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Bacluc edited this page Oct 29, 2022 · 8 revisions


We use branches that point to a commit which should be deployed. Currently we have the following branches, which point to the environment with the same name:

To deploy a new version to an environment, we create a PR from devel to the respective environment. After the checks ran through and the required approvals are given, we use the fast-forward.yml action by adding a comment with the content: '/fast-forward'.

For the fast-forward action to work, we need the repository secret FAST_FORWARD_TOKEN which contains a "Fine grained personal access token" which is attached to a person (currently @BacLuc). This token can be revoked by the organization here: For this token we need to set an expiry date, the lifespan maximum is 1 year. The current token will expire at 2023-10-28. You can create such a token here:, and the organization needs to approve the token then here: