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Reflection, Generics & Type Erasure

A lengthy and dry topic - but you asked for it 😜

Reflection - Inspection

Reflection ~ "inspection as declared in source"

What can be inspected?

  • "raw type": Class
  • "generic type": java.lang.reflect.Type
  • names
  • members
  • parameters
  • exceptions
  • => "signatures"
  • annotations

Reflection - Manipulation

🚧 Not in this talk 🚧

Reflection - Accessibility

What is reflective access?


  • Class.getEnumConstants()
  • Class.getRecordComponents()
  • Class.getName() & co (names, package, module)
  • Class.isInterface() & co (only read modifier flags)
  • => Class.getModifiers() (also exist on methods and fields)

Pretty much everything else shown soon is considered "reflection".

OBS! This matters because with Java modules types are generally inaccessible for reflection unless they are explicitly open for it.

Type Inspection - Element Type

Type of the element itself:

returns => Class java.lang.reflect.Type
Method getReturnType() getGenericReturnType()
Field getType() getGenericType()
Constructor getDeclaringClass() -
Parameter getType() getParameterizedType()

Type Inspection - Executable Parameters

Type of parameters:

returns => Class[] java.lang.reflect.Type[]
Method getParameterTypes() getGenericParameterTypes()
Constructor getParameterTypes() getGenericParameterTypes()

Alternative: getParameters() => Parameter[]

OBS! Parameter does not have a getIndex() 😩

Declarations - Members

Child elements of Classes:

returns public "children" (+inherited) all local "children" (-inherited)
Method[] getMethods() getDeclaredMethods()
Field[] getFields() getDeclaredFields()
Constructor[] getConstructors() getDeclaredConstructors()

Declarations - Parents

From child back to its "parent":

"child" "parent" element returns
Method getDeclaringClass() Class
Field getDeclaringClass() Class
Constructor getDeclaringClass() Class
Parameter getDeclaringExecutable() Executable

Declarations - Inheritance


Class method returns
getSuperclass() Class<? super T>
getGenericSuperclass() Type
getInterfaces() Class<?>[]
getGenericInterfaces() Type[]


Names of elements:

Method getName()
Field getName()
Constructor getName()*
Parameter getName()**
  • *: = getDeclaringClass().getName()
  • **: OBS! only available with compiler option -parameters



interface AnnotatedElement {
    // check
    boolean isAnnotationPresent( Class<? extends Annotation> type );
    // single
    <A extends Annotation> A getAnnotation( Class<A> type );
    // repeater
    <A extends Annotation> A[] getAnnotationsByType( Class<A> type );

Annotations - @Repeatable Annotations

@Target( ElementType.PARAMETER )
@Retention( RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME )
@Repeatable( Params.class )
@interface Param
    String name();

@Target( ElementType.PARAMETER )
@Retention( RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME )
@interface Params
    Param[] value();

Annotations - Surprises

Method @Repeatable transparent
isAnnotationPresent no 😰
getAnnotation no 😰
getAnnotationsByType yes


  • use only getAnnotationsByType
  • use ConsistentAnnotatedElement

More surprises: @Inherited, spring & co

Annotations - Are Just Interfaces

@interface Name {
    String value();

record NameValue(
    String value
) implements Name {
    public Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType() {
        return Name.class;

This works just fine:

Name annotation = new NameValue("hello");

(also: Implemented by Proxy)


java.lang.reflect.Type Flavours:

  • Class Types (all types before 1.5; a.k.a "raw types"): String, Boolean, ...
  • ParameterizedType: List<T>
  • TypeVariable: <T>
  • WildcardType: <? super Number>, <? extends Number>, <?>
  • GenericArrayType: T[]

(What needs to be considered by code trying to handle "all types")

"Generics" - Class Types vs. Raw Types

What is the difference?

