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index 99176c9..f1761b1 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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`deven-documentation-skeleton` is built to work with NodeJS. It clones the deven's documentation skeleton in your project, provides information about the documentation coverage and help to you identify and clone the missing chapters.
-## :information_source: Table of contents
+## :information_source: Table of contents
- [Deven Documentation Skeleton](#deven-documentation-skeleton)
- - [:information_source: Table of contents](#information_source-table-of-contents)
- [:star: Introduction](#star-introduction)
- [Goals](#goals)
- - [:file_folder: Documentation Structure](#file_folder-documentation-structure)
+ - [:file\_folder: Documentation Structure](#file_folder-documentation-structure)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [:rocket: How to use it](#rocket-how-to-use-it)
- [1. Install](#1-install)
- [2. Check](#2-check)
- [3. Update](#3-update)
-- [:white_check_mark: How to test](#white_check_mark-how-to-test)
+- [:white\_check\_mark: How to test](#white_check_mark-how-to-test)
- [:v: Contribute](#v-contribute)
- [:bug: Bugs and Issues](#bug-bugs-and-issues)
-- [:page_facing_up: License](#page_facing_up-license)
-- [:green_heart: Code of conduct](#green_heart-code-of-conduct)
+- [:page\_facing\_up: License](#page_facing_up-license)
+- [:green\_heart: Code of conduct](#green_heart-code-of-conduct)
# :star: Introduction
@@ -70,6 +69,8 @@ The purpose of this "documentation skeleton" project is to provide a simple way
- If you use Yarn, then => v1.2.0
- If you use Npm, then => v8.0.0
+If node can't be used in the target project, one can also copy all files under `src/docs` manually into a project and start to use them.
## Installation
To install the package in your project follow these steps:
diff --git a/docs/ARCHITECTURE.md b/docs/ARCHITECTURE.md
index 4a84108..c6bbb42 100644
--- a/docs/ARCHITECTURE.md
+++ b/docs/ARCHITECTURE.md
@@ -1,37 +1,65 @@
# Architecture
+The documentation skeleton can be integrated in multiple ways into other projects, the recommended way is to add it as a devDependency.
-## Content
+As an npm package the project has also multiple commands that can be executed.
+In this document one can find more information about the npm package and command architecture.
+## Content
- [Architecture](#architecture)
- [Overall Structure](#overall-structure)
+ - [Entry script](#entry-script)
+ - [The commands](#the-commands)
+ - [Shared](#shared)
- [Technical Decisions](#technical-decisions)
- - [APIs](#apis)
## Overall Structure
+The project consists of multiple parts, in the contribution guide one can find an overview of the [file structure](/docs/CONTRIBUTE.md#📁-file-structure).
+### Entry script
+The entry script can be found under `bin/index.js`.
+This script is a wrapper for the commands implemented under `src/commands`.
+Because the script is a wrapper it was decided to leave it in plain JavaScript.
+The script imports/requires the commands from the UMD bundle out of the build folder.
+The script checks the call parameters and depended on them calls one of the commands.
+### The commands
+The documentation skeleton project has three different commands to support with your own documentation structure.
+The commands are written in TypeScript and with `microbundle` bundled into a UMD module.
+Each command has a number of tests, which can be found in the directory `__tests__`.
+### Shared
+The `shared` folder contains the messages that are used by the different commands to communicate with the user.
## Technical Decisions
+The project is bundled to a UMD module with the help of `microbundle`.
+As this is an open source project we aim for a test coverage of >90%, experience showed that it good to cover as much as possible with tests.
+We use [conventional commits](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/) and enforce them with a hook that checks the commit message after creation with [commitlint](https://github.com/conventional-changelog/commitlint)
+The `pre-push` hook is used to run linting ([ESLint](https://eslint.org/)), formatting ([prettier](https://prettier.io/)) and testing ([Jest](https://jestjs.io/)).
+If any part of the hook is failing the code can not be pushed before the required changes are implemented.
-## APIs
+If a work-in-progress should be pushed one can use the `--no-verify` flag on the push command but this bypass should only be used if needed.
+To make sure that the whole package can still be used by projects that use node >= 20.0.0 we delete the `engines` key out of the `package.json` before a publish happens and restore it afterwards again (see `prepublishOnly` and `postpublish` in `package.json`).
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index 1b24301..de6367b 100644
--- a/docs/CONTRIBUTE.md
+++ b/docs/CONTRIBUTE.md
@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
-# Welcome to our docs contributing guide
+# Welcome to our docs contributing guide
Thank you for investing your time in contributing to our project! We sincerely appreciate it. :sparkles:.
Please, read our [Code of Conduct](./CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) to keep our community approachable and respectable.
