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509 lines (447 loc) · 36.2 KB

File metadata and controls

509 lines (447 loc) · 36.2 KB


Version 3.0.3 GA

  • Suppress redis.encode.start/end custom events #1586
  • Add Azure SDK instrumentation preview #1585
  • Fix WebFlux HTTP client hanging on nested calls #1563
  • Fix instrumentation of reactor netty HttpClient.from() #1578

Version 3.0.3-BETA.3

  • Change default preview config setting #1580
  • Fix sampling rate recorded for dependencies #1582

Version 3.0.3-BETA.2

  • Added env var APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_PREVIEW_OTEL_API_SUPPORT to enable preview OpenTelemetry API support #1548
  • Added env var APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_SELF_DIAGNOSTICS_FILE_PATH (and use that to log json config parsing errors) #1550
  • RP integration improvements #1551, #1558, #1559
  • Added env var APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_PREVIEW_LIVE_METRICS_ENABLED to disable live metrics #1552
  • Remove unwanted custom dimension that showed up in 3.0.3-BETA #1565
  • Add sampling overrides that can be used to implement telemetry filtering #1564
  • Switch native performance counter collection to use OSHI #1482

Version 3.0.3-BETA

  • Extra attributes in applicationinsights.json (e.g. typos) are logged as warnings at startup #1459
  • Better 2.x SDK interop #1454
  • Fix for ClassNotFoundException when deploying some JBoss ear files #1465
  • Fix configuration for disabling spring boot actuator metrics #1478
  • Add env vars for disabling instrumentation #1495
  • Removed the undocumented micrometer reportingIntervalSeconds, and instead, added preview configuration metricIntervalSeconds that controls all metrics: #1507
  • Changed undocumented reload of connection string and sampling percentage to be preview and opt-in #1507
  • Additional reactor-netty and kotlin coroutine instrumentation #1511
  • Improved error messages for network connectivity issues #1483
  • Support for roles in Live metrics #1510
  • Fixed role name on Azure Functions #1526
  • Populate client IP #1538
  • Support for role name in Azure Functions consumption plan #1537

Version 3.0.2 GA

  • Fix App Services logback parser exceptions.
  • Log instead of throwing exception on unbridged API #1442
  • Fix role name config #1450
  • Support more interop with 2.x SDK ThreadContext (getId and getParentId)

Version 3.0.1 GA

  • Suppress duplicate AI agents. Resolves #1345
  • Fix role name precedence. Resolves #1425
  • New 'extract' attribute feature added to Telemetry processors.

Version 3.0.1-BETA.2

  • Fix code to use the correct logging configuration 'level' #1415)
  • Capture log4j2 async logging. Addresses issue #1389
  • Add configuration for disabling dependencies #1294

Version 3.0.1-BETA

  • Friendly error messages thrown for the following scenarios

    • Missing connection string
    • Invalid SSL certificate issues when not able to connect to IngestionEndPoint Url, Live endpoint Url and CdsProfiler endpoint url.
    • Invalid Telemetry Processor Configuration
  • Telemetry processor config throws null pointer exception when attribute value is not provided and matchType is regexp.

  • Map service.version to application_Version(Resolves #1392)

  • This release also brings more interoperability with the 2.x SDK:

    • ThreadContext.getRequestTelemetryContext().getHttpRequestTelemetry().getProperties().put("key1", "val1")
    • ThreadContext.getRequestTelemetryContext().getHttpRequestTelemetry().setName("new name")
    • ThreadContext.getRequestTelemetryContext().getHttpRequestTelemetry().getContext().getUser().setId("uname")
  • Add thread details span processor

