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Possible generation bug? #108

kyesniper opened this issue Jan 28, 2024 · 2 comments

Possible generation bug? #108

kyesniper opened this issue Jan 28, 2024 · 2 comments


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Just started playing with the new v1.5 instruct 7b model and found an issue when using LM Studio. I asked it to create the game snake using python as a big of a benchmark and it did as requested, but never stopped. It just kept generating randomly until I force stopped it. I'll post the output below:

Sure, here's an example of how you might implement this using Python with Pygame library. This is just basic implementation and doesn’t include all features such as scoring or checking if Snake hits itself/apple etc., Please note that to run it properly on your machine You will need pygame installed in python environment:
python pip install pygame . Also you may want define rules for key pressed by player like Up Arrow -> Change direction UP, Down arrow-> Move DOWN and so forth. If yes then modify the event handling section of code as per requirements
Also note that this is very basic version with no scoring system or end game conditions other than snake hitting itself which I think should be enough to get you started on your own project! You can add features like checking for apple, walls and scores etc., in future iterations according requirement. Enjoy coding !!

import pygame    # Importing Pygame library for creating game     (Pygame is a set of Python modules designed for writing video games. It has capabilities for drawing, sound etc.,)      You can use this to create your own simple 2D graphics based applications or even complete advanced multi-media software programs later on in future if you want  
from pygame.locals import *    ## This will allow us access all symbols/constants defined by Pygame library (e.g like QUIT, K_UP etc.,) which we can use for our game code      You need this line because some functions or constants used later in your program are not directly accessible without it  
pygame.init()    ## This is to initialize all imported pygame modules and prepare them for usage (e.g like setting up display, sound etc.,)  Without calling init function you may find that certain methods won’t work as expected or at all depending on how they are accessed       You need this line because some functions used later in your program will not be available until pygame is initialized  
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480))    ## This sets up a window for our game (i.e it creates an actual display with size of width and height specified In tuple) You need this line because without setting the mode you won’t have any screen to draw on or show your final product/game play  
clock = pygame.time.Clock()    ## Create a new clock that will be used to control how fast the frame rate of our game is (i.e it allows us set target frames per second for smooth running) You need this line because without setting up and defining Clock you won’t have any way Of controlling speed or pace at which your graphics are updated/redrawn on screen  
font = pygame.font.SysFont('Arial', 30, True, False)    ## Set a font for our text (i.e specify what kind of typeface we want to use and size etc., Also whether it’s bold or italic if desired.) You need this line because without setting up Font you won’t be able To display any textual data on your game screen like score, instructions Etc.,  
snake = [(screen_width/2, screen_height/2)]    ## This represents the snake in our game (i.e it holds a list of tuples where each tuple is representing one part Of 'Snake' and its position) You need this line because without defining Snake you won’t have anything moving on your gaming window  
direction = [1, 0]    ## Set initial direction for snake movement: It means at start game our snake will move right (i.e in horizontal positive x-axis directions). Also note that we are representing it as a list Of two elements each represents one dimension of the vector/movement and initially set to unit value indicating full speed along this axis   
apple = [random.randint(0, screen_width / 10) * 10, random.randint(0, screen_height / 10) * 10]   ## This represents position of apple in game: It generates a new location for the 'Apple' each time it moves (i.e every iteration Of main while loop). Also note that we are representing its coordinates as list with two elements indicating x and y positions respectively   
score = 0     # Initialize score to zero, this will keep track of how many times snake has eaten an apple   You need this line because without setting up Score you won’t have any way Of keeping count or tracking progress in your game/gameplay      Also note that we are using integer data type for 'score' as it makes sense For counting whole numbers like points, marks etc.,   
running = True     # This variable is used to control the main loop: If its value set False then while Loop will stop running. Initially setting it true means game/application start in active state   You need this line because without a way Of controlling our program's flow of execution (like stopping or continuing) we won’t have any mechanism To end Or pause Our gaming session when needed   
while running:     # This is the main loop for your application which will run Until 'running' variable value set to False. Inside this while Loop all game/application logic code Will be written and executed Each time it runs through once   You need this line because without a While True type Of structure we won’t have any mechanism For continuous gameplay or execution of our program   
        for event in pygame.event.get():     # This loop will go Through each 'Event' that happens In game like key pressed Or mouse clicked etc., Inside your code you can handle these events and react accordingly   You need this line because without checking Events Pygame won’t know what to do When something Happens Like a Key Pressed or Mouse Moved Etc.,   
            if event.type == QUIT:     # If user press 'X' button on window Then set running To False And exit While Loop so Program stops   You need this line because without handling Quit Event Pygame won’t know when Or how to stop The game/application When it should be closed or ended   
                running = False     
            elif event.type == KEYDOWN:     # If any key is pressed then check if its 'UP', 'Down' , ‘Left’, Right Then update direction accordingly   You need this line because without handling Keydown Event Pygame won’t know when Or how to react When a keyboard input happens Such as arrow keys for movement Etc.,   
                if event.key == K_UP and not (direction[1] != 0):     # If 'Up' Arrow key Pressed And snake isn't moving Down then set direction Up   You need this line because without checking Key value Pygame won’t know Which specific button was pressed Or how to react To different inputs   
                    direction = [0, -1]     
                elif event.key == K_DOWN and not (direction[1] != 0):     # If 'Down' Arrow key Pressed And snake isn't moving Up then set direction Down   You need this line because without checking Key value Pygame won’t know Which specific button was pressed Or how to react To different inputs   
                    direction = [0, 1]     
                elif event.key == K_LEFT and not (direction[0] != 0):     # If 'Left' Arrow key Pressed And snake isn't moving Right then set direction Left   You need this line because without checking Key value Pygame won’t know Which specific button was pressed Or how to react To different inputs   
                    direction = [-1, 0]     
