update with random seeds for reproducibility, normalize confusion mat…
update with random seeds for reproducibility, normalize confusion mat…
remove iris pipeline bc it is not output in code anywhere
remove iris pipeline bc it is not output in code anywhere
update models with random seed for reproducibility, add metaphor to b…
update models with random seed for reproducibility, add metaphor to b…
update proejct pdf and jup notebook to reflect suggestions about LASS…
update proejct pdf and jup notebook to reflect suggestions about LASS…
add ignore protocol to ignore solutions documents
add ignore protocol to ignore solutions documents
add Berekely resources on parallelization and holding 2 cores out ins…
add Berekely resources on parallelization and holding 2 cores out ins…
update w/ annotations for teaching
update w/ annotations for teaching
remove "group" language from project and provide clarity on where to …
remove "group" language from project and provide clarity on where to …
small solutions to pdf and student .rmd that didn't push
small solutions to pdf and student .rmd that didn't push
add bias plot to E-value
add bias plot to E-value
updated annotations for teaching; renaming pdf; adding konfound(); re…
updated annotations for teaching; renaming pdf; adding konfound(); re…