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Available Symbols Generators

Jan Krivanek edited this page Apr 4, 2022 · 7 revisions

Inside the template.json file, you can define custom symbols that will be used inside the template files. The supported symbol types are:

  • Parameter - the value is typically provided by the user when creating the template. If not provided, the value is taken from host configuration, otherwise default value is used.
  • Derived - defines transformation of another symbol. The value of this symbol is derived from the value of another symbol by applying the defined form.
  • Computed - the boolean value is evaluated during the processing of the template based on the other symbol values.
  • Generated - the value is computed by a built-in symbol value generator. This article covers available generators for generated symbols.

To use a generated symbol inside your template.json file:

  1. Add "type": "generated" to the symbol definition
  2. Use the "generator": ... parameter to select the generator to use.
    This is a sample of definition of a generated symbol, the port generator, that generates a random number for an http port.
"IISExpressPortGenerated": {    
  "type": "generated",    
  "generator": "port",
  "parameters": {

Most of the generators need to be configured via parameters that let you select the source of the data and select among the options available. Below is a sample of a symbol that use the now generator to replace a fixed year indication present in the source files with the current year.

"copyrightYear": {
  "type": "generated",
  "generator": "now",
  "replaces": "1975",
  "parameters": {
    "format": "yyyy"

Available built-in generators for computing generated symbols values are:

Name Description
casing Enables changing the casing of a string.
coalesce Behaves like the C# ?? operator.
constant Constant value
evaluate Evaluate a code expression (using C style syntax)
port Generate a port number that can be used by web projects.
guid Create a new guid.
now Get the current date/time.
random Generate random int.
regex Process a regular expression.
regexMatch Checks if the value matches the regex pattern.
switch Behaves like a C# switch statement.
join Concatenates multiple symbols or constants.


Changes the case of the text of the source value to all upper-case or all lower-case. It does not affect spaces (i.e. does not do any sort of Camel Casing).


Name Data Type Description
source string Source of the data
toLower bool applies lower case if true, uppercase otherwise


In this sample three symbols are defined:

  • ownerName is a parameter which can be set on the command line using dotnet new It has a default value of "John Doe", that will be used if the no value is received from the host. The value will be used to replace "John Smith (a)".
  • nameUpper and nameLower are the symbols that generate the upperCase and lowerCase version of ownerName that are used to replace any instance of "John Smith (U)" and "John Smith (l)".
      "type": "parameter",
      "replaces": "John Smith (a)",
      "defaultValue": "John Doe"

      "type": "generated",
      "generator": "casing",
      "parameters": {
        "toLower": false
      "replaces":"John Smith (U)"

      "type": "generated",
      "generator": "casing",
      "parameters": {
        "toLower": true
      "replaces":"John Smith (l)"


Implementation class Sample


Behaves like the C# ?? operator.


Name Data Type Description
sourceVariableName string source of the data
fallbackVariableName string alternate source of data


In this sample three symbols are defined:

  • MessageYear - is a parameter set by the user when calling dotnet new.
  • ThisYear - use the now generator to calculate the current year.
  • YearReplacer - ensures that any occurrence of "1234" is replaced. If MessageYear was passed in by the user that value will be used. Otherwise ThisYear will be used.
      "type": "parameter",
      "type": "generated",
      "generator": "now",
      "parameters": {
        "format": "yyyy"
    "YearReplacer": {
      "type": "generated",
      "generator": "coalesce",
      "parameters": {
        "sourceVariableName": "MessageYear",
        "fallbackVariableName": "ThisYear"
      "replaces": "1234"


Implementation class


Uses constant value.


Name Data Type Description
value string constant value


myConstant is a symbol that replaces "1234" with "5001"

    "myConstant": {
    "type": "generated",
    "generator": "constant",
    "parameters": {


Implementation class Sample


Defines expression that will be evaluated during the processing of the template based on parameters and other symbols. The computed type symbols can be use for same purpose.


Name Data Type Description
value string expression to be evaluated


In this sample IndividualAuth is true if the value of auth, another symbol defined in the template, is IndividualB2C

    "IndividualAuth": {
      "type": "generated",
	  "generator": "evaluate",
	  "parameters": {
		  "action": "(auth == \"IndividualB2C\")"


Implementation class


Gets an available port number on the machine.
During evaluation looks for a valid free port number trying to create a socket, and in case of problems, returns the value defined in the fallback parameter.


Name Data Type Description
fallback string fallback value


In this sample KestrelPortGenerated is a symbol that return the number of an available port or 5000.

"KestrelPortGenerated": {
  "type": "generated",
  "generator": "port"
  "parameters": {


Implementation class


Note: Guids section in template.json can be used to achieve same goals with easier configuration

Creates a formatted guid for a replacement. To configure the output format of the macro you can use the defaultFormat parameter that accepts a single value from {'n', 'd', 'b', 'p', 'x'} for lowercase output or {'N', 'D', 'B', 'P', 'X'} for uppercase output. The formats are defined in Guid.ToString() method documentation


Name Data Type Description
defaultFormat string Format Descriptor


This sample creates different symbols showing the different formatting available for the generated guid.

