141 | 141 | },
142 | 142 | "R6": {
143 | 143 | "Package": "R6",
144 |
| - "Version": "2.5.1", |
| 144 | + "Version": "2.6.1", |
145 | 145 | "Source": "Repository",
146 | 146 | "Title": "Encapsulated Classes with Reference Semantics",
147 |
| - "Authors@R": "person(\"Winston\", \"Chang\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\") , email = \"[email protected]\")", |
| 147 | + "Authors@R": " c( person(\"Winston\", \"Chang\", , \"[email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\") ), person(\"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")) )", |
148 | 148 | "Description": "Creates classes with reference semantics, similar to R's built-in reference classes. Compared to reference classes, R6 classes are simpler and lighter-weight, and they are not built on S4 classes so they do not require the methods package. These classes allow public and private members, and they support inheritance, even when the classes are defined in different packages.",
| 149 | + "License": "MIT + file LICENSE", |
| 150 | + "URL": "https://r6.r-lib.org, https://github.com/r-lib/R6", |
| 151 | + "BugReports": "https://github.com/r-lib/R6/issues", |
149 | 152 | "Depends": [
150 |
| - "R (>= 3.0)" |
| 153 | + "R (>= 3.6)" |
151 | 154 | ],
152 | 155 | "Suggests": [
153 |
| - "testthat", |
154 |
| - "pryr" |
| 156 | + "lobstr", |
| 157 | + "testthat (>= 3.0.0)" |
155 | 158 | ],
156 |
| - "License": "MIT + file LICENSE", |
157 |
| - "URL": "https://r6.r-lib.org, https://github.com/r-lib/R6/", |
158 |
| - "BugReports": "https://github.com/r-lib/R6/issues", |
159 |
| - "RoxygenNote": "7.1.1", |
| 159 | + "Config/Needs/website": "tidyverse/tidytemplate, ggplot2, microbenchmark, scales", |
| 160 | + "Config/testthat/edition": "3", |
| 161 | + "Encoding": "UTF-8", |
| 162 | + "RoxygenNote": "7.3.2", |
160 | 163 | "NeedsCompilation": "no",
161 |
| - "Author": "Winston Chang [aut, cre]", |
162 |
| - "Maintainer": "Winston Chang < [email protected]>", |
163 |
| - "Repository": "RSPM", |
164 |
| - "Encoding": "UTF-8" |
| 164 | + "Author": "Winston Chang [aut, cre], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]", |
| 165 | + "Maintainer": "Winston Chang < [email protected]>", |
| 166 | + "Repository": "CRAN" |
165 | 167 | },
166 | 168 | "RColorBrewer": {
167 | 169 | "Package": "RColorBrewer",
653 | 655 | },
654 | 656 | "cli": {
655 | 657 | "Package": "cli",
656 |
| - "Version": "3.6.3", |
| 658 | + "Version": "3.6.4", |
657 | 659 | "Source": "Repository",
658 | 660 | "Title": "Helpers for Developing Command Line Interfaces",
659 |
| - "Authors@R": "c( person(\"Gábor\", \"Csárdi\", , \" csardi.gabor@ gmail.com\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")), person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", role = \"ctb\"), person(\"Kirill\", \"Müller\", role = \"ctb\"), person(\"Salim\", \"Brüggemann\", , \" [email protected]\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-5329-5987\")), person(\"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")) )", |
| 661 | + "Authors@R": "c( person(\"Gábor\", \"Csárdi\", , \"gabor@ posit.co\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")), person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", role = \"ctb\"), person(\"Kirill\", \"Müller\", role = \"ctb\"), person(\"Salim\", \"Brüggemann\", , \" [email protected]\", role = \"ctb\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-5329-5987\")), person(\"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")) )", |
660 | 662 | "Description": "A suite of tools to build attractive command line interfaces ('CLIs'), from semantic elements: headings, lists, alerts, paragraphs, etc. Supports custom themes via a 'CSS'-like language. It also contains a number of lower level 'CLI' elements: rules, boxes, trees, and 'Unicode' symbols with 'ASCII' alternatives. It support ANSI colors and text styles as well.",
661 | 663 | "License": "MIT + file LICENSE",
662 | 664 | "URL": "https://cli.r-lib.org, https://github.com/r-lib/cli",
678 | 680 | "htmlwidgets",
679 | 681 | "knitr",
680 | 682 | "methods",
681 |
| - "mockery", |
682 | 683 | "processx",
683 | 684 | "ps (>=",
684 | 685 | "rlang (>=",
685 | 686 | "rmarkdown",
686 | 687 | "rprojroot",
687 | 688 | "rstudioapi",
688 |
| - "testthat", |
| 689 | + "testthat (>= 3.2.0)", |
689 | 690 | "tibble",
690 | 691 | "whoami",
691 | 692 | "withr"
692 | 693 | ],