-## Content
+## Content
-- [New contributor guide](#new-contributor-guide)
-- [Getting started](#getting-started)
- - [:file_folder: File Structure](#file_folder-file-structure)
-- [Issues](#issues)
- - [Create a new issue](#create-a-new-issue)
- - [Solve an issue](#solve-an-issue)
- - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
- - [Commits](#commits)
- - [Branch](#branch)
+- [Welcome to our docs contributing guide](#welcome-to-our-docs-contributing-guide)
+ - [New contributor guide](#new-contributor-guide)
+ - [Getting started](#getting-started)
+ - [:file\_folder: File Structure](#file_folder-file-structure)
+ - [Issues](#issues)
+ - [Create a new issue](#create-a-new-issue)
+ - [Solve an issue](#solve-an-issue)
+ - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
+ - [Commits](#commits)
+ - [Branch](#branch)
## New contributor guide
@@ -29,17 +30,20 @@ To get an overview of the project, read the [README](../README.md). Here are som
### :file_folder: File Structure
+ └── .husky // contains git hooks
+ └── .github // GitHub workflows
+ └── assets // files like images for the documentation
+ └── docs // documentation of the project
└── src
└── __tests__ // Unit test (*.spec.ts)
└── commands // CLI's commands classes
└── shared // Global configuration and log messages
└── docs // the documentation skeleton
- └── config // the configuration file blueprint
+ └── root // the configuration file blueprint
+ └── coverage // jest coverage report
└── dist // build output
└── bin // cli entrypoint
- └── gitlab-ci.yml // GitLab CI/CD pipeline
└── CHANGELOG.md // This file is automatically created by the release stage of the main pipeline. Please don't touch it.
- └── .releaserc // semantic-release configuration file
## Issues
@@ -51,7 +55,7 @@ If you spot a problem with the tool or the documentation, please [search if an i
How to write a useful issue?
-- It should be _reproducible_. It should contain all the istructions needed to reproduce the same outcome.
+- It should be _reproducible_. It should contain all the instructions needed to reproduce the same outcome.
- It should be _specific_. It's important that it addresses one specific problem.
@@ -60,28 +64,63 @@ If you spot a problem with the tool or the documentation, please [search if an i
### Solve an issue
Scan through our [existing issues](https://git.sinnerschrader.com/deven/documentation-skeleton/-/issues/) to find one that interests you.
-If you find an issue to work on, you are welcome to open a Merge Request with a fix.
+If you find an issue to work on, you are welcome to open a merge request with a fix.
#### Prerequisites
-Please, before submitting any merge request, be sure that your branch is passing all the tests.
+Please, before submitting any merge request, be sure that your branch is passing all requirements.
+1. Check that all tests are working:
npm run test
+2. Check that there are no linting issues:
-yarn test
+npm run lint
+(the command will also try to fix found issues)
+3. Check that the files are formatted:
+npm run prettier
+(the command will also try to fix found issues)
#### Commits
-The commits must be compliant with with the [Conventional Commits specification](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/).
+The commits must be compliant with the [Conventional Commits specification](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/).
#### Branch
-For contributions we are using [Gitflow as branching strategy](https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/comparing-workflows/gitflow-workflow#:~:text=Gitflow%20is%20a%20legacy%20Git,software%20development%20and%20DevOps%20practices.).
+We use the [Git-Flow](https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/comparing-workflows/gitflow-workflow) branching model:
+ gitGraph
+ commit id: "a"
+ commit id: "b"
+ branch develop
+ checkout develop
+ checkout develop
+ branch feature1
+ checkout feature1
+ commit id: "c"
+ checkout develop
+ merge feature1
+ branch feature2
+ checkout feature2
+ commit id: "d"
+ checkout develop
+ merge feature2
+ checkout main
+ merge develop
+ branch "release"
+ checkout release
+ commit id: "1.0.0" tag: "release"
+ checkout main
+ merge release
+ checkout develop
+ merge main
diff --git a/docs/DEPLOYMENT.md b/docs/DEPLOYMENT.md
index f8f0272..224798f 100644
--- a/docs/DEPLOYMENT.md
+++ b/docs/DEPLOYMENT.md
@@ -1,51 +1,88 @@
# Deployment
+The documentation skeleton project will be deployed on every update of the main branch.
-## Content
+## Content
- [Deployment](#deployment)
- [Tooling](#tooling)
+ - [Release Please](#release-please)
+ - [Conventional Commit Messages](#conventional-commit-messages)
- [How to deploy](#how-to-deploy)
- [Versioning](#versioning)
- - [Release Management](#release-management)
- [Deployment Schedule](#deployment-schedule)
- [Support](#support)
## Tooling
+This project uses release-please and conventional commit messages for automated release creation and deploys the package to the npm registry.
