This example shows you how to use the Okta.Auth.Sdk
library to:
- Log in a user
- Change a user's password (only if the password has expired)
The user's browser is first redirected to the self-hosted login page on your ASP.NET MVC application. Once the user is successfully authenticated via Okta, a ClaimsIdentity
is created with the user's information.
If the user's password has expired, the user will be redirected to a change password form.
Before running this sample, you will need the following:
- An Okta Developer Account, you can sign up for one at
- An API token
Clone this repo and replace the okta configuration placeholders in the Web.Config
with your configuration values from the Okta Developer Console.
You can see all the available configuration options in the Okta.Auth.Sdk GitHub.
Now start your server and navigate to http://localhost:8080 in your browser.
If you see a home page that allows you to login, then things are working! Clicking the Log in link will redirect you to the self-hosted sign-in page.
You can login with the same account that you created when signing up for your Developer Org, or you can use a known username and password from your Okta Directory.