.. articleMetaData:: :Where: Skien, Norway :Date: 20040803 0806 CEST :Tags:
During my holidays I also spend some time updating my website so that it is better "permalink"-proof.
The front page now always shows the last 24 articles and/or blurps. In case there is an article among those 24 items it is shown on the left side, and all blurps are then positioned on the right side (like it was previously). In case there is no article among those last items the blurps are devided equally between the two columns. The last item is now highlighted in a shade of blue.
The biggest change is in the archive section , where all articles are now ordered into the indexed by month, and also shown by month. Monthly archive pages always shows all the articles and blurps of that month, again equally divided between the two columns. When an older blurp is linked to it is automagically highlighted, just like the last item on the front page.
I think this new situation makes more sense as it was impossible to link to old blurps on the site.