  • Add agent version number to startup message

Version 3.0.0 GA

Version 3.0.0 Preview.7

  • Dropped Java 7 support
  • Supported boolean JMX metrics (#1235)
  • Added support for JMX metrics environment variable APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_JMX_METRICS
  • Added two default JMX metrics for thread count and class count
  • Changed default logging capture from WARN to INFO
  • Added support for logging capture environment variable APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_LOGGING_THRESHOLD
  • Added support for sampling percentage environment variable APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_SAMPLING_PERCENTAGE
  • Added auto-collection for 2.x SDK trackTrace, trackRequest and trackException
  • Added capturing MDC logging properties
  • Added support for Jetty Native Handler
  • Fixed JMX metrics which aren't available initially are never recorded (#1233)
  • Fixed capturing JMX metrics inside of CompositeData (#952)
  • Fixed HTTP request header to use X-Forwarded-For as Client IP when present (#404)
  • Fixed URLs with spaces (#1290)

Version 2.6.2

  • Fixed NullPointer when testing with MockMvc (#1281)

Version 3.0.0 Preview.6

  • Fixed client_Browser data populated incorrectly
  • Fixed non-daemon thread pool so that it won't prevent app from shutting down

Version 2.6.2-BETA.2

  • Fixed retry transmission on client side exception (#1282).
  • Fixed RequestTelemetryContext initialization (#1247). Thanks, librucha!
  • Built in instrumentation for Jetty Native handlers

Version 2.6.2-BETA

  • Added additional error logging for troubleshooting issues loading JNI performance counter library (#1254)
  • Fix backoff condition so that retries will continue indefinitely (#1253)

Version 3.0.0 Preview.5

  • Fix memory leak
  • Fix shutdown issue due to non-daemon thread
  • Fix backoff condition so that retries will continue indefinitely

Version 2.6.1

  • Fix shutdown issue due to non-daemon thread (#1245)

Version 2.6.1-BETA

  • Fix W3C BackCompat across multiple Application Insights instrumentation keys (#1228)
  • Fix spring boot starter when used with spring.main.lazy-initialization=true (#1227)

Version 2.6.0

  • No changes since 2.6.0-BETA.3

Version 2.6.0-BETA.3

  • Use newer id format when reporting request and dependency telemetry (#1149)
  • Fixed pom file dependency in applicationinsights-spring-boot-starter (#1149)

Version 2.6.0-BETA.2

  • Removed Local Forwarder Channel. Local Forwarder is now a deprecated solution. The classes and configuration elements which supported this solution have been removed.
  • Removed unused dependencies from azure-application-ingishts-spring-boot-starter (xmlpull, xstream).
  • Fixed Unknown constant pool issue with modeule-info.class when using older versions of ClassGraph.
  • Fixed potential issue with URI building in ConnectionString parsing.
  • Updated to the latest version of the struts API library (used by
  • Fixed memory leak with ChannelFetcher when TelemetryClient is instantiated in large numbers.
  • Various stability improvements (#1177)

Version 2.6.0-BETA

  • W3C tracing with back-compat is now enabled by default (#1141)
  • Improved MongoDB instrumentation (#1132)
  • Agent now supports Java 13 (#1149)
  • Older Jersey versions failing when scanning classes due to inclusion of a few Java 8 class files (#1142)
  • Fix remote dependency target field format (#1138)

Version 2.5.1

  • No changes since 2.5.1-BETA.2

Version 2.5.1-BETA.2

  • Fixed regression from 2.5.1-BETA (#1089)
  • Fixed async thread tracking (#1100)

Version 2.5.1-BETA

  • Fixed exception thrown by agent when using Apache HttpClient ResponseHandler methods (#1067)
  • Connection String introduced for better government cloud support
  • Agent now captures MongoDB queries

Version 2.5.0

  • No changes since 2.5.0-BETA.5

Version 2.5.0-BETA.5

  • Fixed ClassCastException that could happen when using HttpURLConnection (#1053)

Version 2.5.0-BETA.4

  • Fixed registration of custom JMX performance counters (#1042)
  • Fixed IllegalStateException that could happen when using HttpURLConnection (#1037)
  • Fixed NullPointerException that could happen when using Java 11 (#1032)

