Platform API version: 7719
/api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/outboundroutes/{outboundRouteId} (1 change)
- Path /api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/outboundroutes/{outboundRouteId} was removed
/api/v2/journey/sessions/{sessionId}/segments (1 change)
- Path /api/v2/journey/sessions/{sessionId}/segments was removed
POST /api/v2/conversations/messaging/integrations/line (1 change)
- Has been deprecated
PUT /api/v2/identityproviders/adfs (1 change)
- Response 200 type was changed from OAuthProvider to IdentityProvider
PUT /api/v2/identityproviders/cic (1 change)
- Response 200 type was changed from OAuthProvider to IdentityProvider
PUT /api/v2/identityproviders/gsuite (1 change)
- Response 200 type was changed from OAuthProvider to IdentityProvider
PUT /api/v2/identityproviders/generic (1 change)
- Response 200 type was changed from OAuthProvider to IdentityProvider
GET /api/v2/identityproviders (1 change)
- Response 200 type was changed from OAuthProviderEntityListing to IdentityProviderEntityListing
PUT /api/v2/identityproviders/okta (1 change)
- Response 200 type was changed from OAuthProvider to IdentityProvider
PUT /api/v2/identityproviders/onelogin (1 change)
- Response 200 type was changed from OAuthProvider to IdentityProvider
PUT /api/v2/identityproviders/ping (1 change)
- Response 200 type was changed from OAuthProvider to IdentityProvider
PUT /api/v2/identityproviders/purecloud (1 change)
- Response 200 type was changed from OAuthProvider to IdentityProvider
PUT /api/v2/identityproviders/pureengage (1 change)
- Response 200 type was changed from OAuthProvider to IdentityProvider
PUT /api/v2/identityproviders/salesforce (1 change)
- Response 200 type was changed from OAuthProvider to IdentityProvider
GET /api/v2/presencedefinitions/{presenceId} (1 change)
- Has been deprecated
PUT /api/v2/presencedefinitions/{presenceId} (1 change)
- Has been deprecated
DELETE /api/v2/presencedefinitions/{presenceId} (1 change)
- Has been deprecated
GET /api/v2/presencedefinitions (1 change)
- Has been deprecated
POST /api/v2/presencedefinitions (1 change)
- Has been deprecated
GET /api/v2/architect/prompts/{promptId} (3 changes)
- Parameter includeMediaUris was added
- Parameter includeResources was added
- Parameter language was added
GET /api/v2/architect/prompts (3 changes)
- Parameter includeMediaUris was added
- Parameter includeResources was added
- Parameter language was added
GET /api/v2/architect/systemprompts/{promptId} (3 changes)
- Parameter includeMediaUris was added
- Parameter includeResources was added
- Parameter language was added
GET /api/v2/architect/systemprompts (3 changes)
- Parameter includeMediaUris was added
- Parameter includeResources was added
- Parameter language was added
GET /api/v2/chats/rooms/{roomJid}/messages (6 changes)
- Parameter pageSize was removed
- Parameter pageNumber was removed
- Parameter sortBy was removed
- Parameter expand was removed
- Parameter nextPage was removed
- Parameter previousPage was removed
GET /api/v2/chats/users/{userId}/messages (6 changes)
- Parameter pageSize was removed
- Parameter pageNumber was removed
- Parameter sortBy was removed
- Parameter expand was removed
- Parameter nextPage was removed
- Parameter previousPage was removed
GET /api/v2/chats/threads/{threadId}/messages (6 changes)
- Parameter pageSize was removed
- Parameter pageNumber was removed
- Parameter sortBy was removed
- Parameter expand was removed
- Parameter nextPage was removed
- Parameter previousPage was removed
OAuthProvider (1 change)
- Model OAuthProvider was removed
OAuthProviderEntityListing (1 change)
- Model OAuthProviderEntityListing was removed
SegmentAssignment (1 change)
- Model SegmentAssignment was removed
SegmentAssignmentListing (1 change)
- Model SegmentAssignmentListing was removed
SegmentAssignmentSegment (1 change)
- Model SegmentAssignmentSegment was removed
SegmentAssignmentSession (1 change)
- Model SegmentAssignmentSession was removed
ConversationAggregationQuery (2 changes)
- Enum value tCallback was removed from property metrics
- Enum value tCallbackComplete was removed from property metrics
ConversationAggregationView (2 changes)
- Enum value tCallback was removed from property target
- Enum value tCallbackComplete was removed from property target
ConversationDetailQueryPredicate (2 changes)
- Enum value tCallback was removed from property metric
- Enum value tCallbackComplete was removed from property metric
GetAlertQuery (1 change)
- Property activeStatus was removed
ConversationAsyncAggregationQuery (2 changes)
- Enum value tCallback was removed from property metrics
- Enum value tCallbackComplete was removed from property metrics
/api/v2/screenrecording/token (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation POST was added
/api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/summaries/{summaryId}/feedback (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation POST was added
/api/v2/outbound/contactlisttemplates/bulk/retrieve (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation POST was added
/api/v2/outbound/filespecificationtemplates/bulk (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation DELETE was added
/api/v2/outbound/filespecificationtemplates (3 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
- Operation POST was added
/api/v2/outbound/filespecificationtemplates/{fileSpecificationTemplateId} (4 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
- Operation PUT was added
- Operation DELETE was added
/api/v2/identityproviders (1 change)