    "type": "generated",
    "generator": "guid",
    "replaces": "myid01",
    "parameters": {
    "type": "generated",
    "generator": "guid",
    "replaces": "myid02",
    "parameters": {
    "type": "generated",
    "generator": "guid",
    "replaces": "myid03",
    "parameters": {
    "type": "generated",
    "generator": "guid",
    "replaces": "myid04",
    "parameters": {
    "type": "generated",
    "generator": "guid",
    "replaces": "myid05",
    "parameters": {


Implementation class Guid Format Documentation Guids section in template.json


Creates a symbol from the current date/time.


Name Data Type Description
format string DateTime.ToString format
utc bool UTC time if true, local time otherwise


In this sample a symbol is created showing the current data, and replacing any instance of "01/01/1999"

  "createdDate": {
    "type": "generated",
    "generator": "now",
    "parameters": {
    "format": "MM/dd/yyyy"


Implementation class
DateTime.ToString documentation


Creates a random integer value in a specified range.


Name Data Type Description
low integer lower bound
high integer upper bound


This sample shows a symbol that generates a value from 0 to 10000 excluded, and replace any instance of 4321

    "type": "generated",
    "generator": "random",
    "parameters": {
    "low": 0,
    "high": 10000
    "replaces": "4321"


Implementation class


Defines a list of data manipulation steps based on regex expressions.


Name Data Type Description
source string data source
steps array replacement steps

Replacement steps

Name Data Type Description
regex string selection pattern
replacement string replacement formula


"symbols": {
  "regexExample": {
    "type": "generated",
    "generator": "regex",
    "dataType": "string",
    "replaces": "A different message",  //The value to replace in the output
    "parameters": {
      "source": "message",              //The name of the symbol whose value should be operated on
      "steps": [
          "regex": "^test",             //The regular expression whose matches will be replaced with '[Replaced]`
          "replacement": "[Replaced]"   //The value to replace matches of the expression '^test' with
          "regex": "test$",
          "replacement": "[/Replaced]"


Implementation class RegEx.Replace Documentation


Tries to match regex pattern against value of source symbol and returns True if matched, otherwise False.


Name Data Type Description
source string data source
pattern string match pattern


"symbols": {
    "isMatch": {
      "type": "generated",
      "generator": "regexMatch",
      "dataType": "bool",
      "replaces": "test.value1",
      "parameters": {
        "source": "name",
        "pattern": "^hello$"


Implementation class Regex.IsMatch Documentation


Defines a set of conditions to be evaluated, and the value to return if the condition is met. The first condition to evaluate to true is used. To include a default case, add a condition that always evaluates to true as the last entry in cases.


Name Data Type Description
cases array choices to evaluate
evaluator string expression evaluation engine, if not C++

Cases definition

Name Data Type Description
condition string condition to evaluate
value string value to return if match


This sample shows how to change the replacement value based on evaluating conditions using other symbols:

"symbols": {
  "test": {
    "type": "parameter",
    "datatype": "string"
  "example": {
    "type": "generated",
    "generator": "switch",
    "replaces": "abc",
    "parameters": {
      "evaluator": "C++",
      "datatype": "string",
      "cases": [
          "condition": "(test == '123')",
          "value": "456"
          "condition": "(test == '789')",
          "value": "012"

In this case, if the user enters the value 123 as the value of the parameter test, abc in the content will be replaced with 456, if the user enters 789, abc is replaced with 012 instead.


Implementation class


Concatenates multiple symbols or constants with the defined separator into a new symbol.


Name Data Type Optional Description
symbols array no all values to concatenate
separator string yes the value used as the separator between the values to be concatenated, notice that you can use / as folder separator also on Windows since File API will convert it into \

Symbols definition

Name Data Type Description
type string ref to reference value from another symbol or const for string constant, defaults to const.
value string either name of another symbol or string constant


This sample shows how to change the replacement value based on evaluating conditions using other symbols:

  "symbols": {
    "company": {
      "type": "parameter",
      "dataType": "string",
      "defaultValue": "Microsoft"
    "product": {
      "type": "parameter",
      "dataType": "string",
      "defaultValue": "Visual Studio"
    "joinedRename": {
      "type": "generated",
      "generator": "join",
      "fileRename": "Api",
      "parameters": {
        "symbols": [
            "type": "const",
            "value": "Source"
            "type": "const",
            "value": "Api"
            "type": "ref",
            "value": "company"
            "type": "ref",
            "value": "product"
        "separator": "/"

This sample will rename folder called Api into Source/Api/Microsoft/Visual Studio. Notice that File API will automatically change / into \ on Windows.


Implementation class