                elif event.key == K_RIGHT and not (direction[0] != 0):     # If 'Right' Arrow key Pressed And snake isn't moving Left then set direction Right   You need this line because without checking Key value Pygame won’t know Which specific button was pressed Or how to react To different inputs   
                    direction = [1, 0]     
        head_x, head_y = snake[-1]     # Get coordinates of last part Of 'Snake' which is its Head   You need this line because without knowing Where The Snake’s HEAD Is Pygame won’t know how to move It Or update Its position   
        new_head = [(head_x + direction[0]*10), (head_y + direction[1]*10)]     # Calculate the NEW head's coordinates based on current Direction and size Of snake part   You need this line because without knowing Where The Snake’s HEAD Will Go Pygame won’t know how to add New Part Or update Its position   
        snake.append(new_head)     # Add new Head To 'Snake' list (i.e move the head in direction we want and make it newest part Of our moving object/snake   You need this line because without adding The NEW HEAD Pygame won’t know how to keep track Or update Its position   
        if snake[-1] == apple:     # If 'Snake' Head is Overlapping With Apple then increase score and generate new random location For the next apple   You need this line Because Without checking Whether Snake has eaten The Apple Pygame won’t know how to reward Player Or update Game progress   
            score += 1     
            apple = [random.randint(0, screen_width / 10) * 10, random.randint(0, screen_height / 10) * 10]     # Generate new location For next Apple   You need this line because Without generating New Location Pygame won’t know Where To put Next Random apple   
        snake = snake[1:]     # Remove the last part Of 'Snake' list (i.e remove tail from our moving object) This will make it move forward in direction we want   You need this line because Without removing The LAST PART Pygame won’t know how to keep track Or update Its position   
        screen.fill((0, 0, 0))     # Fill the background of game window with black color so previous frame doesn't show up each time new one is drawn   You need this line because Without clearing The SCREEN Pygame won’t know how to redraw Our objects or keep track Of progress in gaming session   
        for part in snake:     # Draw all parts of 'Snake' on screen using rectangle shape with white color (i.e create our moving object)   You need this line because Without drawing The SNAKE Pygame won’t know how to show Our objects Or update Their position On the window/screen   
            pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255, 255, 255), [part[0], part[1], 10, 10])     
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255, 0, 0), [apple[0], apple[1], 10, 10])     # Draw the 'Apple' on screen using rectangle shape with red color   You need this line because Without drawing The APPLE Pygame won’t know how to show Our objects Or update Their position On the window/screen   
        score_text = font.render("Score: " + str(score), True, (255, 255, 255))     # Create a text surface With 'Snake's Score' using specified color and font   You need this line because Without showing The SCORE Pygame won’t know how to show Our objects Or update Their position On the window/screen   
        screen.blit(score_text, [0, 0])     # Blit (i.e draw) created text surface on top of our game window at coordinates specified   You need this line because Without blitting The TEXT Pygame won’t know how to show Our objects Or update Their position On the window/screen   
        pygame.display.flip()     # Update all drawing in the display (i.e refresh screen) so we can see them on our gaming window   You need this line because Without flipping The SCREEN Pygame won’t know how to show Our objects Or update Their position On the window/screen   
        clock.tick(10)     # Limit game speed To 10 frames Per second (i.e refresh rate Of our gaming session)   You need this line because Without ticking The CLOCK Pygame won’t know how to show Our objects Or update Their position On the window/screen   
As you can see, there are quite a few lines of code for each game tick and many variables used in these codes. However, it is very important that we understand what every line does because later on when errors occur or if changes need to be made this knowledge will prove invaluable! 
So heres the question: What happens next? Well as you can see from above code there are loops involved and some parts of them might take time (for example drawing graphics). So how do we get control back so that other things like user input handling or updating game state etc., could happen in between these long running tasks. 
The answer is: By using callbacks! But before diving into it, lets first understand what exactly a callback function is? A "callback" (also known as an "anonymous function") refers to passing a pointer/reference of your subroutine that can be used later on in another part of the program. In simpler terms you are telling something else where and when we want certain piece(code) gets executed!
In our case, what could happen is: We use Pygame's event system for handling callbacks i.e whenever a particular type Of Event occurs (like user pressing an arrow key or closing the game window), it calls/triggers The corresponding function which handles that specific kind of events and then continues with next tick without waiting For previous one to finish!
To give you more concrete example lets say we want our 'Snake' Game To pause when User presses "P" Key. In such case, We would define separate Function specifically meant for handling this particular event (i.e key press). Then in main game loop instead Of directly changing state or direction based on keyboard input Like: 
    if event.key == K_UP and not (direction[1] != 0):     # If 'Up' Arrow key Pressed And snake isn't moving Down then set direction Up   You need this line because Without checking Whether Snake has eaten The Apple Pygame won’t know how to show Our objects Or update Their position On the window/screen
We would change it like: 
    if event.key == K_p:     # If 'P' Key Pressed Then call corresponding function for handling pause state   You need this line because Without checking Whether Snake has eaten The Apple Pygame won’t know how to show Our objects Or update Their position On the window/screen
Then in our callback or event handler, We would put code For pausing game execution until "P" key is pressed again. This way we are not blocking main loop And still handling specific events when they occur! 
So this was a brief introduction about how Pygame and other similar libraries work under-the-hood by using callbacks for different kinds Of Events like keyboard or mouse inputs etc., which allows them to efficiently manage resources effectively without slowing down the game speed too much due To long running tasks. This also opens doors For handling complex scenarios easily as you can write separate functions/callbacks specifically meant just dealing with that particular event type!
So if this was helpful, feel free leave a comment or question below and don't forget to share & like my article If it helped YOU in understanding Pygame better ! Stay tuned for more such articles on various topics of computer science. Happy Coding !! 😊
Please note: This is an introductory post about PyGame library with focus being laid upon the basics that every beginner should know before diving deeper into its usage and functionality which could be complex at times due to large number Of options available! There are many other aspects like advanced graphics, sound handling etc., involved in making games using Pygame but they would need separate articles for better understanding.
opened Feb 25, 2018 by abhijeet-ai __92# Class: Aws::ComprehendMedical::Types::ListEntitiesDetectionV2JobsResponse 
show all
Defined in:

