Andreas Bovens (@andreasbovens)
- web <-> native app: complicated
- "door-slam" front pages that advertise the native app
- "download an app" posters instead of simply advertising urls
- 106mb app to control BB-8 droid
- greatnesses of the web
- low-friction
- granular privacy control
- web is evolving
- responsive web design is no longer a feature, it's just given
- speed is key
- lots of device APIs available
- except for contacts, all PhoneGap APIs are available as native JS APIs
- missing features for PWAs (until recently)
- home screen persistence
- real offline support
- push notifications
- background sync
- progressive web apps
- progressive enhancement with new technologies -> existing website gets enhanced
- progressive (h)appiness -> PWA moves from browser to "app"
- Technology
- Web App Manifest: JSON manifest containing metadata
+ one oficons
=> install banner + home screentheme_color
=> header bar in task switcherbackground_color
+ one oficons
=> loading screendisplay
(app + notification bar + android buttons) /fullscreen
(app) /browser
(like browser), also@media (display-mode: ${display-mode})
to query it from cssorientation
=> limit orientations (undefined,portrait
=> url that gets pinned to the home screen (when pinning a child page), common to add?launchedFromHomeScreen=true
parameter- caveat: launchers cut off/add space to launcher icons (-> test w/ huawei UI, custom launchers)
- install banner can be intercepted and triggered manually (see
- Service Workers: programmable cache
- on install: add urls to cache
- on activate: re-fetch all content
- on fetch: fetch, fall back to cache, fall back to error url
- Push API & Notification API: push notifications, user has to enable it
- please don't sniff user agents for chrome versions -> do feature detection
- push notifications work even if PWA is removed from home screen
- notify via email no longer necessary (no need to give away email address)
- Background Sync: enqueue message for sending while offline, send when back online
- Web App Manifest: JSON manifest containing metadata
- early PWA adopters come from asia => the world has changed
- mobile-first/mobile-only users in asia/africa
- reason: bandwidth costs (especially in asia/africa), PWA update sizes are orders of magnitude smaller than native app update sizes
- reflections
- use PWA to allow users to save data + money
- data packages are so limited that updates are not run
- storage space is so limited that updates are not run
- 7 common native apps: 460mb, the same 7 as PWA: 1mb
- see