  • String is a class type
  • List is a raw type of a parameterized type List<T>
  • Array types String[] are class types.
  • (confusingly Class<?> itself is a parameterized type)

"Generics" - ParameterizedTypes

Are types with type parameters (free type variables; here A, B)

interface Function<A, B> {
    B apply( A a );


  • Class.getTypeParameters() => TypeVariable[]
  • ParameterizedType.getRawType() => Type is always: Class<?>
  • ParameterizedType.getActualTypeArguments() => Type[]

"Generics" - Parameterized Types II

Not to be confused with type arguments (here String)

class StringList extends ArrayList<String> {}

"Generics" - TypeVariables

  • Are named type placeholders
  • By convention use single letter upper case names

When type parameters occur directly as type (here T) => TypeVariable

// class level type parameters
interface Predicate<T> { boolean test(T value); }

class Util {
    // method level type parameters
    static <T> List<T> prepend(T e, List<T> tail);


  • Method.getTypeParameters() => TypeVariable[]

"Generics" - WildcardTypes

Any subtype of ...

interface Adder {
    int intSum( List<? extends Number> values );

WildcardType.getUpperBounds() => Type[]

Any supertype of ...

interface Calculator {

    <T> void calc( T left, BinaryOperator<? super T> op, T right );

WildcardType.getLowerBounds() => Type[]

"Generics" - WildcardTypes II


  • <?> is just an alias for <? extends Object>
  • Why are upper bounds a Type[] array?
  • Because: <T extends Member & AnnotatedElement>
  • Why are lower bounds a Type[] array?
  • Because: reasons :D ATM there can only be one lower bound

"Generics" - GenericArrayTypes

T[] is neither...

  • a class type (because its element type is not a class type)
  • nor a type variable (because it is also an array type)

Tends to be forgotten

"Generics" - Type Assignability

What? <? extends X> != <? extends X>?

Two wildcard types are only compatible if they originate from the same capture.

Solution: Use same type variable

"Generics" - Type Assignability II

Why use wildcard types then?

class Adder {

    static int intSum(List<? extends Number> values) {

Can be called with:

Adder.intSum(List.of(1, 2, 3));          // = 6
Adder.intSum(List.of(1.4f, 2.5f, 3.6f)); // = 6

"Generics" - Type Assignability III


interface Calculator {
    <T> void calc( T left, BinaryOperator<?super T> op, T right );

Can be called with:

BinaryOperator<Number> plusInt = (left, right) -> left.intValue() +  right.intValue();
Calculator c = new CalculatorImpl();
c.calc(1, plusInt, 2);       // = 3
c.calc(1.4f, plusInt, 2.5f); // = 3

Type Erasure

What does type erasure entail?

  • the JVM only supports class types
  • => object instances can only "know" their class type (which might be their raw type)
  • => JVM call mechanics build on erased signatures

Type Erasure - Basics


interface Consumer<T> {
    void apply( T e );


interface Consumer {
    void apply( Object e );

Type Erasure - Bounds


interface Parser {

    <T extends Number> T parse( String value, Function<String, T> toNumber );


interface Parser {

    Number parse( String value, Function toNumber );

Type Erasure - Collisions


interface Adder {

    Number add( List<String> values, Function<String, Number> toNumber );

    Integer add( List<Number> values, Function<Number, Integer> toInt );


interface Adder {

    Number add( List values, Function toNumber ); // 🚫 compiler error

    Integer add( List values, Function toInt ); // 🚫 compiler error

Type Erasure - Bridge Methods


interface Box<T> {
    void put(T value);
class StringBox implements Box<String> {
    public void put(String value) { }


interface Box {
    void put(Object value);
class StringBox implements Box {
    public void put(String value) { }

Type Erasure - Bridge Methods II

Box<String> box = new StringBox();
box.put("I get bridged"); // call put(Object) from Box interface

But StringBox defines put as put(String) 😱

class StringBox implements Box {
    public void put(String value) { }
    // bridge method generated by the compiler
    public void put(Object value) { 
        put((String) value);

Also: a "synthetic" method (modifiers)

Return Type Overrides

Not a "generics" feature, but it appears as if:

interface Num {
    Num addInt(Int other);
class Int implements Num {
    Int addInt(Int other) {}

Return types are not part of the signature 🤯

It is allowed to override them with a subtype


From this presentation...

  • Reflection = "inspection as declared in source"
  • Avoid raw types: List<String> over List<?> over List
  • Introduce type variables to capture a wildcard type as "the same=compatible type"

From experience...

  • Avoid type parameters by design
    • 1 is maybe unavoidable 🤷
    • 2 is suspicious
    • >= 3 is most likely bad design :D
    • => rethink the design, simplify (but don't hack around with casts or raw types)