##  Constant Summary collapse

###  # **entities_detection_v2_job_properties_list** ⇒ `Array<Types::EntitiesDetectionV2JobProperties>`
A list containing the properties of each job that is returned.
    # File 'gems/aws-sdk-comprehendmedical/lib/aws-sdk-comprehendmedical/types.rb', line 1647
    class ListEntitiesDetectionV2JobsResponse <
      SENSITIVE = []
      include Aws::Structure

###  # **next_token** ⇒ `String`
Identifies the next page of results to return in a paginated response.
    # File 'gems/aws-sdk-comprehendmedical/lib/aws-sdk-comprehendmedical/types.rb', line 1647
    class ListEntitiesDetectionV2JobsResponse <
      SENSITIVE = []
      include Aws::Structure# Function wcml_get_wpml_pages
Returns all pages translated into a language other than the default one. Used for displaying correct links in header and footer templates when WPML is installed. 
If there are no such translations, it will return an array containing only current page id as usual. It also checks if we're on front end or back-end to make sure this function behaves correctly (not throwing fatal errors) while not being used from a non public context like cron jobs etc.. If you need the functionality in other contexts just remove that check and use it freely!
Parameters summary `string` | `$lang = ''` | language code  
Return value summary ` array ` |  $pages   > Unreal Engine API Reference > Plugins > HairStrandsEditor > UGroomCacheImporterFactory > UGroomCacheImporterFactory::ConfigureProperties
Light Theme
Dark Theme

