- Sign Up for IBM Cloud: https://ibm.biz/slack-watson-workshop
- Check out Red Hat Marketplace
- Create a Watson Assistant service: https://cloud.ibm.com/catalog/services/watson-assistant
- Launch the Watson Assistant Tool
- Create a Skill: Customer Care Example Skill
- Create a Slack Workspace: https://slack.com/get-started#/create
- Follow the Slack/Watson integration steps outlined here.
- Remix our Glitch Project https://glitch.com/edit/#!/slack-watson-workshop
- Create a Slack App https://api.slack.com/apps
- Add a Bot User
- Install & Get an Access Token
- Get your App Credentials
- Set your Credentials in the Glitch .env
- Event Subscriptions -> Enable Events
- Create a Watson Assistant service https://cloud.ibm.com/catalog/services/watson-assistant
- Launch the Watson Assistant Tool
- Create a Skill: Customer Care Example Skill
- Get the API Key for your .env file
- Will the workshop be recorded? Yes, the workshop will be recorded and availalbe at the same URL on Crowdcast. It will take a few minutes to process at the end of the event, after which you'll be able to see it.