- Sign Up for IBM Cloud: https://ibm.biz/forwardjs2020
- Grab your Cluster: https://osforwardjs.mybluemix.net (Lab Key: oslab)
- Review the Workshop instructions: https://ibm.biz/k8s-apr2020-lab
- Will the workshop be recorded? Yes, the workshop will be recorded and availalbe at the same URL on Crowdcast. It will take a few minutes to process at the end of the event, after which you'll be able to see it.
- Will the clusters be available after the workshop? As the clusters are intended for this workshop, they will be de-provisioned within 24 hours after the workshop ends.
- Will the slides be available after the workshop? Yes, the slides are available at https://github.com/drnugent/presentations/blob/master/Kubernetes%20and%20Red%20Hat%20OpenShift%20Webinar%2020200529.pdf