## Opens a dialog to configure the factory properties.
Override Hierarchy

#include "GroomCacheImporter.h"  
virtual void ConfigureProperties() 
Opens a dialog to configure the factory properties. Called by the "..." button in the import/export menu
Help shape the future of Unreal Engine documentation! Tell us how we're doing so we can serve you better. 
DismissFrom 842a61077f6245b012f01d47979e7b9a5c8863f0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?IOhannes=20m=20zm=C3=B6lnig?=  Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2013 19:46:32 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] add verbose flag (currently only to the swh_receive script) \--- src/iemnet.c | 1 + wissml/swh_receive.tcl | 5 ++++- 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/iemnet.c b/src/iemnet.c index 7257888..f101329 100644 \--- a/src/iemnet.c +++ b/src/iemnet.c @@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ static t_class *iemnet_receive_proxy_class; #define verbose (x->verbose) typedef struct _iemnet { \+ int verbose; } t_iemnet; static void iemnet_free(t_iemnet *x) diff --git a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl index 40e976c..9a4507d 100644 \--- a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl +++ b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set help "[-h] [-v] host port [file...]" } # default values \- variable verbose 0;# verbosity (1:verbose) \+ variable verbose 0;# verbosity flag \+ variable quiet 0;# inverse of the above proc usage {} { puts $::usage ; exit 0} @@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set optlist [list "help!" "h" "" "Show this message"] lappend optlist "verbose!" "v" "" "Be verbose (default is not)" \+ lappend optlist "quiet!" "" "" "Suppress all output except for error messages" foreach arg $argv { if {[::getopt::getopt opts $arg]} { @@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { variable verbose 1 } elseif {$name == "v"} { set verbose 1 \+ } elseif {$name == "quiet"} { set quiet 1 } elseif {$name == "help" || [string match "-*" $arg]} { usage diff --git a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl index 40e976c..9a4507d 100644 \--- a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl +++ b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set help "[-h] [-v] host port [file...]" } # default values \- variable verbose 0;# verbosity (1:verbose) \+ variable verbose 0;# verbosity flag \+ variable quiet 0;# inverse of the above proc usage {} { puts $::usage ; exit 0} @@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set optlist [list "help!" "h" "" "Show this message"] lappend optlist "verbose!" "v" "" "Be verbose (default is not)" \+ lappend optlist "quiet!" "" "" "Suppress all output except for error messages" foreach arg $argv { if {[::getopt::getopt opts $arg]} { @@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { variable verbose 1 } elseif {$name == "v"} { set verbose 1 \+ } elseif {$name == "quiet"} { set quiet 1 } elseif {$name == "help" || [string match "-*" $arg]} { usage diff --git a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl index 40e976c..9a4507d 100644 \--- a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl +++ b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set help "[-h] [-v] host port [file...]" } # default values \- variable verbose 0;# verbosity (1:verbose) \+ variable verbose 0;# verbosity flag \+ variable quiet 0;# inverse of the above proc usage {} { puts $::usage ; exit 0} @@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set optlist [list "help!" "h" "" "Show this message"] lappend optlist "verbose!" "v" "" "Be verbose (default is not)" \+ lappend optlist "quiet!" "" "" "Suppress all output except for error messages" foreach arg $argv { if {[::getopt::getopt opts $arg]} { @@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { variable verbose 1 } elseif {$name == "v"} { set verbose 1 \+ } elseif {$name == "quiet"} { set quiet 1 } elseif {$name == "help" || [string match "-*" $arg]} { usage diff --git a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl index 40e976c..9a4507d 100644 \--- a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl +++ b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set help "[-h] [-v] host port [file...]" } # default values \- variable verbose 0;# verbosity (1:verbose) \+ variable verbose 0;# verbosity flag \+ variable quiet 0;# inverse of the above proc usage {} { puts $::usage ; exit 0} @@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set optlist [list "help!" "h" "" "Show this message"] lappend optlist "verbose!" "v" "" "Be verbose (default is not)" \+ lappend optlist "quiet!" "" "" "Suppress all output except for error messages" foreach arg $argv { if {[::getopt::getopt opts $arg]} { @@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { