we place detectors far out, we also detect vehicles that do not pass this
+intersection. Is there a way to avoid this?
+A2: Yes. We are planning on adding route-based filtering for detectors: https://github.com/eclipse/sumo/issues/9927
+Q: Are there any plans for Open Scenario support?
+A: We're generally open to the idea but no work is planned yet. Suggestions for
+specific features (and pull-requests) are welcome.
+Q: Hey, I've been recently trying to extract the positions of traffic Lights on the individual lanes (not the position of the Junction but the stop lines). For now I've been extracting them from vehicles stopped at the TL and adding their minimal heading distance. Is there are more elegant way to do this?
+A: The position of the lights is identical with the end position of the lane
+leading into the intersection. The exact stopping position varies by
+- junction-type (1m for priority / traffic light)
+- stopOffset element for the lane (may vary by vClass): https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Networks/PlainXML.html#stop_offsets
+- vType attribute jmStoplineGap
+Q: Are you planning to support incident between vehicles and infrastructure? I mean, a crash between a vehicle and the infrastructure.
+A: No. This is not planned at the moment. Feel free to open up a github issue to
+lay out your suggestions/requirements
+Q: Another topic… we have a connected vehicle Framework that we want to introduced via the Automotive Grade Linux (AGL and Open Source), SUMO is an element of it (as a module/dependency, therefor our interest to dockerized SUMO)… any licencing thing that we should consider?
+A: You can use SUMO with either the EPL2 or GPL2-or-later so there should be no
+Q: can SUMO integrate with any mapping platform apps or webs such as google maps, Waze or TOM TOM
+A: You can export a network to KML for display with google maps
+(tools/net/net2kml) and you can also export fcd data with tools/traceExporter.py
+--kml-output. Going the other way, SUMO can import backgrounds from a tile
+server using tools/tileGet.py
+Q: Hi, I would like to generate an emission map for a city wide scale network using Phemlight. I use the plot_net_dump.py. However, is there another way to get a better resolution emission map for a large scale network?
+A: You can either increase the spatial resolution by splitting up your network
+into shorter edges (netconvert --geometry.max-segment-length 100
+--geometry.split) or perform your own aggregation based on raw vehicle
+emission data (--emission-output)
+Q: Presently to launch SUMO from a third-party simulation software (e.g OMNeT++) both softwares must be on the same machine or on a network thru a shared folder...do you plan to to make it possible thru a client-server scheme ?
+A: TraCI already supports connection to a running sumo simulation on another
+Q: We have been looking to model real time operation of ambulances using Sumo taking real-time incidents. Is there any available library to model emergency vehicles? The challenge is allowing vehicles to adopt contra-flow as well as disregard red lights and other vehicles to give way to the emergency vehicles
+A: Yes. See https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Simulation/Emergency.html
+Q: Are you planning to collaborate with the OGC community to consider cityGML (https://www.ogc.org/standards/citygml) for network imports or make 3D visualization in Cesium coupled with Unreal (is it OGC vs. OSG? :D)
+A: We were not aware of the OGC community but are open for ideas. Feel free to
+open an issue on github and lay out your idea
+Q: Can you also add weather information in sumo and see how it will affect the traffic?
+A: We are in the process on merging the road friction feature and one
+carFollowmodel that considers this value. This will permit to model a range of
+weather related influences on traffic.
+Q: Is SUMO not using TRACI for generating the Simulation at the first time? What is rerouting?
+A: No. TraCI is and advanced feature for coupling SUMO to another process. To
+learn more about rerouting, see https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Simulation/Routing.html
+Q: To what extend is it possible to simulate shared spaces? or the interaction between cars and pedestrians? can pedestrians walk in sub-lane?
+A: Cars and pedestrians can move on the same lanes as well as through shared
+intersections. Pedestrians move freely within these spaces while avoidig the
+cars. Likewise, cars "see" the pedestrians and avoid them.
+Q: Are there any SUMO community groups/forums or mailing groups?
+A: Yes. See https://www.eclipse.org/sumo/contact/
+Q: We use TraCI's openGap() function to control a platoon of vehicles, but sometimes instead of closing up a vehicle, it makes it slow down. Do you have any idea what may be the problem here? (Warning states tau cannot be smaller than the original, but I am sure, we have not reduced the tau)
+A: This could be a bug in the openGap function. Please open up a ticket on
+github and provide all input files for reproducing the problem.
+Q: Is it possible to make Calibrators sense the few edges (meters) upstream in order to have an approximate picture of traffic volume that will pass on it in the current calibrator interval?
+ To be able to generate, let's say, an equal amount of vehicles (or some distribution) during the calibration interval. So far, it often happened that Calibrator waits until the end of the interval and then generates a higher amount of vehicles forming the platoon. This is the case for short intervals (in my case, minute resolution).
+A: Thank you for pointing out this problem. We intend to solve it by increasing
+calibrator flexibility: https://github.com/eclipse/sumo/issues/10698
+Q: My research in emergency vehicle prioritizes system that needs input from google maps or any mapping platform. How do I integrate the mapping platform to SUMO
+A: There are a range of tools for using geo-referenced data with SUMO. See https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Geo-Coordinates.html
+Q: Is there a way to model or apply car taffic noise file in SUMO thru in a noise reduction project ?
+A: SUMO has a noise emission model that can either provide aggregated data (for
+edges or trips) or raw-data (--emission-output)
+Q: Does the integration method have an impact on traffic flow regarding the use of Cars following the model? E.g, can ballistic integration be used with EIDM?
