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AudioLoop is a Python module designed for real-time audio, video, and text streaming, enabling seamless bi-directional communication with Google's Gemini AI model. Leveraging asynchronous programming with asyncio, AudioLoop facilitates real-time audio playback, video capture, and textual interactions, making it an ideal choice for applications requiring interactive AI-driven multimedia capabilities.
The code is adapted from the Gemini 2.0 cookbook example: Please check the References below.
The main differences from are:

  • the AudioLoop class having its input and output methods implemented as async queues to allow interaction from GUI driven apps, such as from Panel or TKinter.
  • added logging to facilitate troubleshooting
  • added the option to select the Gemini pre-generated voide model

Table of Contents


  • Real-Time Audio Streaming: Capture audio from the microphone and play back audio responses from the AI model.
  • Video Capture: Stream video frames from the camera in real-time.
  • Screen Capture: Capture and stream screenshots of the primary display.
  • Textual Interaction: Send and receive text messages to and from the AI model.
  • Asynchronous Operations: Utilizes asyncio for managing concurrent tasks efficiently.
  • Logging: Comprehensive logging to monitor and debug the application's behavior.
  • Extensible: Designed to be integrated into other programs managing GUI components.


  • Python: Version 3.11 or higher is required.
  • Google GenAI Account: Access to Google's Gemini AI model with appropriate API credentials.


  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone
    cd Gemini_2.0_Live_API_Tutorials
  2. Create a Virtual Environment (Optional but Recommended)

    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows: venv\Scripts\activate.bat
  3. Install Dependencies

    Ensure you have pip updated:

    pip install --upgrade pip

    Install the required packages:

    pip install asyncio pyaudio opencv-python mss Pillow python-dotenv google-genai

    Note: pyaudio may require additional system dependencies. Refer to the PyAudio Installation Guide for platform-specific instructions.

  4. Set Up Environment Variables

    Create a .env file in the project root directory and add your Google Gemini API credentials:


    I've found that the documentation sometimes mentions one key or the other, but the later, GOOGLE_API_KEY, seems to be the one required by the latest genai API.


Importing the AudioLoop Class

To use the AudioLoop class in your project, import it from the audio_loop module:

import asyncio
from audio_loop import AudioLoop
from google import genai

# Initialize your GenAI client
client = genai.Client(http_options={"api_version": "v1alpha"})

Initializing AudioLoop

Create an instance of AudioLoop by providing an asyncio.Queue for user inputs and an optional callback for displaying text responses:

user_input_queue = asyncio.Queue()

def display_text(text):
    print(f"AI: {text}")

audio_loop = AudioLoop(user_input_queue=user_input_queue, display_text_callback=display_text)

Running the AudioLoop

Run the AudioLoop within an asynchronous event loop, specifying the AI model, configuration, input mode, and GenAI client:

async def main():
    model = "models/gemini-2.0-flash-exp"
    config = {
        "generation_config": {
            "response_modalities": ["AUDIO"],
            "speech_config": "Kore"  # Example voice
    mode = "camera"  # Options: "text", "camera", "screen"
    await, config=config, mode=mode, client=client)

if __name__ == "__main__":

CLI Application

The script includes a command-line interface (CLI) that allows you to run the AudioLoop directly. To use the CLI:

  1. Run the Script

    python --mode camera


    • --mode: Specifies the source of video frames to stream. Options are:
      • text (default): Text-only interaction.
      • camera: Stream video from the default camera.
      • screen: Stream screenshots of the primary display.
  2. Interact via Console

    • Send Messages: Type your messages after the message > prompt and press Enter.
    • Exit: Type quit or q to terminate the application gracefully.


Logging is configured to provide detailed information about the application's operations, aiding in debugging and monitoring.

  • Log Configuration: Logs are set up using the setup_logging() function.
  • Log Files: Log files are stored in the logs directory with timestamps in their filenames.
  • Log Levels: The default log level is set to DEBUG for comprehensive logging. Adjust as needed in the setup_logging function.
  • Console Logging: By default, logs are written to files only. To enable console logging, uncomment the StreamHandler line in the setup_logging() function.


Customize the AI model and response modalities by modifying the configuration dictionaries:

  • Text Response Only

        "generation_config": {
            "response_modalities": ["TEXT"]
  • Audio Response

    voices = ["Puck", "Charon", "Kore", "Fenrir", "Aoede"]
        "generation_config": {
            "response_modalities": ["AUDIO"],
            "speech_config": voices[2]  # Example: "Kore"

Select the desired configuration when initializing the AudioLoop.


The AudioLoop module relies on the following Python packages:

  • Standard Libraries:

    • asyncio
    • logging
    • os
    • datetime
    • base64
    • io
    • traceback
    • argparse
  • Third-Party Libraries:

Ensure all dependencies are installed via pip as outlined in the Installation section.


MIT License