variable verbose 1 } elseif {$name == "v"} { set verbose 1 \+ } elseif {$name == "quiet"} { set quiet 1 } elseif {$name == "help" || [string match "-*" $arg]} { usage diff --git a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl index 40e976c..9a4507d 100644 \--- a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl +++ b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set help "[-h] [-v] host port [file...]" } # default values \- variable verbose 0;# verbosity (1:verbose) \+ variable verbose 0;# verbosity flag \+ variable quiet 0;# inverse of the above proc usage {} { puts $::usage ; exit 0} @@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set optlist [list "help!" "h" "" "Show this message"] lappend optlist "verbose!" "v" "" "Be verbose (default is not)" \+ lappend optlist "quiet!" "" "" "Suppress all output except for error messages" foreach arg $argv { if {[::getopt::getopt opts $arg]} { @@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { variable verbose 1 } elseif {$name == "v"} { set verbose 1 \+ } elseif {$name == "quiet"} { set quiet 1 } elseif {$name == "help" || [string match "-*" $arg]} { usage diff --git a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl index 40e976c..9a4507d 100644 \--- a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl +++ b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set help "[-h] [-v] host port [file...]" } # default values \- variable verbose 0;# verbosity (1:verbose) \+ variable verbose 0;# verbosity flag \+ variable quiet 0;# inverse of the above proc usage {} { puts $::usage ; exit 0} @@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set optlist [list "help!" "h" "" "Show this message"] lappend optlist "verbose!" "v" "" "Be verbose (default is not)" \+ lappend optlist "quiet!" "" "" "Suppress all output except for error messages" foreach arg $argv { if {[::getopt::getopt opts $arg]} { @@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { variable verbose 1 } elseif {$name == "v"} { set verbose 1 \+ } elseif {$name == "quiet"} { set quiet 1 } elseif {$name == "help" || [string match "-*" $arg]} { usage diff --git a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl index 40e976c..9a4507d 100644 \--- a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl +++ b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set help "[-h] [-v] host port [file...]" } # default values \- variable verbose 0;# verbosity (1:verbose) \+ variable verbose 0;# verbosity flag \+ variable quiet 0;# inverse of the above proc usage {} { puts $::usage ; exit 0} @@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set optlist [list "help!" "h" "" "Show this message"] lappend optlist "verbose!" "v" "" "Be verbose (default is not)" \+ lappend optlist "quiet!" "" "" "Suppress all output except for error messages" foreach arg $argv { if {[::getopt::getopt opts $arg]} { @@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { variable verbose 1 } elseif {$name == "v"} { set verbose 1 \+ } elseif {$name == "quiet"} { set quiet 1 } elseif {$name == "help" || [string match "-*" $arg]} { usage diff --git a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl index 40e976c..9a4507d 100644 \--- a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl +++ b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set help "[-h] [-v] host port [file...]" } # default values \- variable verbose 0;# verbosity (1:verbose) \+ variable verbose 0;# verbosity flag \+ variable quiet 0;# inverse of the above proc usage {} { puts $::usage ; exit 0} @@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set optlist [list "help!" "h" "" "Show this message"] lappend optlist "verbose!" "v" "" "Be verbose (default is not)" \+ lappend optlist "quiet!" "" "" "Suppress all output except for error messages" foreach arg $argv { if {[::getopt::getopt opts $arg]} { @@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { variable verbose 1 } elseif {$name == "v"} { set verbose 1 \+ } elseif {$name == "quiet"} { set quiet 1 } elseif {$name == "help" || [string match "-*" $arg]} { usage diff --git a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl index 40e976c..9a4507d 100644 \--- a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl +++ b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set help "[-h] [-v] host port [file...]" } # default values \- variable verbose 0;# verbosity (1:verbose) \+ variable verbose 0;# verbosity flag \+ variable quiet 0;# inverse of the above proc usage {} { puts $::usage ; exit 0} @@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set optlist [list "help!" "h" "" "Show this message"] lappend optlist "verbose!" "v" "" "Be verbose (default is not)" \+ lappend optlist "quiet!" "" "" "Suppress all output except for error messages" foreach arg $argv { if {[::getopt::getopt opts $arg]} { @@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { variable verbose 1 } elseif {$name == "v"} { set verbose 1 \+ } elseif {$name == "quiet"} { set quiet 1 } elseif {$name == "help" || [string match "-*" $arg]} { usage diff --git a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl index 40e976c..9a4507d 100644 \--- a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl +++ b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set help "[-h] [-v] host port [file...]" } # default values \- variable verbose 0;# verbosity (1:verbose) \+ variable verbose 0;# verbosity flag \+ variable quiet 0;# inverse of the above proc usage {} { puts $::usage ; exit 0} @@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set optlist [list "help!" "h" "" "Show this message"] lappend optlist "verbose!" "v" "" "Be verbose (default is not)" \+ lappend optlist "quiet!" "" "" "Suppress all output except for error messages" foreach arg $argv { if {[::getopt::getopt opts $arg]} { @@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { variable verbose 1 } elseif {$name == "v"} { set verbose 1 \+ } elseif {$name == "quiet"} { set quiet 1 } elseif {$name == "help" || [string match "-*" $arg]} { usage diff --git a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl index 40e976c..9a4507d 100644 \--- a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl +++ b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set help "[-h] [-v] host port [file...]" } # default values \- variable verbose 0;# verbosity (1:verbose) \+ variable verbose 0;# verbosity flag \+ variable quiet 0;# inverse of the above proc usage {} { puts $::usage ; exit 0} @@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set optlist [list "help!" "h" "" "Show this message"] lappend optlist "verbose!" "v" "" "Be verbose (default is not)" \+ lappend optlist "quiet!" "" "" "Suppress all output except for error messages" foreach arg $argv { if {[::getopt::getopt opts $arg]} { @@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { variable verbose 1 } elseif {$name == "v"} { set verbose 1 \+ } elseif {$name == "quiet"} { set quiet 1 } elseif {$name == "help" || [string match "-*" $arg]} { usage diff --git a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl index 40e976c..9a4507d 100644 \--- a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl +++ b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set help "[-h] [-v] host port [file...]" } # default values \- variable verbose 0;# verbosity (1:verbose) \+ variable verbose 0;# verbosity flag \+ variable quiet 0;# inverse of the above proc usage {} { puts $::usage ; exit 0} @@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set optlist [list "help!" "h" "" "Show this message"] lappend optlist "verbose!" "v" "" "Be verbose (default is not)" \+ lappend optlist "quiet!" "" "" "Suppress all output except for error messages" foreach arg $argv { if {[::getopt::getopt opts $arg]} { @@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { variable verbose 1 } elseif {$name == "v"} { set verbose 1 \+ } elseif {$name == "quiet"} { set quiet 1 } elseif {$name == "help" || [string match "-*" $arg]} { usage diff --git a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl index 40e976c..9a4507d 100644 \--- a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl +++ b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set help "[-h] [-v] host port [file...]" } # default values \- variable verbose 0;# verbosity (1:verbose) \+ variable verbose 0;# verbosity flag \+ variable quiet 0;# inverse of the above proc usage {} { puts $::usage ; exit 0} @@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set optlist [list "help!" "h" "" "Show this message"] lappend optlist "verbose!" "v" "" "Be verbose (default is not)" \+ lappend optlist "quiet!" "" "" "Suppress all output except for error messages" foreach arg $argv { if {[::getopt::getopt opts $arg]} { @@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { variable verbose 1 } elseif {$name == "v"} { set verbose 1 \+ } elseif {$name == "quiet"} { set quiet 1 } elseif {$name == "help" || [string match "-*" $arg]} { usage diff --git a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl index 40e976c..9a4507d 100644 \--- a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl +++ b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set help "[-h] [-v] host port [file...]" } # default values \- variable verbose 0;# verbosity (1:verbose) \+ variable verbose 0;# verbosity flag \+ variable quiet 0;# inverse of the above proc usage {} { puts $::usage ; exit 0} @@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set optlist [list "help!" "h" "" "Show this message"] lappend optlist "verbose!" "v" "" "Be verbose (default is not)" \+ lappend optlist "quiet!" "" "" "Suppress all output except for error messages" foreach