This is my crazy emacs/terminal environment.
Emacs key bindings are ingrained in my brain and fingers, and I started to find it irritating to switch back and forth and copy-paste between (many) terminals and emacs buffers. Now instead of starting a terminal I actually run
emacsclient -t -e "(bash \"*term*\")" -a ""
Note: I still like to run emacs in terminal mode to make it easier for me to copy-paste from other applications (e.g., web browsers).
Notable things in my .emacs:
start a new terminal (named whatever you like) with
switch between line and char mode in the terminal with
move between buffer windows (terminals or not) with
M-J, M-I, M-K, M-L
close terminal buffer on Ctrl-D (process exit)
increase and decrease terminal size for xfce terminals (uses script in ~/bin)
M-+, M-_
Since I find myself typing 'emacs' a lot and don't want to start emacs within emacs, I also have a few bash aliases to convert things to emacs lisp expressions. For example,
alias emacs='emacsclient-find'
where emacsclient-find is just
emacsclient -e "(find-file \"$1\")"
To use the bash aliases, run the install script to symlink the scripts to ~/bin, then add to your .bashrc the following:
. ~/env/bash_android
. ~/env/bash_emacs