Kenneth Auchenberg (@auchenberg)
- DevTools context
- web changed from documents to applications
- devices changed from workstations to smartphones + tablets + laptops
- desktop browsers changed from ie6 to chrome + edge + firefox + opera + safari
- internet adoption changed: more chinese mobile users than EU population, "mobile internet" is given, 237mio new internet users in 2015
- mobile browsers changed: ucweb (Ali Baba) has 20% mobile market share (more than safari)
- browser engines changed: Blink
- users won't notice the browser any more
- mobile: web embedded inside native
- desktop: web as a runtime (e.g. electron)
- Web Assembly: ship C code in the browser
- Front-End role is redefined as native and web melt (e.g. push notifications)
- Current DevTools:
- devs used to DevTools paradigm (DOM explorer + computed style)
- modern DevTools are a collection of tools (DOM explorer + sources + performance + console + ...)
- switching between debugging context (browser w/ DevTools) and authoring context (editor) is workflow (b/c authoring tools !== DevTools) => Web Developer Stockholm Syndrome
- Fighting the debugging vs authoring context problem
- vscode plugin to debug chrome websites in vscode
- edge diagnostics adapter: edge speaks chrome debugging protocol
- node will speak chrome debugging protocol
- DevTools for the progressive web:
- DevTools should be decoupled from browsers (think of game developers compiling to WebAssembly running in Yandex browser who have to debug with desktop chrome)
- vscode plugin targets PWAs on mobile via remote debugging as well (has a protocol adapter for the webkit remote debugging protocol to chrome debugging protocol)