Basic Flatdoc module.
The main entry point is
, which invokes the Runner.{
fetcher: Flatdoc.github('rstacruz/backbone-patterns');
Creates a runner. See Flatdoc.
File fetcher function.
Fetches a given url
via AJAX.
See Runner#run() for a description of fetcher functions.
Github fetcher.
Fetches from repo repo
(in format 'user/repo').
If the parameter filepath
is supplied, it fetches the contents of that
given file in the repo.
See Runner#run() for a description of fetcher functions.
Parser module. Parses a given Markdown document and returns a JSON object with data on the Markdown document.
var data = Flatdoc.parser.parse('markdown source here');
data == {
title: 'My Project',
content: '<p>This project is a...',
menu: {...}
Parses a given Markdown document.
See Parser
for more info.
Transformer module.
This takes care of any HTML mangling needed. The main entry point is
which applies all transformations needed.
var $content = $("<p>Hello there, this is a docu...");
If you would like to change any of the transformations, decorate any of
the functions in Flatdoc.transformer
Takes a given HTML $content
and improves the markup of it by executing
the transformations.
See: Transformer
Adds IDs to headings.
Returns menu data for a given HTML.
menu = Flatdoc.transformer.getMenu($content);
menu == {
level: 0,
items: [{
section: "Getting started",
level: 1,
items: [...]}, ...]}
Changes "button >" text to buttons.
Applies smart quotes to a given element.
It leaves code
and pre
blocks alone.
Syntax highlighters.
You may add or change more highlighters via the Flatdoc.highlighters
Flatdoc.highlighters.js = function(code) {
Each of these functions
JavaScript syntax highlighter.
Thanks @visionmedia!
Menu view. Renders menus
A runner module that fetches via a fetcher
var runner = new Flatdoc.runner({
fetcher: Flatdoc.url('readme.txt')
The following options are available:
- a function that takes a callback as an argument and executes that callback when data is returned.
Loads the Markdown document (via the fetcher), parses it, and applies it to the elements.
Applies given doc data data
to elements in object elements