- Fix Windows UNC paths
- Improve error handling
- Prevent TypeError in Extension Host log after closing a settings tab
- Fix tmp dependency
- Update README.md
- Bump yaml and lint-staged
- Fix 1MB XML output buffer limitation
- Fix syntax highlighting for XML plist diles
- Fix logged exception
- Update Visual Studio Code
- Fix re-opening the same file via the tabGroups API
- Add compatibility for Python <3.7
- Simplify Python detection
- Fix Python character encoding on Windows
- Preserve syntax highlighting after reopening
- Fix binary data plist files in VS Code 1.60.0+
- Fix 32-bit and 64-bit integer parsing in dependencies
- Add message for files from a previous session
- Add CI and improve maintenance
- Create LICENSE
- Retrofit extension into new structure
- Fix duplicate info message on VS Code 1.55.0+
- Add Node cancel button error text
- Fix Python parsing on Windows
- Refactor parser engines
- Check file based on languageId
- Prevent reopening plist on close after restart
- Prevent reopening open plist after restart
- Improve reliability of Python parser
- Set langauge to XML
- Added support for
- Improved error handling
- Fixed paths for Windows compatibility
- Added support for .strings files
- Initial release