9 | 9 |
10 | 10 | # Codes in the C language
11 | 11 |
12 |
| - |
13 | 12 | ## Data Structures
| 13 | + |
14 | 14 | - [Fenwick Tree](ds/FenwickTree.c)
15 | 15 | - [Infix to postfix](ds/infix_to_postfix.c)
16 | 16 | - [Paranthesis Checker](ds/paranchecker.c)
22 | 22 | - [Singly Linked List Implementation](ds/singly_linked_list.c)
23 | 23 | - [Spiral Matrix](ds/Spiral_Matrix.c)
24 | 24 |
25 |
| - |
26 | 25 | ## Searching
| 26 | + |
27 | 27 | - [Binary Search](search/BinarySearch.c)
28 | 28 | - [Interpolation Search](search/Interpolation.c)
29 | 29 | - [Linear Search](search/linear_search.c)
30 | 30 | - [Manacher's Algorithm](search/Manacher's_Algorithm.c)
31 | 31 | - [Random Search Monte Carlo version](search/random_search.c)
32 | 32 |
33 |
| - |
34 | 33 | ## Sorting
| 34 | + |
35 | 35 | - [Bubble Sort](sort/bubble_sort.c)
36 | 36 | - [Optimized Bubble Sort](sort/OPtimizBubble_Sort.c)
37 | 37 | - [Insertion Sort](sort/InsertionSort.c)
38 | 38 | - [Merge Sort](sort/MergeSort.c)
39 |
| -- [Merge Sort in O(1) space complexity](sort/mergesort_in_O(1)_space_complexity.c) |
| 39 | +- [Merge Sort in O(1) space complexity](<sort/mergesort_in_O(1)_space_complexity.c>) |
40 | 40 | - [OddEven Sort](sort/oddevensort.c)
41 | 41 | - [Selection Sort](sort/selection_sort.c)
42 | 42 | - [Shell Sort](sort/ShellSort.c)
43 | 43 | - [Matrix Sort](sort/MatrixSorting.c)
44 | 44 |
45 |
| - |
46 | 45 | ## Dynamic Programming
| 46 | + |
47 | 47 | - [EditDistance in Dp](dp/EditDistanceDP.c)
48 | 48 | - [N-Queen](https://github.com/subhayu99/NeoAlgo/blob/master/C/dp/N-Queen.c)
49 | 49 |
50 |
| - |
51 | 50 | ## Graphs
| 51 | + |
52 | 52 | - [Kruskal's Algorithm](graphs/Kruskal_Algorithm.c)
53 | 53 | - [Prim's Algorithm](graphs/Prim_Algorithm.c)
54 | 54 |
55 |
| - |
56 | 55 | ## Machine Learning
57 |
| -_add list here_ |
58 | 56 |
| 57 | +_add list here_ |
59 | 58 |
60 | 59 | ## Mathematics
| 60 | + |
61 | 61 | - [Binary Exponentiation](math/Binary_Exponentiation.c)
62 | 62 | - [GCD By Euclidean Algorithm](math/GCD_In_C.c)
63 | 63 | - [Sieve of Eratosthenes](math/Sieve_of_Eratosthenes.c)
64 | 64 |
65 |
| - |
66 | 65 | ## Other
| 66 | + |
67 | 67 | - [Number_of_duplicates_using_Binary_search](other/Number_of_duplicates_using_Binary_search.c)
68 | 68 | - [Tower of Hanoi](other/Tower_Of_Hanoi.c)
69 | 69 |
70 |
| - |
71 | 70 | ## CP
| 71 | + |
72 | 72 | - [Activity Selection](cp/Activity_selection.c)
73 | 73 | - [Anagram Program](cp/anagram_program.c)
74 | 74 | - [First Missing Positive Integer](cp/first_missing_positive_integer.c)
75 | 75 | - [Max Sub Array Sum](cp/maxSubArraySum.c)
76 | 76 | - [Sum of Triplet](cp/sum_of_triplet.c)
77 | 77 |
78 |
| - |
79 | 78 | ## Cryptography
| 79 | + |
80 | 80 | - [Affine Substitution Cipher](cryptography/Affine_Substitution_Cipher.c)
81 | 81 | - [Caesar Cipher Algorithm](cryptography/caesar_cipher.c)
82 | 82 |
83 |
| - |
84 | 83 | ## Blockchain
| 84 | + |
85 | 85 | _add list here_
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