+A: Yes and Yes.
+Q: Is it possible to make TL states that apply only to certain traffic modes? In the UK, we have signals which give a green light to cyclists only for a few seconds before the full green (in mixed-traffic lanes, not just for cycle lanes)
+A: Not directly: Each lane-to-lane connection has exactly one signal state. A
+workaround is to distinguish the bicycle connection either by adding a short
+bicycle lane before or after the junction.
+Q: Where are the laneid, junction ids given (any script)?
+A: The lane ids are computed based on the edge id (by adding _INDEX). Edge and
+junction ids can be set by the user. When importing data (i.e. from OSM) the
+original ids are kept as closely as possible. See https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Networks/Import/OpenStreetMap.html#relationship_between_osm_ids_and_sumo-ids
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# Introduction
The first SUMO User Conference "SUMO2013" was attended by 30 participants from throughout Europe which presented three days of simulation results but also technical enhancements and new usage scenarios of the open source microscopic traffic simulation. The highlights were two keynote speakers, Christoph Sommer (Universitaet Innsbruck) and Kai Nagel (TU Berlin), which talked about the current developments in the simulation of vehicle communication, one of the main applications of SUMO, as well as experience with the development of MatSim. The program was rounded off by numerous discussions on the edge and a panel discussion, which will promote further exchanges among other simulation scenarios.
-The [Springer postproceedings issue of LNCS](http://www.springer.com/de/book/9783662450789) is now online. The updated [conference proceedings](http://sumo.dlr.de/2013/SUMO2013_15-17May%202013_Berlin-Adlershof.pdf) are available for download as well.
+The [Springer postproceedings issue of LNCS](http://www.springer.com/de/book/9783662450789) is now online. The updated [conference proceedings](../documents/2013/SUMO2013_15-17May%202013_Berlin-Adlershof.pdf) are available for download as well.
All those who contributed to the SUMO2013 conference: Thank you for all your excellent work!
@@ -34,15 +34,15 @@ These and other features make SUMO one of the most used traffic simulations with
The conference aims on exchanging experience in using SUMO, and presenting results or solutions obtained using the software. We expect a large variety of research topics and usage approaches. If you are doing a research project with SUMO and want to present your results please submit an abstract.
-There is [a flyer containing most of the important informations](http://sumo.dlr.de/2013/SUMO2013.pdf). You can find [the detailed program here](http://sumo.dlr.de/2013/Program_SUMO2013.pdf).
+There is [a flyer containing most of the important informations](../documents/2013/SUMO2013.pdf). You can find [the detailed program here](../documents/2013/Program_SUMO2013.pdf).
# Contact
-Please contact the conference team via mail at [SUMO2013@dlr.de](mailto:SUMO2013@dlr.de)
+Please contact the conference team via mail at [sumo-conference@dlr.de](mailto:sumo-conference@dlr.de)
The postal address is:
-German Aerospace Center
-Institute of Transportation Systems
-Rutherfordstr. 2
-12489 Berlin
+German Aerospace Center
+Institute of Transportation Systems
+Rutherfordstr. 2
+12489 Berlin
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@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ DOI: https://doi.org/10.52825/scp.v1i
# Sessions and Presentations
- Tutorial • [ Video](https://youtu.be/aiOQbaB-pWo) • [ Tutorial files](http://sumo.dlr.de/daily/sumo2020_tutorial.zip)
-- Ask us anything • [ Q&A Transcript](https://sumo.dlr.de/2020/chat_QA.txt)
+- Ask us anything • [ Q&A Transcript](../documents/2020/chat_QA.txt)
- **Keynote:** Emerging mobility trends and the role of transport simulation models - *Jordi Casas* • [ Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJe-2T73UOg)
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@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ DOI: https://doi.org/10.52825/scp.v2i
# Sessions and Presentations
- Tutorial • [ Video](https://youtu.be/tlshWdzFWpY) • [ Tutorial files](http://sumo.dlr.de/daily/sumo2021_tutorial.zip)
-- Ask us anything • [ Q&A Transcript](https://sumo.dlr.de/2021/chat_QA.txt)
+- Ask us anything • [ Q&A Transcript](../documents/2021/chat_QA.txt)
- **Keynote:** Ride-hailing and ride-pooling: State of the art, future research directions, and the role of traffic simulation - *Klaus Bogenberger* • [ Video](https://youtu.be/kQT_mhexuYw)
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@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ DOI: https://doi.org/10.52825/scp.v3i
# Sessions and Presentations
- Tutorial • [ Video](https://youtu.be/urKtJj87X5M) • [ Tutorial files](http://sumo.dlr.de/daily/sumo2022_tutorial.zip)
-- Ask us anything • [ Q&A Transcript](https://sumo.dlr.de/2022/chat_QA.txt)
+- Ask us anything • [ Q&A Transcript](../documents/2022/chat_QA.txt)
- **Keynote:** Simulating and modelling traffic: What are we trying to achieve? - *Heather Kaths* • [ Video](https://youtu.be/HBvuTjUy_kY)
- TAPAS Workshop - *Matthias Heinrichs* • [ Video](https://youtu.be/twLLWBKRlbg)
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+Q: 13:27:13 From Amine Mortaji To All Panelists : I have a question: while using webwizard, i dont get always the right informations for example the location of traffic lights.