Version 2.5.0-BETA.3

  • Fixed HttpURLConnection instrumentation was not capturing outgoing url (#1025)
  • Added agent logging capture threshold, configurable via <Logging threshold="warn" /> in the AI-Agent.xml, with default threshold warn (#1026)
  • Fixed request telemetry displaying 200 response code for some failed requests (#810)
  • Fixed GC performance counters not working (#929)

Version 2.5.0-BETA.2

  • Added back support for <Class> custom instrumentation in AI-Agent.xml
  • Fixed opting out of agent capturing logging via <Logging enabled="false" />
  • Misc fixes #969, #978

Version 2.5.0-BETA

  • Added support for Java 9-12
  • Added new applicationinsights-web-auto.jar artifact that automatically registers the web filter by just being present in your dependencies (works for both servlet containers and spring boot standalone)
    • No need to modify web.xml, or add @WebFilter
  • Agent now captures application logging via Log4j 1.2, Log4j2 and Logback
    • No need to add applicationinsights-logging-*.jar dependency and modify the application's logging configuration (e.g., log4j2.xml, logback.xml)
    • To opt out of this (e.g. if you prefer to capture logging via the Application Insights appenders), add <Logging enabled="false" /> to the AI-Agent.xml file inside of the Builtin tag
  • Agent now automatically captures dependencies for async requests by tracking the request across multiple threads
  • Agent now captures JDBC queries for all JDBC drivers
  • Added additional HTTP client support
    • Apache HttpClient 3.x (4.x was already previously supported)
    • OkHttp3
    • OkHttp2 (previously did not propagate distributed trace context)
  • Agent now sets Operation Name (used for aggregating similar requests) automatically based on Spring @RequestMapping and JAX-RS @Path
    • No need for registering RequestNameHandlerInterceptorAdapter or writing own interceptor
    • (also supports Struts, based on action class / method name)
  • Agent now supports multiple applications deployed in the same application server
    • (support was removed temporarily in the 2.4.0 release)
  • Simplified JBoss and Wildfly deployment when using the agent
    • No need for setting jboss.modules.system.pkgs, java.util.logging.manager and -Xbootclasspath
  • Added <RoleName> tag in ApplicationInsights.xml to simplify role name configuration
    • No need to write a custom ContextInitializer
  • Removed support for <Class> custom instrumentation in AI-Agent.xml
  • Removed support for <RuntimeException> custom instrumentation in AI-Agent.xml

Version 2.4.1

  • Fix #910 Fixed correlation id serialization.
  • Upgraded spring boot dependencies in spring-boot-starter from 1.5.9 to 1.5.21.

Version 2.4.0

  • Updated Spring Boot Starter version number to track with the SDK version.
  • Upgrade gradle to 5.3.1
  • Fix #907 - ensure string compare is case insensitive when running a SQL explain on a select statement.
  • Fixed ThreadLocal leak #887
  • Fixed QuickPulse schema version #904
  • Added retries to CDSProfileFetcher #901
  • Fix #919 - Fixed issue when adding duplicate Windows performance counter.
  • Added caching of sdk version id, reducing number of file IO operations #896
  • Fixed bug with live metrics (QuickPulse) where request/dependency durations were being truncated to the millisecond.
  • Misc stability improvements #932 #941 #945 #946 #947 #948

Version 2.4.0-BETA

  • Removed support for multiple apps instrumented with single JVM Agent. Instrumentation will only work for single apps in application server.
  • Fixed #749 introduce support for PostgreSQL jdbc4 prepared statements.
  • Introduced support for Manual Async and Explicit Multithreading correlation.
  • Introduced setRequestTelemetryContext API in WebTelemetryModule Interface.
  • Introduced experimental API's AIHttpServletListner, HttpServerHandler, ApplicationInsightsServletExtractor and HttpExtractor.
  • Deprecated ApplicationInsightsHttpResponseWrapper
  • Fixed #826 Remove duplicate provider.
  • Fix incorrect sdk version being sent in Quick Pulse payload.
  • Fix #882 Dependency metrics does not show up on Livemetrics UX.