693 | 694 | "Config/Needs/website": "r-lib/asciicast, bench, brio, cpp11, decor, desc, fansi, prettyunits, sessioninfo, tidyverse/tidytemplate, usethis, vctrs",
694 | 695 | "Config/testthat/edition": "3",
695 | 696 | "Encoding": "UTF-8",
696 |
| - "RoxygenNote": "7.2.3", |
| 697 | + "RoxygenNote": "7.3.2", |
697 | 698 | "NeedsCompilation": "yes",
698 | 699 | "Author": "Gábor Csárdi [aut, cre], Hadley Wickham [ctb], Kirill Müller [ctb], Salim Brüggemann [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5329-5987>), Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]",
699 |
| - "Maintainer": "Gábor Csárdi <csardi.gabor@gmail.com>", |
700 |
| - "Repository": "RSPM" |
| 700 | + "Maintainer": "Gábor Csárdi <gabor@posit.co>", |
| 701 | + "Repository": "CRAN" |
701 | 702 | },
702 | 703 | "clipr": {
703 | 704 | "Package": "clipr",
900 | 901 | },
901 | 902 | "curl": {
902 | 903 | "Package": "curl",
903 |
| - "Version": "6.2.0", |
| 904 | + "Version": "6.2.1", |
904 | 905 | "Source": "Repository",
905 | 906 | "Type": "Package",
906 | 907 | "Title": "A Modern and Flexible Web Client for R",
2041 | 2042 | },
2042 | 2043 | "jsonlite": {
2043 | 2044 | "Package": "jsonlite",
2044 |
| - "Version": "1.8.9", |
| 2045 | + "Version": "1.9.0", |
2045 | 2046 | "Source": "Repository",
2046 | 2047 | "Title": "A Simple and Robust JSON Parser and Generator for R",
2047 | 2048 | "License": "MIT + file LICENSE",
2067 | 2068 | "Encoding": "UTF-8",
2068 | 2069 | "NeedsCompilation": "yes",
2069 | 2070 | "Author": "Jeroen Ooms [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4035-0289>), Duncan Temple Lang [ctb], Lloyd Hilaiel [cph] (author of bundled libyajl)",
2070 |
| - "Repository": "RSPM" |
| 2071 | + "Repository": "CRAN" |
2071 | 2072 | },
2072 | 2073 | "knitr": {
2073 | 2074 | "Package": "knitr",
2706 | 2707 | },
2707 | 2708 | "ps": {
2708 | 2709 | "Package": "ps",
2709 |
| - "Version": "1.8.1", |
| 2710 | + "Version": "1.9.0", |
2710 | 2711 | "Source": "Repository",
2711 | 2712 | "Title": "List, Query, Manipulate System Processes",
2712 | 2713 | "Authors@R": "c( person(\"Jay\", \"Loden\", role = \"aut\"), person(\"Dave\", \"Daeschler\", role = \"aut\"), person(\"Giampaolo\", \"Rodola'\", role = \"aut\"), person(\"Gábor\", \"Csárdi\", , \" [email protected]\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")), person(\"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")) )",
2741 | 2742 | "NeedsCompilation": "yes",
2742 | 2743 | "Author": "Jay Loden [aut], Dave Daeschler [aut], Giampaolo Rodola' [aut], Gábor Csárdi [aut, cre], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]",
2743 | 2744 | "Maintainer": "Gábor Csárdi < [email protected]>",
2744 |
| - "Repository": "RSPM" |
| 2745 | + "Repository": "CRAN" |
2745 | 2746 | },
2746 | 2747 | "purrr": {
2747 | 2748 | "Package": "purrr",
2748 |
| - "Version": "1.0.2", |
| 2749 | + "Version": "1.0.4", |
2749 | 2750 | "Source": "Repository",
2750 | 2751 | "Title": "Functional Programming Tools",
2751 |
| - "Authors@R": "c( person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"hadley@rstudio.com\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-4757-117X\")), person(\"Lionel\", \"Henry\", , \"lionel@rstudio.com\", role = \"aut\"), person(\"RStudio\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\")) )", |
| 2752 | + "Authors@R": "c( person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"hadley@posit.co\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-4757-117X\")), person(\"Lionel\", \"Henry\", , \"lionel@posit.co\", role = \"aut\"), person(\"Posit Software, PBC\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"), comment = c(ROR = \"03wc8by49\")) )", |
2752 | 2753 | "Description": "A complete and consistent functional programming toolkit for R.",
2753 | 2754 | "License": "MIT + file LICENSE",
2754 | 2755 | "URL": "https://purrr.tidyverse.org/, https://github.com/tidyverse/purrr",
2755 | 2756 | "BugReports": "https://github.com/tidyverse/purrr/issues",
2756 | 2757 | "Depends": [
2757 |
| - "R (>= 3.5.0)" |
| 2758 | + "R (>= 4.0)" |
2758 | 2759 | ],
2759 | 2760 | "Imports": [
2760 | 2761 | "cli (>= 3.6.1)",
2779 | 2780 | ],
2780 | 2781 | "VignetteBuilder": "knitr",
2781 | 2782 | "Biarch": "true",
| 2783 | + "Config/build/compilation-database": "true", |
2782 | 2784 | "Config/Needs/website": "tidyverse/tidytemplate, tidyr",
2783 | 2785 | "Config/testthat/edition": "3",
| 2786 | + "Config/testthat/parallel": "TRUE", |
2784 | 2787 | "Encoding": "UTF-8",
