- 17 March 2017
- Adds getClientSessions() for Interactive Provider
- Adds getClientWactchList() for Interactive Provider
- Automatically loads dictionaries from the installed package folder
- Able to privately submitData to a specific session ID
- Able to closeSubmit items for a specific session ID
- 13 December 2016
- Interactive provider is able to logout clients with logoutSubmit
- Fixed a bug where NIP not closeAllSubmit when call serviceDownSubmit
- 5 October 2016
- Adds data output for interactive provider
- Makes TclRFA totally silent
- Fixed a Timeseries bug
- New versioning number
- Other bugs fixed
- Compiled with RFA C++ 8.0.1.E1
- 23 June 2016
- Supports RMTES strings to UTF-8
- New getFieldID function
- 18 May 2016
- Supports FID filtering subscription with View
- Updates RDMDictionary and enumtype.def
- Compiled with RFA 8.0.1.L1
- 3 March 2016
- Supports Interactive Provider
- 16 October 2015
- Compiled with RFA 8.0.0.E1
- Added serviceUpSubmit()
- Fixed serviceDownSubmit() that caused session disconnection
- Fixed a bug where it fails to close a complete published item list
- 26 August 2015
- Prevent memory leak caused by login handler
- Fixed another potential memory leak
- 17 August 2015
- Fixed timeseries floating point data limitation
- Fixed memory leak in data dictionary handler
- 6 August 2015
- Supports Pause and Resume
- Supports OMM Posting for market price
- Provider can submit data as unsolicited REFRESH using MTYPE = IMAGE
- Provider can submit data to different service using SERVICE key in dict
- Supports sending service up/down status
- 18 June 2015
- Compiled with RFA 8.0.0.L1
- New output message in pure dictionary format
- Supports STATUS output message type
- New message types include REFRESH, IMAGE, UPDATE, STATUS
- RIC and SERVICE now treated as part of data output
- Translate Reuters tick symbol to unicode
- Fixed for service group failover by RFA 8.0
- Minimum requirement is now Tcl 8.5
- Available in 64-bit only