+We use the [Git-Flow](https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/comparing-workflows/gitflow-workflow) branching model:
+ gitGraph
+ commit id: "a"
+ commit id: "b"
+ branch develop
+ checkout develop
+ checkout develop
+ branch feature1
+ checkout feature1
+ commit id: "c"
+ checkout develop
+ merge feature1
+ branch feature2
+ checkout feature2
+ commit id: "d"
+ checkout develop
+ merge feature2
+ checkout main
+ merge develop
+ branch "release"
+ checkout release
+ commit id: "1.0.0" tag: "release"
+ checkout main
+ merge release
+ checkout develop
+ merge main
+### Release Please
+Release Please automates CHANGELOG generation, the creation of GitHub releases, and version bumps for your projects. Release Please does so by parsing the git history, looking for Conventional Commit messages, and creating release PRs.
+The tool runs on every update on the `main` branch and creates a release PR which needs to be manually be merged to create the release.
+The updated `main` branch then needs to be merged back, please use rebase, into the `develop` branch.
+Due to the open source nature of this project it was decided it is best to have a `develop` branch to test all new features together before an official release is created.
+### Conventional Commit Messages
+We use [Conventional Commit messages](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/) to be able to create changelog and version bumps automatically.
+We have a pre-push hook installed that uses [commit lint](https://github.com/conventional-changelog/commitlint) to verify the commits messages are following the conventional commit message standard.
## How to deploy
+One needs to create a new PR from `develop` to `main`. Once the PR is approved and merged the GitHub workflow `release` will be started.
-## Versioning
+The `release` workflow will first run the tests and after they were successful a new release branch is created together with a PR from the release branch into `main`.
+Lastly a notification for the internal slack channel is created.
-## Release Management
+The newly created release PR needs to be manually merged into main to finish the package creation and release publishing.
+After the release PR is merged the `develop` branch also needs to be updated by rebasing it onto the `main` branch.
+## Versioning
+Please see [conventional commit messages](#conventional-commit-messages)
## Deployment Schedule
+There is no deployment schedule. A new release is created whenever we have multiple new small features or a new big feature that we want to release.
## Support
+If you need support with the release process please [create an issue](https://github.com/deven-org/hamster/issues) or get in touch with [Jumace](https://github.com/Jumace).
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--- a/docs/GET_STARTED.md
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# Get Started
+For a quick overview check out the [Readme](/README.md).
-## Content
+For new joiners the [contribution guide](./CONTRIBUTE.md) is a good starting point.
+One can also get more information about the [architecture](./ARCHITECTURE.md) and [deployment](./DEPLOYMENT.md).
+## Content
- [Get Started](#get-started)
- - [Team Overview](#team-overview)
- - [Regular Meetings](#regular-meetings)
- [Communication Channels](#communication-channels)
- - [Access Checklist](#access-checklist)
- [How to get support](#how-to-get-support)
- - [Link Archive](#link-archive)
-## Team Overview
-## Regular Meetings
## Communication Channels
-## Access Checklist
+Communication happens over [GitHub issues](https://github.com/deven-org/documentation-skeleton/issues).
## How to get support
-## Link Archive
+If support is needed please get in touch with [Jumace](https://github.com/Jumace).
+Please note our [Code of Conduct](./CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) when a support request is created.
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@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
# Project Background
+The documentation skeleton is a guide to improve your documentation.
-## Content
+## Content
- [Project Background](#project-background)
- [Background](#background)
@@ -13,18 +11,15 @@ This chapter should provide the user with information about historical decisions
## Background
+The project was born out of the idea to make documentation creation easier for developers.
+It is a starting point for documentations and with the added comments in each file it helps developers to get an idea what can or should be documented.
## Strategy
+The documentation skeleton can by installed as an npm package but is not limited to that.
+The idea is that any tech project regardless of the technologies used can use and profit from the documentation skeleton.
## Tech Changes
+The first few packages of the documentation skeleton were published in the npm registry of GitHub.
+From version 2.1.0 on the package is now available in the [registry of npmjs.com](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@deven-org/documentation-skeleton).
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--- a/docs/TESTING.md
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This chapter provides the user with all needed information around testing within this project.
-## Content
+## Content
- [Testing](#testing)
- - [Content](#content)
- [Tooling](#tooling)
- - [Jest](#jest)
- - [mock-fs](#mock-fs)
- - [jest-mock-process](#jest-mock-process)
+ - [Jest](#jest)
+ - [mock-fs](#mock-fs)
+ - [jest-mock-process](#jest-mock-process)
- [How to write tests](#how-to-write-tests)
- [How to run tests](#how-to-run-tests)
## Tooling
-## Jest
+### Jest
As _testing framework_ we are currently using [Jest](https://jestjs.io/).
-## mock-fs
+### mock-fs
Since the CLI is mainly reading and writing files, the tests are using the _mock-fs_ module to allow Node's built-in fs module to be backed temporarily by an in-memory, mock file system.
This lets you run tests against a set of mock files and directories instead of lugging around a bunch of test fixtures.
[Read more here](https://github.com/tschaub/mock-fs).
-## jest-mock-process
+### jest-mock-process
The CLI will be most probably used also in CI/CD pipelines. Therefore the _process exit-codes_ are very important.
The _jest-mock-process_ module mocks the Node's process properties in Jest making them easily testable.