+A: Part of this may be input data issues which can only be fixed manually. Some of this is interpretation of the input data. Make sure to use the recommended options:
+https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Networks/Import/OpenStreetMap.html#recommended_netconvert_options. If input data is lacking your best option may be heuristic generation: (tls.guess, https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/netconvert.html#tls_building)
+Q: 13:28:26 From John Pinder : i cant find the tools folder with osmWebWizard.py in, have i not installed it correctly?
+A: if you downloaded the installer, check to target of the link in your start menu. If you downloaded the zip it should be in there.
+Q: 13:30:09 From Guang Wu To All Panelists : Can stop sign be created by osmWebWizard? It seems stop sign is not from auto-generated .xml files?
+A: 13:30:45 From Michael Behrisch : No stop signs but the priorities of the junctions are usually correct
+A: At the moment, no. The relevant information is currently not extracted from OSM. You can manually change the junction type to priority_stop though.
+Q: 13:30:49 From Mohit Garg To All Panelists : There are some other files I saw somewhere .emi.xml and poi.xml files. What are they for?
+A: .poi.xml is the customary extension for points of interest which are loaded mostly for cosmetical purposes. .emi.xml is not a customary extensions and could be anything (i.e. user defined additional input files to declare outputs
+Q: 13:33:03 From John Pinder : where is the default install path in ubuntu?
+A: 13:33:16 From Michael Behrisch : /usr/share/sumo
+Q: 13:34:15 From Ei Ei Mon To All Panelists : can we get the flow and route information instead of trip.xml after using osmwebwizard?
+A: 13:34:54 From Michael Behrisch : Not directly but you can simply call duarouter for that. You can also add -r "route.rou.xml" to the randomTrips call in build.bat
+A: 13:37:54 From Sasan Amini : is it possible to import the sattelite images in NETEDIT? or they only work in SUMO_GUI?
+Q: 13:38:46 From Michael Behrisch : Satellite images work in netedit as well
+Q: 13:42:32 From Behzad Bamdad Mehrabani To All Panelists : Does importing large scale network, the same as what Jakob did right now? Is it possible to import large scale network?
+A: 13:45:34 From Michael Behrisch : You can import large scale networks, but probably you would not use the webWizard but download the osm file separately.
+A: see http://download.geofabrik.de/
+Q: 13:43:29 From Mario Krumnow To All Panelists : Nice idea to have osm tag's for actuation mode of the traffic light and for detectors as well ;-)
+A: 13:46:51 From Michael Behrisch : Having more information about the traffic light in OSM is an ongoing discussion and the OpenStreetMap people do not always like the idea (some are very map focussed)
+Q: 13:46:11 From Levente Alekszejenkó : Are there a shortcut for changing the type of all traffic lights back to the static behaviour? (Or is there a script which changes it in input files?)
+A: 13:47:48 From Lara Codeca : @Levente: I usually change it in the netconvert config file, using the default.
+A 13:52:29 From Giuliana Armellini To All Panelists : @Levante: you can use the selection mode in netedit to select all traffic lights (or only the ones with actuated type) and then in the inspection mode change all to static type
+Q: 13:46:49 From Jackie Zhang To All Panelists : If I want to use SUMO in Linux, the latest version 1.7.0, Ubuntu 18.04LTS or 20.04LTS, which one is better, or either is fine
+A: 13:47:15 From Michael Behrisch : We test SUMO on 18.04 but both should be fine.
+Q: 13:50:05 From Narayana Raju To All Panelists : can we induce a new car following model for the vehicles with traci??
+A: 13:50:50 From Michael Behrisch : @Naranya (Changing CF model via traci): Yes, you can change the vehicle type and the car following model is a part of that
+Q: 13:51:35 From Narayana Raju To All Panelists : thanks, like I code my own new model and assign it to the vehicles
+A: 13:53:13 From Michael Behrisch : @Narayana: You can use your own model either by coding the whole model with traci (setting the speed /position in every step) or by implementing the model in C++ and then selecting it in the vehicle type.
+Q: 13:55:00 From souhir bennaya To All Panelists : hello
-what is the role of random when applying activitygen (what is the difference between running the simulation with and without the random option)?
+A: 13:56:29 From Michael Behrisch : @souhir Please read here: https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Simulation/Randomness.html
+Q: 13:55:33 From 云阳 史 To All Panelists : Hi, I want to konw if sumo supports a custom area to let the vehicle drive freely on it(similar to being in an area of a parking lot), thanks!
+A: 13:58:03 From Michael Behrisch : @ 云阳 史 (free movement of vehicles) is not possible with the standard models but you can achieve it with traci.
+Q: 14:02:43 From Tobias Ferfers To All Panelists : Hey, whats a good way to evaluate the count data like in this tutorial scenario? Placing some detectors?
+A: 14:04:21 From Michael Behrisch : @Tobias (How to evaluate counts): It depends whether you need only local data or the whole network. The format is usually more like meandata https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Simulation/Output/Lane-_or_Edge-based_Traffic_Measures.html
+Q: 14:05:06 From John Pinder : can you do similar things for busses
+A: 14:06:30 From Michael Behrisch : @John The vehicle type does not matter
+Q: 14:03:40 From Yukon_Red To All Panelists : ooo use the taxi functionality to show how Tesla autonomous taxis will upset the market
+A: 14:08:33 From Michael Behrisch : @Yukon_Red (use this for autonomous taxis) Yes, that is the idea, although you need probably a more elaborated dipatching / scheduling here.