2785 |
| - "RoxygenNote": "7.2.3", |
| 2788 | + "RoxygenNote": "7.3.2", |
2786 | 2789 | "NeedsCompilation": "yes",
2787 |
| - "Author": "Hadley Wickham [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4757-117X>), Lionel Henry [aut], RStudio [cph, fnd]", |
2788 |
| - "Maintainer": "Hadley Wickham <hadley@rstudio.com>", |
2789 |
| - "Repository": "RSPM" |
| 2790 | + "Author": "Hadley Wickham [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4757-117X>), Lionel Henry [aut], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd] (03wc8by49)", |
| 2791 | + "Maintainer": "Hadley Wickham <hadley@posit.co>", |
| 2792 | + "Repository": "CRAN" |
2790 | 2793 | },
2791 | 2794 | "ragg": {
2792 | 2795 | "Package": "ragg",
3019 | 3022 | },
3020 | 3023 | "renv": {
3021 | 3024 | "Package": "renv",
3022 |
| - "Version": "1.1.0", |
| 3025 | + "Version": "1.1.1", |
3023 | 3026 | "Source": "Repository",
3024 | 3027 | "Type": "Package",
3025 | 3028 | "Title": "Project Environments",
3854 | 3857 | },
3855 | 3858 | "tinytex": {
3856 | 3859 | "Package": "tinytex",
3857 |
| - "Version": "0.54", |
| 3860 | + "Version": "0.55", |
3858 | 3861 | "Source": "Repository",
3859 | 3862 | "Type": "Package",
3860 | 3863 | "Title": "Helper Functions to Install and Maintain TeX Live, and Compile LaTeX Documents",
3875 | 3878 | "NeedsCompilation": "no",
3876 | 3879 | "Author": "Yihui Xie [aut, cre, cph] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0645-5666>), Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd], Christophe Dervieux [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4474-2498>), Devon Ryan [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8549-0971>), Ethan Heinzen [ctb], Fernando Cagua [ctb]",
3877 | 3880 | "Maintainer": "Yihui Xie < [email protected]>",
3878 |
| - "Repository": "RSPM" |
| 3881 | + "Repository": "CRAN" |
3879 | 3882 | },
3880 | 3883 | "tzdb": {
3881 | 3884 | "Package": "tzdb",
4142 | 4145 | },
4143 | 4146 | "xfun": {
4144 | 4147 | "Package": "xfun",
4145 |
| - "Version": "0.50", |
| 4148 | + "Version": "0.51", |
4146 | 4149 | "Source": "Repository",
4147 | 4150 | "Type": "Package",
4148 | 4151 | "Title": "Supporting Functions for Packages Maintained by 'Yihui Xie'",
4149 |
| - "Authors@R": "c( person(\"Yihui\", \"Xie\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\", \"cph\"), email = \" [email protected]\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-0645-5666\")), person(\"Wush\", \"Wu\", role = \"ctb\"), person(\"Daijiang\", \"Li\", role = \"ctb\"), person(\"Xianying\", \"Tan\", role = \"ctb\"), person(\"Salim\", \"Brüggemann\", role = \"ctb\", email = \" [email protected]\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-5329-5987\")), person(\"Christophe\", \"Dervieux\", role = \"ctb\"), person() )", |
| 4152 | + "Authors@R": "c( person(\"Yihui\", \"Xie\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\", \"cph\"), email = \" [email protected]\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0003-0645-5666\" , URL = \"https://yihui.org\")), person(\"Wush\", \"Wu\", role = \"ctb\"), person(\"Daijiang\", \"Li\", role = \"ctb\"), person(\"Xianying\", \"Tan\", role = \"ctb\"), person(\"Salim\", \"Brüggemann\", role = \"ctb\", email = \" [email protected]\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-5329-5987\")), person(\"Christophe\", \"Dervieux\", role = \"ctb\"), person() )", |
4150 | 4153 | "Description": "Miscellaneous functions commonly used in other packages maintained by 'Yihui Xie'.",
4151 | 4154 | "Depends": [
4152 | 4155 | "R (>= 3.2.0)"
4186 | 4189 | "RoxygenNote": "7.3.2",
4187 | 4190 | "VignetteBuilder": "litedown",
4188 | 4191 | "NeedsCompilation": "yes",
4189 |
| - "Author": "Yihui Xie [aut, cre, cph] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0645-5666>), Wush Wu [ctb], Daijiang Li [ctb], Xianying Tan [ctb], Salim Brüggemann [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5329-5987>), Christophe Dervieux [ctb]", |
| 4192 | + "Author": "Yihui Xie [aut, cre, cph] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0645-5666>, https://yihui.org), Wush Wu [ctb], Daijiang Li [ctb], Xianying Tan [ctb], Salim Brüggemann [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5329-5987>), Christophe Dervieux [ctb]", |
4190 | 4193 | "Maintainer": "Yihui Xie < [email protected]>",
4191 | 4194 | "Repository": "CRAN"
4192 | 4195 | },
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