ux4iot is installed in your Azure subscription as a Managed Application. Billing will be handled by Microsoft.
- You need to have an azure subscription
- You need to be owner of the resource group that you deploy your ux4iot into. This is because during the deployment, there is a role assigned between managed resources.
Visit the offer on Azure Marketplace and click "Get It Now".
Go to https://portal.azure.com and search for "ux4iot".
If you prefer the command line, the following snippet shows how to do it. See further below for how to retrieve the values for the two parameters.
{% tabs %} {% tab title="AZ CLI" %}
az managedapp create \
--name ux4iot \
--location westeurope \
--kind marketplace \
--resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
--managed-rg-id /subscriptions/${SUBSCRIPTION}/resourceGroups/ux4iot-resources \
--plan-product ux4iot \
--plan-name standard \
--plan-version 1.5.0 \
--plan-publisher deviceinsightgmbh-4961725 \
--parameters "{\"iotHubEventHubConnectionString\": {\"value\": \"${IOT_HUB_EVENT_HUB_CONNECTION_STRING}\"}, \"iotHubServiceConnectionString\": {\"value\": \"${IOT_HUB_CONNECTION_STRING}\"}}"
{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
Concerning the parameters: Specifying the Event Hub compatible connection is required. Configuring the service connection string is optional. It is necessary for the following hooks:
In effect, everything that not only consumes information but accesses the devices in some way.
You can retrieve the service connection string for the IoT Hub with:
IOT_HUB_CONNECTION_STRING=$(az iot hub connection-string show \
--resource-group RESOURCE_GROUP_OF_IOT_HUB \
--subscription SUBSCRIPTION \
--hub-name NAME_OF_IOT_HUB \
--policy-name service
--query connectionString \
-o tsv)
You can retrieve the Event Hub compatible endpoint connection string with:
IOT_HUB_EVENT_HUB_CONNECTION_STRING=$(az iot hub connection-string show \
--resource-group RESOURCE_GROUP_OF_IOT_HUB \
--subscription SUBSCRIPTION \
--hub-name NAME_OF_IOT_HUB \
--query connectionString \
--default-eventhub \
--policy-name service \
-o tsv)
with the resource group that your IoT Hub resides in. ReplaceNAME_OF_IOT_HUB
with the name of the IoT Hub. Replace SUBSCRIPTION
with your Azure Subscription.
Here is an example Bicep template that you can use to deploy a ux4iot instance.
resource managedApp 'Microsoft.Solutions/applications@2019-07-01' = {
name: 'ux4iot'
kind: 'marketplace'
location: resourceGroup().location
plan: {
name: 'standard'
product: 'ux4iot'
publisher: 'deviceinsightgmbh-4961725'
version: '1.5.0'
properties: {
managedResourceGroupId: 'ux4iot-resources'
parameters: {
// Required
iotHubEventHubConnectionString: {
value: iotHubEventHubConnectionString
// Optional
iotHubServiceConnectionString: {
value: iotHubServiceConnectionString
// Optional
sku: {
value: 'standard'
// Optional
eventHubConsumerGroup: {
value: '$Default'
// Optional
customTimestampKey: {
value: '_ts'
// Optional
customDeviceIdKey: {
value: 'deviceId'
// Optional
primaryAdminSecret: {
value: 'supersecret'
// Optional
secondaryAdminSecret: {
value: 'supersecretaswell'
// Optional
connectionStateCacheTTL: {
value: 60
{% hint style="warning" %} Notice when you redeploy ux4iot with a different iotHubEventHubConnectionString, you will need to restart your ux4iot. You can do this by navigating in the azure portal to your ux4iot instance and clicking the restart button on the top icon bar. {% endhint %}
{% hint style="info" %} Any tags you specify for the managed app will be inherited by the created managed resource group. {% endhint %}
Before deploying for the first time, you will have to accept the legal terms:
az vm image accept-terms \
--publisher 'deviceinsightgmbh-4961725' \
--offer 'ux4iot' \
--plan 'standard'
You can now deploy the Bicep template:
az deployment group create \
--resource-group ux4iot \
--subscription yourazuresubscription \
--template-file template.bicep