+Q: 14:09:18 From Gerald Richter : can the operation of taxis be intermodal, e.g. taking ppl to park&ride points with swapping to train?
+A: Yes
+Q: 14:09:50 From Benedikt Buhk : Is there a database for real counting data of cars on real streets? (To simulate random traffic but near to reality in certain cities)
+A: 14:16:53 From Michael Behrisch : @Benedikt (Zähldaten) For German Autobahnen there is data like that: https://www.bast.de/BASt_2017/DE/Verkehrstechnik/Fachthemen/v2-verkehrszaehlung/Verkehrszaehlung.html?nn=1817946
+A: 14:28:34 From Gabriel Tilg : @Benedikt Buhk: You will find some loop detector data for urban traffic here: https://utd19.ethz.ch/.
+Q: 14:10:00 From Gerald Richter : can the pickup at pt stops be limited to just a certain subset of those?
+A: At the moment no. It's an obvious (and simple) enhancement though
+Q: 14:15:53 From Inna Morozova : Is it possible to use the same lane in both directions,if one direction has priority to pass this lane?
+A: Yes.
+Q: 14:14:01 From John Pinder : is there an (taxi) algorithm list that explains each use?
+A: 14:15:07 From Giuliana Armellini : @John Pinder; here you can find a list of the available algorithm: https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Simulation/Taxi.html#dispatch
+Q: 14:13:46 From Meng Long To All Panelists : If I use flow to generate vehicles, such as defining 500 vehs per hour, does this generate uniformly or followed the Poisson distribution? And how to get the average delay of the whole network?
+A: By default departures are uniform but you can also define a random flow: https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Simulation/Randomness.html#flows_with_a_random_number_of_vehicles
+Q: 14:24:04 From John Pinder : who can i contact for email support?
+A: 14:25:45 From Michael Behrisch : @John see https://www.eclipse.org/sumo/contact/
+Q: 14:26:19 From Samuel Würtz To All Panelists : what can I expect from the "public transport in meso"? how does it differ from current posiiblities to simulate public transport busses?
+A: 14:27:14 From Michael Behrisch : @Samuel meso is much faster so it would allow for larger networks or more simulations done in shorter time
+Q: 14:25:50 From praveen pandey To All Panelists : I am interested in knowing how in sumo network link freespeed and capacity is controlled.
+A: 14:29:03 From Michael Behrisch : @praveen (how to control freespeed and capacity) those are emergent properties from the car following and the road properties and not controlled directly
+Q: 14:32:09 From Tristan Stull To All Panelists : can someone point me to the documentation for SAGA? Thanks.
+A: 14:35:02 From Michael Behrisch : @tristan (SAGA docs): https://github.com/lcodeca/SUMOActivityGen
+Q: 14:34:35 From Narayana Raju : can we code our own lane change models using traci?
+A: 14:35:34 From Michael Behrisch : @Narayana yes
+Q: 14:36:05 From Jackie Zhang To All Panelists : Is it possible to get the Edge ID list and Junction ID list by TraCI functions, is yes, which one should be used?
+A: 14:36:57 From Michael Behrisch : @Jackie (get edge and lane ids via traci): Yes, getIDList is part of the edge and the junction module
+Q: 14:40:18 From Jackie Zhang To All Panelists : Thanks, but the getIDList function is for the all the objects in the road network, is it possible to separate the edges and junction ID ?
+A: No. traci.edge.getIDList and traci.junction.getIDList return distinct lists
+Q: 14:36:26 From Tobias Ferfers To All Panelists : @Jakob You mentioned it is possible to "mix" car following models (a tool), could you give me a keyword to look for?
+A: 14:39:10 From Michael Behrisch : @Tobias (mix following models) you can generate vehicle type distributions using https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Tools/Misc.html
+Q: 14:37:39 From Vikash Kumar To All Panelists : Does latest version of SUMO which is 1.7.0 supports sumo web3D simulaltion on browser or we have to use the older version which is SUMO 0.3.2
+A: 14:39:47 From Michael Behrisch : @Vikash (support for web3D) We do not test this regularly, so we cannot tell.
+A: 14:39:50 From Robert Hilbrich : Vikash: web3d was built by Side walk labs for SUMO 0.31 … not sure if it still runs with 1.7.0, I think it should … but we did not test
+Q: 14:51:46 From Eduardo Perez Guzman To All Panelists : Hi team! Thank you for the nice introduction. We have been using SUMO for some years and we jumped into meso at the time it was introduced, being it a real experience. What would be the best way to interact with you in terms of getting advice, gathering suggestions, or doing evaluation?
+A: 14:53:45 From Robert Hilbrich : @Eduardo: you can reach us on our regular support channels (sumo-user mailinglist, mattermost, twitter) where we provide free support; the German Aerospace Center is a choice for a more elaborate research collaboration and we have a spin-off - the co4e.com - for professional consultancy and support (and less research)
+Q: 14:59:38 From Eduardo Perez Guzman To All Panelists : Thanks a lot for the Information. And do you have any advice from your experience about getting traffic lights Information in Germany (Lichtsignalanlagen)? Is it something DLR makes use of? This turns to be a key point for large scale simulations like the ones we perform.