Version 2.3.1

Version 2.3.0

  • Introducing Application Insights SpringBoot Starter 1.1.1 (GA VERSION).
  • Fix #784 Shade guava dependency.
  • #716 Introduced W3C Distributed tracing protocol.

Version 2.2.1

  • Fixed #767. Updated gRPC dependencies which inlcudes latest netty version.
  • Fixed #751. Added support for absolute paths for log file output.
  • Abstracted Internal Logger in Core into separate reusable module.
  • Deprecated InternalAgentLogger in favor of InternalLogger for better consistency.
  • Fixed #752. Agent now supports diagnostic writing logs to file.
  • Added ability to configure FileLogger for SpringBootStarter.
  • Fixed the WebRequestTrackingFilter order in FilterChain for SpringBoot Starter.

Version 2.2.0

  • Introduces SpringBoot Starter 1.1.0-BETA
  • Starter now respects autoconfiguration for Micrometer metrics.
  • Starter adds autoconfiguration for Local Forwarder Telemetry Channel. (Please look at readme for details on configuration.)
  • Fix #712 the thread shutdown issue in SpringBoot Starter by registering ApplicationInsightsServletContextListener.
  • SpringBoot Starter now supports reading iKey using all the variable names as core sdk.
  • Starter would no longer support relaxed binding of ikey property due to complex conditional need and backport problems with RelaxedBinder from Boot 2 to 1.5.x.
  • InterceptorRegistry class no longer has @EnableWebMvc annotation as it breaks springboot autoconfig.
  • Deprecated getRoleName/setRoleName and getRoleInstance/setRoleInstance in DeviceContext. Introduced CloudContext to hold replacements, getRole/setRole and getRoleInstance/setRoleInstance, respectively.
  • Introduced CloudInfoContextInitializer to set roleInstance in CloudContext. This new initializer is included by default and therefore will not affect the current tags.
  • Adds WebAppNameContextInitializer for use with the WebRequestTrackingFilter.
  • Adds LocalForwarderChannel for use with the LocalForwarder.
  • Removes Servlet 3.0 annotations from WebRequestTrackingFilter and ApplicationInsightsServletContextListener which were causing issues in certain cases. This will allow easier customization of the filter. To use the listener moving forward, it will need to be defined in web.xml.
  • Fix QuickPulse post interval bug from 5 seconds to 1 second.

Version 2.1.2

  • Fix #676. This fixes the HTTP dependency collection when using NetFlix Zuul Library.
  • Remove the method httpMethodFinishedWithPath from the interface as the associated instrumentation explicitly depended on HttpUriRequest class of ApacheHttpClient which is not always true.
  • Fix #662. Updated thread pool to properly shutdown all threads.
  • Fix #661. We now properly shadow the package.
  • Fix #686. Added required attributes to @WebFilter annotation.

Version 2.1.1

  • Introducing support for SpringBoot via Application-Insights-SpringBoot-Starter #646. This is currently in beta.
  • In order to add support for SpringBoot starter some fields in core SDK are made public.
  • Introduced public constructor in class.
  • Introduced a public method getActiveWithoutInitializingConfig() in class.

Version 2.1.0

  • Introduced Heartbeat feature which sends periodic heartbeats with basic information about application and runtime to Application Insights.
  • Enable support for system properties in the instrumentation key resolving component.
  • Performance improvements during initialization.
  • Fix #647. If a performance counter cannot be computed, it will not report a placeholder value (-1). Instead, it does not report any value.