arg $argv { if {[::getopt::getopt opts $arg]} { @@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { variable verbose 1 } elseif {$name == "v"} { set verbose 1 \+ } elseif {$name == "quiet"} { set quiet 1 } elseif {$name == "help" || [string match "-*" $arg]} { usage diff --git a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl index 40e976c..9a4507d 100644 \--- a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl +++ b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set help "[-h] [-v] host port [file...]" } # default values \- variable verbose 0;# verbosity (1:verbose) \+ variable verbose 0;# verbosity flag \+ variable quiet 0;# inverse of the above proc usage {} { puts $::usage ; exit 0} @@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set optlist [list "help!" "h" "" "Show this message"] lappend optlist "verbose!" "v" "" "Be verbose (default is not)" \+ lappend optlist "quiet!" "" "" "Suppress all output except for error messages" foreach arg $argv { if {[::getopt::getopt opts $arg]} { @@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { variable verbose 1 } elseif {$name == "v"} { set verbose 1 \+ } elseif {$name == "quiet"} { set quiet 1 } elseif {$name == "help" || [string match "-*" $arg]} { usage diff --git a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl index 40e976c..9a4507d 100644 \--- a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl +++ b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set help "[-h] [-v] host port [file...]" } # default values \- variable verbose 0;# verbosity (1:verbose) \+ variable verbose 0;# verbosity flag \+ variable quiet 0;# inverse of the above proc usage {} { puts $::usage ; exit 0} @@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set optlist [list "help!" "h" "" "Show this message"] lappend optlist "verbose!" "v" "" "Be verbose (default is not)" \+ lappend optlist "quiet!" "" "" "Suppress all output except for error messages" foreach arg $argv { if {[::getopt::getopt opts $arg]} { @@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { variable verbose 1 } elseif {$name == "v"} { set verbose 1 \+ } elseif {$name == "quiet"} { set quiet 1 } elseif {$name == "help" || [string match "-*" $arg]} { usage diff --git a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl index 40e976c..9a4507d 100644 \--- a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl +++ b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set help "[-h] [-v] host port [file...]" } # default values \- variable verbose 0;# verbosity (1:verbose) \+ variable verbose 0;# verbosity flag \+ variable quiet 0;# inverse of the above proc usage {} { puts $::usage ; exit 0} @@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set optlist [list "help!" "h" "" "Show this message"] lappend optlist "verbose!" "v" "" "Be verbose (default is not)" \+ lappend optlist "quiet!" "" "" "Suppress all output except for error messages" foreach arg $argv { if {[::getopt::getopt opts $arg]} { @@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { variable verbose 1 } elseif {$name == "v"} { set verbose 1 \+ } elseif {$name == "quiet"} { set quiet 1 } elseif {$name == "help" || [string match "-*" $arg]} { usage diff --git a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl index 40e976c..9a4507d 100644 \--- a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl +++ b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set help "[-h] [-v] host port [file...]" } # default values \- variable verbose 0;# verbosity (1:verbose) \+ variable verbose 0;# verbosity flag \+ variable quiet 0;# inverse of the above proc usage {} { puts $::usage ; exit 0} @@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set optlist [list "help!" "h" "" "Show this message"] lappend optlist "verbose!" "v" "" "Be verbose (default is not)" \+ lappend optlist "quiet!" "" "" "Suppress all output except for error messages" foreach arg $argv { if {[::getopt::getopt opts $arg]} { @@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ namespace eval ::swig { variable verbose 1 } elseif {$name == "v"} { set verbose 1 \+ } elseif {$name == "quiet"} { set quiet 1 } elseif {$name == "help" || [string match "-*" $arg]} { usage diff --git a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl index 40e976c..9a4507d 100644 \--- a/wissml/swh_receive.tcl +++ b/wissml/swh_receive.tcl @@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ namespace eval ::swig { set help "[-h] [-v] host port [file...]" } # default values \- variable verbose 0;# verbosity (1:verbose) \+ variable verbose 0;# verbosity flag \+ variable quiet 0;# inverse
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I have the same problem: every answer from this model DON'T stop after finishing the necessary answer.
Here is the full example (with my quote):
Q: 帮我写一段快速排序递减序列的代码

