Within workspaces, KCP implements the same RBAC-based authorization mechanism as Kubernetes. Other authorization schemes (i.e. ABAC) are not supported. Generally, the same (cluster) role and (cluster) role binding principles apply exactly as in Kubernetes.
In addition, additional RBAC semantics is implemented cross-workspaces, namely the following:
- Top-Level Organization access: the user must have this as pre-requisite to access any other workspace, or is even member and by that can create workspaces inside the organization workspace.
- Workspace Content access: the user needs access to a workspace or is even admin.
- for some resources, additional permission checks are performed, not represented by local or Kubernetes standard RBAC rules. E.g.
- workspace creation checks for organization membership (see above).
- workspace creation checks for
verb on theClusterWorkspaceType
. - API binding via APIBinding objects requires verb
access to the correspondingAPIExport
- System Workspaces access: system workspaces are prefixed with
and are not accessible by users.
The details are outlined below.
The following authorizers are configured in kcp:
Authorizer | Description |
Top-Level organization authorizer | checks that the user is allowed to access the organization (access and member) |
Workspace content authorizer | determines additional groups a user gets inside of a workspace |
Local Policy authorizer | validates the RBAC policy in the workspace that is accessed |
Kubernetes Bootstrap Policy authorizer | validates the RBAC Kubernetes standard policy |
They are related in the following way:
- top-level organization authorizer must allow
- workspace content authorizer must allow, and adds additional (virtual per-request) groups to the request user influencing the follow authorizers.
- one of the local authorizer or bootstrap policy authorizer must allow.
│ │
│ Local Policy │
┌──────────────┐ ┌────────────────────┐ ┌───►│ authorizer ├─┐
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
request │ Top-level │ │ Workspace ┌───────┴─┐ │ └──────────────────┘ ▼
────────►│ Organization ├───►│ Content │+ groups ├─┤ OR──►
│ authorizer │ │ authorizer └───────┬─┘ │ ┌──────────────────┐ ▲
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
└──────────────┘ └────────────────────┘ └───►│ Bootstrap Policy ├─┘
│ authorizer │
│ │
An top-level organization is a workspace directly under root. When a user accesses a top-level organization or
a sub-workspace like root:org:ws:ws
, this authorizer will check in root
whether the user has permission
to the top-level org workspace represented by the ClusterWorkspace
named org
in root
with the following verbs:
Verb | Resource | Semantics |
access |
clusterworkspace/content |
the user can access the organization root:org |
member |
clusterworkspace/content |
like access, but the user can additional create workspaces |
E.g. the user is bound via a ClusterRoleBinding
in root
to a ClusterRole
of the following shape:
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRole
clusterName: root
- apiGroups:
- tenancy.kcp.dev
- clusterworkspaces/content
- org
- access
- member
The workspace content authorizer checks whether the user is granted admin
or access
verbs in
the parent workspace against the clusterworkspaces/content
resource with the resourceNames
the workspace being accessed.
If any of the verbs is granted, the associated group is added to the user's attributes and will be evaluated in the subsequent authorizer chain.
Verb | Groups | Bootstrap cluster rolebinding |
admin |
system:kcp:workspace:admin and system:kcp:workspace:access |
system:kcp:clusterworkspace:admin |
access |
system:kcp:workspace:access |
N/A |
kcp's bootstrap policy provides default bindings:
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
clusterName: system:kcp:clusterworkspace:admin
- kind: Group
name: system:kcp:clusterworkspace:admin
apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
kind: ClusterRole
name: cluster-admin
The access verb will not grant any cluster role but only associates with the system:kcp:clusterworkspace:access
and executes the subsequent authorizer chain.
Given the user accesses root:org:ws:ws
, the verbs admin
and access
are asserted
against the clusterworkspaces/content
resource for the resourceNames: ["ws"]
in the workspace root:org:ws
To give a user called "adam" admin access to a workspace root:org:ws:ws
, beyond having org access using the previous top-level organization authorizer,
a ClusterRole
must be created in root:org:ws
with the following shape:
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRole
clusterName: workspace-admin
- apiGroups:
- tenancy.kcp.dev
- clusterworkspaces/content
- ws
- admin
and the user must be bound to it via a ClusterRoleBinding
in root:org:ws
like the following:
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
clusterName: adam-admin
- kind: User
name: adam
apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
kind: ClusterRole
name: workspace-admin
The bootstrap policy authorizer works just like the local authorizer but references RBAC rules
defined in the system:admin
system workspace.
Once the top-level organization authorizer and the workspace content authorizer granted access to a workspace, RBAC rules contained in the workspace derived from the request context are evaluated.
This authorizer ensures that RBAC rules contained within a workspace are being applied and work just like in a regular Kubernetes cluster.
Note: groups added by the workspace content authorizer can be used for role bindings in that workspace.
It is possible to bind to roles and cluster roles in the bootstrap policy from a local policy RoleBinding
or ClusterRoleBinding