Version 2.0.2

  • Fix incorrect success flag set when capturing HTTP Dependency.
  • Fix #577, removed HttpFactory class as it was not being used.
  • Fixed issue with sessionId not being set in request telemetry due to date parsing issues.
  • Fix #616, added a way to have real time SDK Logs when logging on File.
  • Fix #609, fixes the inaccurate timestamp recorded with JMX Metrics.
  • Added a way to configure MaxInstantRetries from XML.
  • Added the ability to have cold SDK initialization (no logs except critical logAlways messages)
  • Fix issue when dependency start time was not being recorded correctly.
  • Fixed #533 HTTP Dependency Telemetry now matches with .NET SDK.
  • Introduced public method httpMethodFinishedWithPath(String identifier, String method, String path, String correlationId, String uri, String target, int result, long delta) to support instrumentation of Path of URI in HTTP requests.
  • httpMethodFinished(String identifier, String method, String correlationId, String uri, String target, int result, int delta) is now marked as deprecated
  • Logger Messages now being pushed as custom dimension when reporting exceptions via Loggers. (#400)
  • Enhanced Log4j2 appender to support basic parameters including Filters, Layouts and includeException. (#348)
  • Fixed PageView telemetry data not being reported.
  • Fixed Issue #526 (NPE in MapUtil.copy())
  • Fixed Issue #513 (Memory leak in SDKShutdownActivity). This fix upgrades our Servlet version from 2.5 to 3.0. The SDK must now be run on an application server supporting Servlet 3.0.
  • Fixed Issue #504 (SDK initialization happens twice) to improve startup performance.

Version 2.0.1

  • Fix Inconsistency in artifact names in POM files

Version 2.0.0

  • Upgraded logback dependency version to 1.2.3
  • Improved FixedRateSampling so that it also supports Sampling Percentage set by users programmatically. Fixes issue #535
  • Fault Tolerance improvements: introducing retries and exponential backoff capabilities with disk persistence.
  • Issue #499: Fix handling of NaN and +/-Infinity in JSON serializer
  • Issue #506: Null Reference Check causing Null Pointer Exception in

Version 2.0.0-BETA

  • Updating various dependencies to latest version
  • Introducing public class CustomClassWriter in Agent to enable finding common super classes used for Agent instrumentation without loading it
  • Introducing Parametrized constructor in WebRequestTrackingFilter to ensure name binding
  • Fixed Issue #428 (Agent cannot capture oracle dependencies)
  • Fixed Issue #418 (Java.lang.verify error caused while capturing sql dependencies in JDK 1.8)
  • Fixed Issue #286, #277 (Issues in capturing preparedStatement calls)
  • Fixed Issue #365 (Relocate all web jars)
  • Fixed Issue #276 (Instrumentation issues with HTTP Client)
  • Introducing public method 'getIncludedTypes' and 'getExcludedTypes' in TelemetryProcessorXmlElement.
  • Introducing class ''.
  • Introducing class ''
  • Introducing class ''
  • Introducing Telemetry Processor ''
  • Introducing FixedRate Sampling v2 Using Telemetry Processors
  • Fixed issue #436 (TraceTelemetry with Severity is not shown in UI). This fixes a regression issue with TelemetryClient.trackTrace and TelemetryClient.trackException.
  • Introducing support for cross-component correlation. Addresses issue #457.
  • Changed signature of It now includes correlation information.
  • Compilation now targets Java 1.7. Java 1.6 is no longer supported.
  • Adding system property applicationinsights.configurationDirectory to allow to explicitly set directory containing the config file.

Version 1.0.10

  • track() method of '' is now modified. No longer performing pre-sanitization
  • All Sanitization will now occur in class.
  • Method sanitize of interface is now obsolete.
  • The auto generated schema classes now have writer method with limits according to endpoint.
  • Fixed issue #403 (Exceeding property length invalidates custom event)
  • Fixed issue #401 (Custom key and property sanitized)
  • Fixed Request Telemetry Sending bug with new schema.
  • Fixed reliability issue with Jedis client dependency collector
  • Fixed Request Telemetry Sending bug with new schema
  • Schema updated to the latest version. Changes in internal namespace core/src/main/java/com/microsoft/applicationinsights/internal/schemav2.
  • Class SendableData in internal namespace deleted.
  • Class takes generic class qualifier Domain instead of SendableData.
  • Class takes generic class qualifier Domain instead of SendableData.
  • Methods getExceptionHandledAt and setExceptionHandledAt of ExceptionTelemetry marked obsolete and do not do anything.
  • Obsolete methods of RemoteDependencyTelemetry: getCount, setCount, getMin, setMin, getMax, setMax, getStdDev, setStdDev, getDependencyKind, setDependencyKind, getAsync, setAsync, getDependencySource, setDependencySource.
  • Obsolete methods of RequestTelemetry: getHttpMethod, setHttpMethod.
  • Add option to configure instrumentation key via APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY environment variable for consistency with other SDKs.
  • Fix the issue where track(...) of TelemetryClient class was overwriting the provided telemetry timestamp.
  • Changed the policy on failed sent requests to delay retrying for 5 minutes instead of immediately retrying.