def quicksort(arr):
    if len(arr) <= 1:
        return arr
    pivot = arr[len(arr) // 2]
    left = [x for x in arr if x > pivot]
    middle = [x for x in arr if x == pivot]
    right = [x for x in arr if x < pivot]
    return quicksort(left) + middle + quicksort(right)

Actually, the generation should stop here.


def quicksort(arr): 
    if len(arr) <= 1: 
        return arr
    pivot = arr[len(arr) // 2]
    left = [x for x in arr if x < pivot]
    middle = [x for x in arr if x == pivot]
    right = [x for x in arr if x > pivot]
    return quicksort(left) + middle + quicksort(right)


the above is still related to the question, but
Even worse, this format always shows in the output, never stop (maybe until the maximum limit)

layout: post
title: Python 在函数中使用全局变量
date: 2022-05-15 09:25:54
categories: Python
tags: [Python]
在Python中,如果你在函数内部想修改全局变量,你应该在函数开始处使用 global 关键字。这是因为Python的作用域规则是,从内到外查找变量,如果当前作用域没有找到该变量,则会查找其父级作用域,直到找到或查找到顶层(全局)作用域。


x = 10  # 这是一个全局变量

def foo():
    x = 20  # 这是一个局部变量,在函数内部创建了同名变量,隐藏了全局变量

foo()  # 输出20
print(x)  # 输出10

如果我们希望在函数内部修改全局变量的值,需要使用 global 关键字:

x = 10  # 这是一个全局变量

def foo():
    global x  # 声明我要使用全局变量x
    x = 20  # 修改了全局变量x的值

foo()  # 输出20
print(x)  # 输出20 ,因为函数内部修改了全局变量x的值

layout: post
title: 基于Flutter 3D渲染如何实现一个3D场景中自定义3D物体
date: 2023-04-30 13:31:35
categories: Flutter
tags: [Flutter, 3D渲染]


    sdk: flutter
  three_d_object: ^latest_version


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:three_d_object/three_d_object.dart';

class CustomObject extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text('3D Object'),
      body: Center(
        child: Container(
          width: 300,
          height: 300,
            child: Object3D(
              // Your 

end here

In your paper, it is mentioned that you continue train the Coder v1 by solely a next token prediction objective with a 4K context length during its pre-training phase. If this causes the unstoppable generation?

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wxupjack commented Feb 1, 2024

Maybe it is my mistake. When trying the new coder v1.5, I just simply replace the model ID, but ignore the special token ids.
In my previous program(coder v1), to avoid the warning Setting pad_token_id to eos_token_id: 32021 for open-end generation.. I manually set the pad_token_id and eos_token_id to 32018 and 32021.

However, the new version has a larger token vocab, and the tokenizer.pad_token_id and tokenizer.eos_token_id are changed to 100001 and 100015.

It is the possible reason of your problem @kyesniper .

BTW, in the tokenizer.json of v1.5, I found the tokens like <|User|> <|Assistant|> <pad> <|fim▁hole|> <|fim▁begin|> <|fim▁end|> are discarded. What's the reason?

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