+A: It's difficult and involves lots of handcrafting. Some relevant tools: See https://github.com/DLR-TS/sumo-ocit and https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Tools/tls.html#tls_csvsignalgroupspy
+Q: 14:46:29 From Daniel Schleicher To All Panelists : Is it possible to put some kind of business model to a taxi driver to calculate the profits?
+A: You could do this when controlling the taxis via TraCI
+Q: 14:43:03 From Meng Long To All Panelists : Is there any tutorial or example for signal timing optimization by reinforcement Learning using traci?
+A: No.
+Q: 14:38:58 From Maria Laura Clemente To All Panelists : Are there car following model configurations which better simulate specific places, such as Italian traffic?
+A: There probably are but it's hard to make a general recommendation on this. I recommend looking at junction model parameters jmDriveAfterYellowtime, jmIgnoreKeepClearTime, jmDriveAfterRedTime, ...
+Q: 14:17:07 From Giovanni Ferrara : Good evening, I'd like to ask if is possible to change the driver agent
+A: Yes. Take a look at https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Definition_of_Vehicles,_Vehicle_Types,_and_Routes.html#car-following_models
+Q: 14:09:10 From Ken SHIRAHATA To All Panelists : When adding lanes in the left-hand traffic, can we add "right-turn lane" on the right side of the road?
+A: Yes. You can define arbitrary lanes and connections via Netedit
+Q: 14:13:08 From Linyang Wang To All Panelists : Is it possible to control the matching strategy of specific taxi and passenger with TraCI?
+A: Yes
+Q: 14:25:26 From souhir bennaya To All Panelists : -wich algorithm that acticitygen and duarouter used to the traffic affectation ?
+A: Fastest part search. This optionally uses travel times from a previous simulation.
+Q: 14:30:59 From Rober Younes To All Panelists : What are the possabilitys within intermodal Routings ?
+A: Any combination of walking, private car, public transport and taxi use. (private car only in the first step).
+Q: 14:45:18 From Ei Ei Mon To All Panelists : how can we control the lane changing behavior of left turn vehicles and buses near bus stop? thanks
+A: The point at which vehicles change for strategic reasons (i.e. turning) is configured with attribute lcStrategic.
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+Q: What is the difference between SUMO and MATSim. In mathematical models used?
+A: Sumo uses car-following and lane-changing models whereas MATSim uses a coarser and faster queing model (very similar to SUMO-meso). MATSim also includes models for building a virtual population and their plans (whereas SUMO requires those plans as input)
+Q: Is it possible to draw the TAZ in different shapes (say I want to draw a TAZs based on neighborhoods) using the tool shown in the tutorial?
+A: Arbitrary polygonal shapes can be drawn. TAZ can also be built based on shapes from OSM: https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Tools/District.html#edgesindistrictspy
+Q: Do you plan to improve or update Traci? Currently, I am trying to integrate Sumo to Unity, and road construction was a bit hard. The shape list of a lane only gives information about the center line, but I needed end points of a lane in Unity.
+A: TraCI is mainly for dynamic features. Lane geometry is static and tools/sumolib is the recommended library to retrieve this data. sumolib.geomhelper.move2side can be used to compute the outer boundar for a given lane center line.
+Q: Is it possible to automatically optimise traffic light signal plans. By changing green times and/or cycle times. By running multiple simulations and resulting into an optimum. Which is minimal traffic delay.
+A: Sumo does not include tools for iterative optimization. Timing and offsets can be optimized for given traffic demand: https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Simulation/Traffic_Lights.html#improving_generated_programs_with_knowledge_about_traffic_demand
+Q: I see you plan to couple SUMO with some pedestrian models. Which pedestrian models do you think are good candidates for this?
+A: We plan to couple SUMO with JuPedSim which contains multiple models. Social Distance and Cellular automaton models could all be useful. Any kind of model as long as it's fast enough.
+Q: What is the most efficient way to estimate travel times for paths from SUMO simulation output?
+A: edgeData-output with duarouter or tripinfo-output with vehicles that drove the desired paths
+Q: How can one associate trips generated from od2trips with passenger cars exhibiting varying behavior (e.g. in terms of car-following or lane changing)?
+A: od2trips option --vtype TYPEID and then in sumo load an additional file that defines vTypeDistribution TYPEID (https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Definition_of_Vehicles%2C_Vehicle_Types%2C_and_Routes.html#vehicle_type_distributions)
+Q: Is there any weather information in sumo?
+A: There is no direct support for wheather but sumo can associate arbitrary date with network edges using generic parameters (https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Simulation/GenericParameters.html) and custom models can access these parameters.
+Q: Does SUMO support multi-cores cpu? how to set SUMO simulation setting in order to fully utilize the computer resources such as multi-core cpu or GPU?
+A: Routing can be parallelized over multiple cpu cores with sumo option --device.rerouting.thread and duarouter option --routing-threads. SUMO also supports option --threads for multi-core simulation but the realized speed-up is currently low. GPUs are not supported.
+Q: About TAZ: Is it possible to only allow specific edges to be a origin/destination edge in a TAZ?
+A: Yes. gridDistrict.y and edgesInDistrict.py support option --vclass. filterDistrict.py also filters and existing TAZ with option --vclass
+Q: By any chance, are you aware any study using SUMO for simulating logistics process, e.g., in container terminals (or production systems in factory)? Thank you.
+A: https://www.dlr.de/ts/en/PortalData/16/Resources/Veranstaltungen/2015/SUMO2015_Proceeding.pdf
+Q: Can I change lane change parameters such as lcPushy, lcAssertive during the simulation via Traci ?