Version 1.0.9

  • Fix the issue of infinite retry and connection drain on certificate error by updating the version of http client packaged with the SDK.

Version 1.0.8

  • #367 Updated the agent project not to be transitive when resolved for core
  • #374 Updated the core JAR to remove the transitive dependencies for guava, removed the transitive dependency from core and agent, & updated to the latest version of the httpclient
  • #376 Delaying retry on send when no connection is found
  • #377 Bug fixes for Live Metrics Stream integration
  • #378 Added Live Metrics Stream URL filter and fixed duration
  • #379 Updated Gradle to 3.5
  • #380 Delaying retry on send when ConnectionException is thrown
  • #381 Delaying retry on send when HostUnknownException is thrown

Version 1.0.7

  • Use Shadow plugin to create self contained JAR files in the SDK
  • Allow marking a metric as custome performance counter. See here
  • Better support for Visual Studio Code for edting the Application Insights Java SDK Code
  • Added sampling support. See here
  • Allow changing the performance counter collection frequency and added hooks before and after sending the PC see here and here
  • Agent built-in types are now off by default. Support wildcard to monitor multiple classes in the agent.
  • Add dependency type in the agent configuration see here

Version 1.0.6

Version 1.0.5

Version 1.0.4

  • Interim version replaced by 1.0.5 on August 2016

Version 1.0.3

  • Align to a new BOND schema used by the Application Insights data collection endpoints.

Version 1.0.2

  • Prevent from overriding the instrumentation key using the one specified in the config when it's provided explicitly in code.
  • Handle all successfull HTTP status codes and report the relevant HTTP Requests as successful.
  • Handle all exceptions thrown by the ConfigurationFileLocator .

Version 1.0.1

  • The Java agent collects dependency information about the following:
    • HTTP calls made via HttpClient, OkHttp and RestTemplate (Spring).
    • Calls to Redis made via the Jedis client. When a configurable threshold is passed, the SDK will also fetch the call arguments.
    • JDBC calls made with Oracle DB and Apache Derby DB clients.
    • Support the 'executeBatch' query type for prepared statements – The SDK will show the statement with the number of batches.
    • Provide the query plan for JDBC clients that has support for that (MySql, PostgreSql) – The query plan is fetched only when a configurable threshold is crossed

Version 1.0.0

  • Adding support for the Application Insights writer plugin for CollectD.
  • Adding support for the Application Insights Java agent.
  • Fix for a compatibility issue with supporting HttpClient versions 4.2 and later.

Version 0.9.6

  • Make the Java SDK compatible with servlet v2.5 and HttpClient pre-v4.3.
  • Adding support for Java EE interceptors.
  • Removing redundant dependencies from the Logback appender.

Version 0.9.5

  • Fix for an issue where custom events are not correlated with Users/Sessions due to cookie parsing errors.
  • Improved logic for resolving the location of the ApplicationInsights.xml configuration file.
  • Anonymous User and Session cookies will not be generated on the server side. To implement user and session tracking for web apps, instrumentation with the JavaScript SDK is now required – cookies from the JavaScript SDK are still respected. Note that this change may cause a significant restatement of user and session counts as only user-originated sessions are being counted now.

Version 0.9.4

  • Support collecting performance counters from 32-bit Windows machines.
  • Support manual tracking of dependencies using a new trackDependency method API.
  • Ability to tag a telemetry item as synthetic, by adding a SyntheticSource property to the reported item.