+A: Yes. traci.vehicle.setParameter(vehID, "laneChangeModel.lcPushy", str(value))
+Q: Is it possible to control a pedestrian like I can control an ego car using an XBOX (or similar) controller?
+A: Yes. traci.person.moveToXY
+Q: How the TAZ is created, and who create it?
+A: Candidate tools: netedit, polyconvert+edgesInDistrict.py, gridDistricts,py
+Q: Is it possible to change the net connections in real time using an existing TraCI module?
+A: Yes. traci.edge.setAllow(internalEdgeID, "authority") -> normal cars cannot use this connection anymore. See https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/sumo-gui.html#investigating_internal_edges_and_lanes
+Q: What are the main uses of SUMO for V2X?
+A: mobility model for communication simulation, cooperative behavior (i.e. platooning, smart traffic lights)
+Q: Can you briefly describe how the Python packages work? Is it the recommended way to start and run simulations from Python?
+A: Many python tools are stand-alone. tools/sumolib is for writing own tools (i.e. analyze networks), tools/traci is for coupling own code to a simulation (which can be started with traci.start). Normally sumo is started from the command line, batch files etc.
+Q: There are several car-following-models, do you know if they give results comparable to the one used by SUMO?
+A: All model behave differently. The same model implemented in different simulations should mostly work the same but there are difference in situations that are not fully discribed by the model (i.e.
+how to stop at intersections).
+Q: Is there a workaround to show WMS layers as background map in SUMO-GUI? or such feacture needs to be carefully developed (hopefully for future realeses)?
+A: SUMO only supports backgrounds via raster images. Those can be imported from WMS via tileGet.py: https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Tools/Misc.html#tilegetpy
+Q: Is it planned to implement another lane change model, for example MOBIL?
+A: Not directly but the API is module and pull-request are very welcome. The SUMO-team may be able to give support to anyone willing to do so.
+Q: Topic train/bus tls request: Is it possible to create a traffic light program with a (preferred) bus/train request without TraCI?
+A: Actuated traffic lights support custom detectors and those can filter by vType. Together with a branching program this could make the traffic light adapt to public transport:
+Q: Is it possible to define a minGap when a car passenger follows a heavy truck and a minGap when following an ordinary vehicle?
+A: No by default but it's possible via TraCI or custom carFollowingModels
+Q: Is there a way to have a command-line SUMO as a "server" and connect something like SUMO-GUI to it? E.g. running a SUMO in docker and check how the simulation runs?
+A: Yes. See https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Tools/Misc.html#statereplaypy. Additional features are planned.
+Q: Is it possible to embed rerouters to divert pedestrian traffic temporarily?
+A: No. Rerouting pedestrians only works via TraCI at the moment.
+Q: I find sometimes emergency vehicle (has been equipped with bluelight device and permitted to violate red light through setting jmDriveAfterRedTime) does not change lane to pass intersection during red light, is there any possible reason for it and how to solve it?
+A: Possible bug, please send in minimum example scenario.
+Q: The number of teleports increased considerably when we use calibration ? Do you have any idea about that?
+A: If calibration increases traffic, any problems with the network/infrastructure model likely show up as jamming/teleports.
+Q: When SUMO automatically generates traffic light sequences, does it estimate flow rates?
+A: No. Flow can be incorporated into signal plans via extra tools: https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Simulation/Traffic_Lights.html#improving_generated_programs_with_knowledge_about_traffic_demand
+Q: Is this session of the tutorial being recorded?
+A: Q&A is not recorded
+Q: Have you mapped the historical data based on GTFS-R data?
+A: No. Import into static scenarios should work.
+Q: I have a very little experience about this, but, are there many implementations of SUMO connected with real-time data from Waze and tomtom (car flow applications)? I would appreciate if you have any links to share as well. Thank you.
+A: We are not aware of this kind of coupling.
+Q: Is there any efficient way to insert a new phase during a cycle? Now I implement it by switching to a new program and switch back to the original
+A: For various options see https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Simulation/Traffic_Lights.html#controlling_traffic_lights_via_traci
+Q: I have noticed that when the vehicles change lanes, they change at 90 degrees in the adjacent lane. Is it possible that they line up over a greater distance like in real life?
+A. See https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Simulation/SublaneModel.html
+Q: Does SUMO used for only virtual scenarios which are similar to reality or do we have implementation in the real world?
+A: All scenarios are virtual in a sense but some there are some projects with tight coupling to real-time data. (https://elib.dlr.de/105545/1/HEUREKA%2717_VITAL_online.pdf)
+Q: Can SUMO simulate electric vehicles, and charging infrastructure? Can sumo-gui show the charging state?
+A: Yes: https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Models/Electric.html To see the charging state, Set vehicle coloring to "by param (numerical)" and use parameter "device.battery.actualBatteryCapacity". Optionally activate checkbox "show vehicle color value". (https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/sumo-gui.html#vehicle_visualisation_settings)
+Q: Can Sumo restrict the set of persons that may enter a vehicle at a stop?
+A: Yes. using stop-attribute 'permitted' (https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Definition_of_Vehicles%2C_Vehicle_Types%2C_and_Routes.html#stops)
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+Q: Just have downloaded sumo on my new computer (Mac OS), however I am having trouble with the installation FXApp::openDisplay: unable to open display :0.0 is the error I am receiving - has anyone come across this before?
+A: It looks like XQuartz is missing. You can install it with “brew install --cask xquartz”.
+Q: Does the:sumo -c run.sumocfg --seed 1 --output-prefix 1.
+ sumo -c run.sumocfg --seed 2 --output-prefix 2.
+ sumo -c run.sumocfg --seed 3 --output-prefix 3.
+ randomize also the arrival distribution of vehicles?
+A: Yes, if at least one of the following conditions are met:
+- option --random-depart-offset is set
+- traffic is defined as with attribute random="x" or period="exp(x)"
+Q: I would like to know about map-matching in SUMO. How can it match a sequence of GPS points on the SUMO network? I tried to associate each GPS point with the closest edge, but this led to a noisy trajectory, mainly when the GPS point lies inside a junction.
+A: see https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/FAQ.html#how_do_i_generate_sumo_routes_from_gps_traces
+ Discarding points that map to junction-internal edges (edge id starts with
+':') could also help
+Q: may I know, is it SUMO can plan a vehicle from one destination to another destination with several options of the route with estimated time arrival (ETA)
+A: There a several tools that deal with this topic. Good entry point are:
+- https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Demand/Dynamic_User_Assignment.html
+- https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Simulation/Routing.html
+Q: I am trying to import the Junction connections, but the issue is that a connection or traversal drawn by a single vehicle is acutally separated I also looking for a way to customize the IDs in network if its possible
+A1: Most connections across an intersection consist of a single edge with one or
+more lanes. For some movements (i.e. permissive left turns) there are two edges
+split at the waiting position within the junction (a so-called internal
+junction). See https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Networks/SUMO_Road_Networks.html#internal_junctions
+A2: Edge and junction ids can be customized freely. Lane ids and internal edge
+ids are always generated based on the former.
+Q: Is there any way we can export the junction from network as JSON?
+A: The tool net2geojson.py supports option --junctions to export junction
+shapes. See https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Tools/Net.html#net2geojsonpy
+Q: As SUMO is the core of many academic research, I wonder whether there are benchmark scenarios. E.g. highway scenario for platooning, downtown scenario to improve traffic control, etc., with predefined networks, traffic demands, and baseline results. Do you know any of such scenarios? How can we help creating such benchmark cases?
+A: Scenarios that have been made available to the community are collected at
+https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Data/Scenarios.html Contact us on any channel to have
+your scenarios added there.
+Q: I am new to understanding netedit also is there any way to distinct the junction export separated as a polygon ? and separated the vehicle type with IDs? Where and how are the ids generates?
+A: You can export the junction shape with net2geojson.py (see above). The
+vehicle ids can be freely customized. Tools that generated vehicles (i.e.
+randomTrips.py) provide options for setting an ID-prefix and then add a numbered
+Q: Is there a 3D Mode for the SUMO GUI planned?
+A: The "extra" build already includes a 3D-mode! https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Downloads.php#note_on_licensing
+Q: I have a question regarding the process of making my own model of the Swiss motorway public as a SUMO Scenario on your web page. Is there a contact to talk about publishing the SUMO model on your webpage? So far, I sent an email to sumo@dlr.de.
+A: We're happy to add your scenario. Please resend your question or open an issue at https://github.com/eclipse/sumo/issues/new
+Q: Is there a containerized version of SUMO (e.g. Docker)? We want to support the Simulation part as part of a synthetic data generation toolchain. No GUI and Scenarios are pre configured.
+A: Yes. See https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Developer/Docker.html
+Q: Do you plan to help get from TraCI the name of the lane embedding a detector like multientryexit detector ?
+A: Version 1.13.0 provides methods to retrieve the lanes and positions of entry
+and exit detectors.
+Q: Does Sumo support the import of objects from open drive such as markings, parking spaces, and crossings? Attempts I’ve made so far do not appear to be correctly importing.
+A: Road objects can currently be imported as shapes. Import of parkingArea
+elements and crossings is planned for the future
+Q: I was wondering if you are planning on incorporating quadrupedal robots (four legged robots) as a vehicle type. I am working on a research project related to them as a sustainable solution for last mile logistics and I am wondering if there is a way to configure them as a vehicle
+A: It should be possible to model them with the current version, either as a special type of pedestrian or a vehicle. The vehicle classes 'custom1' and 'custom2' can employed for this.
+Q: It's a recoming problem in our research that we need to know when a vehicle approaches and leaves an intersection. Is there a way to observe this?
+A: This can be achieved with detectors
+Q2: If we place detectors far out, we also detect vehicles that do not pass this
+intersection. Is there a way to avoid this?
+A2: Yes. We are planning on adding route-based filtering for detectors: https://github.com/eclipse/sumo/issues/9927
+Q: Are there any plans for Open Scenario support?
+A: We're generally open to the idea but no work is planned yet. Suggestions for
+specific features (and pull-requests) are welcome.
+Q: Hey, I've been recently trying to extract the positions of traffic Lights on the individual lanes (not the position of the Junction but the stop lines). For now I've been extracting them from vehicles stopped at the TL and adding their minimal heading distance. Is there are more elegant way to do this?
+A: The position of the lights is identical with the end position of the lane
+leading into the intersection. The exact stopping position varies by
+- junction-type (1m for priority / traffic light)
+- stopOffset element for the lane (may vary by vClass): https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Networks/PlainXML.html#stop_offsets
+- vType attribute jmStoplineGap
+Q: Are you planning to support incident between vehicles and infrastructure? I mean, a crash between a vehicle and the infrastructure.
+A: No. This is not planned at the moment. Feel free to open up a github issue to
+lay out your suggestions/requirements
+Q: Another topic… we have a connected vehicle Framework that we want to introduced via the Automotive Grade Linux (AGL and Open Source), SUMO is an element of it (as a module/dependency, therefor our interest to dockerized SUMO)… any licencing thing that we should consider?
+A: You can use SUMO with either the EPL2 or GPL2-or-later so there should be no
+Q: can SUMO integrate with any mapping platform apps or webs such as google maps, Waze or TOM TOM
+A: You can export a network to KML for display with google maps
+(tools/net/net2kml) and you can also export fcd data with tools/traceExporter.py
+--kml-output. Going the other way, SUMO can import backgrounds from a tile
+server using tools/tileGet.py
+Q: Hi, I would like to generate an emission map for a city wide scale network using Phemlight. I use the plot_net_dump.py. However, is there another way to get a better resolution emission map for a large scale network?
+A: You can either increase the spatial resolution by splitting up your network
+into shorter edges (netconvert --geometry.max-segment-length 100
+--geometry.split) or perform your own aggregation based on raw vehicle
+emission data (--emission-output)
+Q: Presently to launch SUMO from a third-party simulation software (e.g OMNeT++) both softwares must be on the same machine or on a network thru a shared folder...do you plan to to make it possible thru a client-server scheme ?
+A: TraCI already supports connection to a running sumo simulation on another
+Q: We have been looking to model real time operation of ambulances using Sumo taking real-time incidents. Is there any available library to model emergency vehicles? The challenge is allowing vehicles to adopt contra-flow as well as disregard red lights and other vehicles to give way to the emergency vehicles
+A: Yes. See https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Simulation/Emergency.html
+Q: Are you planning to collaborate with the OGC community to consider cityGML (https://www.ogc.org/standards/citygml) for network imports or make 3D visualization in Cesium coupled with Unreal (is it OGC vs. OSG? :D)
+A: We were not aware of the OGC community but are open for ideas. Feel free to
+open an issue on github and lay out your idea
+Q: Can you also add weather information in sumo and see how it will affect the traffic?
+A: We are in the process on merging the road friction feature and one
+carFollowmodel that considers this value. This will permit to model a range of
+weather related influences on traffic.
+Q: Is SUMO not using TRACI for generating the Simulation at the first time? What is rerouting?
+A: No. TraCI is and advanced feature for coupling SUMO to another process. To
+learn more about rerouting, see https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Simulation/Routing.html
+Q: To what extend is it possible to simulate shared spaces? or the interaction between cars and pedestrians? can pedestrians walk in sub-lane?
+A: Cars and pedestrians can move on the same lanes as well as through shared
+intersections. Pedestrians move freely within these spaces while avoidig the
+cars. Likewise, cars "see" the pedestrians and avoid them.
+Q: Are there any SUMO community groups/forums or mailing groups?
+A: Yes. See https://www.eclipse.org/sumo/contact/
+Q: We use TraCI's openGap() function to control a platoon of vehicles, but sometimes instead of closing up a vehicle, it makes it slow down. Do you have any idea what may be the problem here? (Warning states tau cannot be smaller than the original, but I am sure, we have not reduced the tau)
+A: This could be a bug in the openGap function. Please open up a ticket on
+github and provide all input files for reproducing the problem.
+Q: Is it possible to make Calibrators sense the few edges (meters) upstream in order to have an approximate picture of traffic volume that will pass on it in the current calibrator interval?
+ To be able to generate, let's say, an equal amount of vehicles (or some distribution) during the calibration interval. So far, it often happened that Calibrator waits until the end of the interval and then generates a higher amount of vehicles forming the platoon. This is the case for short intervals (in my case, minute resolution).
+A: Thank you for pointing out this problem. We intend to solve it by increasing
+calibrator flexibility: https://github.com/eclipse/sumo/issues/10698
+Q: My research in emergency vehicle prioritizes system that needs input from google maps or any mapping platform. How do I integrate the mapping platform to SUMO
+A: There are a range of tools for using geo-referenced data with SUMO. See https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Geo-Coordinates.html
+Q: Is there a way to model or apply car taffic noise file in SUMO thru in a noise reduction project ?
+A: SUMO has a noise emission model that can either provide aggregated data (for
+edges or trips) or raw-data (--emission-output)
+Q: Does the integration method have an impact on traffic flow regarding the use of Cars following the model? E.g, can ballistic integration be used with EIDM?
+A: Yes and Yes.
+Q: Is it possible to make TL states that apply only to certain traffic modes? In the UK, we have signals which give a green light to cyclists only for a few seconds before the full green (in mixed-traffic lanes, not just for cycle lanes)
+A: Not directly: Each lane-to-lane connection has exactly one signal state. A
+workaround is to distinguish the bicycle connection either by adding a short
+bicycle lane before or after the junction.
+Q: Where are the laneid, junction ids given (any script)?
+A: The lane ids are computed based on the edge id (by adding _INDEX). Edge and
+junction ids can be set by the user. When importing data (i.e. from OSM) the
+original ids are kept as closely as possible. See https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Networks/Import/OpenStreetMap.html#relationship_between_osm_ids_and_sumo-ids