- Operation post was added. Summary: Create Identity Provider
/api/v2/identityproviders/{providerId} (4 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
- Operation PUT was added
- Operation DELETE was added
GET /api/v2/architect/prompts/{promptId} (1 change)
- Response 206 was added
GET /api/v2/architect/prompts (1 change)
- Response 206 was added
GET /api/v2/architect/systemprompts/{promptId} (1 change)
- Response 206 was added
GET /api/v2/architect/systemprompts (1 change)
- Response 206 was added
/api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/draft/function (3 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
- Operation PUT was added
/api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/draft/function/upload (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation POST was added
/api/v2/integrations/actions/{actionId}/function (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
/api/v2/integrations/actions/functions/runtimes (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
/api/v2/knowledge/knowledgebases/{knowledgeBaseId}/operations (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
/api/v2/knowledge/knowledgebases/{knowledgeBaseId}/operations/users/query (2 changes)
- Path was added
- Operation GET was added
EmailBeginTransmittingEvent (1 change)
- Model was added
EmailCommunicationAnsweredEvent (1 change)
- Model was added
EmailCommunicationDispositionAppliedEvent (1 change)
- Model was added
EmailCommunicationEndedEvent (1 change)
- Model was added
EmailCommunicationRepliedEvent (1 change)
- Model was added
EmailEndTransferEvent (1 change)
- Model was added
EmailExternalEstablishedEvent (1 change)
- Model was added
EmailFlowEstablishedEvent (1 change)
- Model was added
EmailHoldUpdatedEvent (1 change)
- Model was added
EmailInitialConfiguration (1 change)
- Model was added
EmailProgressTransferEvent (1 change)
- Model was added
EmailRoutingEstablishedEvent (1 change)
- Model was added
EmailRoutingTransferEvent (1 change)
- Model was added
EmailUserEstablishedEvent (1 change)
- Model was added
EmailUserTransferEvent (1 change)
- Model was added
Group (1 change)
- Optional property rolesEnabled was added
UserPresence (1 change)
- Optional property sourceId was added
WorkPlanBidRanks (1 change)
- Model was added
ReportingTurnAction (4 changes)
- Enum value ClearUtilizationLabelAction was added to property actionType
- Enum value FindGrammarByIdAction was added to property actionType
- Enum value FindUtilizationLabelAction was added to property actionType
- Enum value SetUtilizationLabelAction was added to property actionType
ScreenRecordingUserAuthenticatedInfo (1 change)
- Model was added
FeedbackAddRequest (1 change)
- Model was added
ContactListTemplateBulkRetrieveBody (1 change)
- Model was added
Column (1 change)
- Model was added
FileSpecificationTemplate (1 change)
- Model was added
PreprocessingRule (1 change)
- Model was added
FileSpecificationTemplateEntityListing (1 change)
- Model was added
GroupUpdate (1 change)
- Optional property rolesEnabled was added
GroupCreate (1 change)
- Optional property rolesEnabled was added
IdentityProvider (1 change)
- Model was added
IdentityProviderEntityListing (1 change)
- Model was added
CustomProvider (1 change)
- Model was added
TrustGroup (1 change)
- Optional property rolesEnabled was added
UcUserPresence (1 change)
- Optional property sourceId was added
MutableUserPresence (1 change)
- Optional property sourceId was added
GetAlertQuery (1 change)
- Optional property alertStatus was added
PhoneBaseEntityListing (1 change)
- Optional property totalNumberOfEntities was added
PhoneMetaBaseEntityListing (1 change)
- Optional property totalNumberOfEntities was added
PhoneStatus (1 change)
- selfUri is no longer readonly
TrunkMetabaseEntityListing (1 change)
- Optional property totalNumberOfEntities was added
MetadataProperty (1 change)
- Optional property displayname was added
AuthenticationSettings (1 change)
- Optional property allowSessionUpgrade was added
TaskManagementAggregationQuery (24 changes)
- Enum value nWorkitemsAcdCancelled was added to property metrics
- Enum value nWorkitemsAcdExpired was added to property metrics
- Enum value nWorkitemsAcdStarted was added to property metrics
- Enum value nWorkitemsAgentTransferred was added to property metrics
- Enum value nWorkitemsDeclined was added to property metrics
- Enum value nWorkitemsDisconnected was added to property metrics
- Enum value nWorkitemsOverSla was added to property metrics
- Enum value nWorkitemsQueueTransferred was added to property metrics
- Enum value nWorkitemsTerminated was added to property metrics
- Enum value nWorkitemsTimedout was added to property metrics
- Enum value nWorkitemsTransferred was added to property metrics
- Enum value nWorkitemsWrapupAdded was added to property metrics
- Enum value nWorkitemsWrapupRemoved was added to property metrics
- Enum value tWorkitemsAlert was added to property metrics
- Enum value tWorkitemsAnswered was added to property metrics
- Enum value tWorkitemsDirectAnswered was added to property metrics
- Enum value tWorkitemsFocus was added to property metrics
- Enum value tWorkitemsFocusComplete was added to property metrics
- Enum value tWorkitemsHandled was added to property metrics
- Enum value tWorkitemsHeld was added to property metrics
- Enum value tWorkitemsHeldComplete was added to property metrics
- Enum value tWorkitemsNotResponding was added to property metrics
- Enum value tWorkitemsParked was added to property metrics
- Enum value tWorkitemsQueueAnswered was added to property metrics
TaskManagementAggregationView (24 changes)
- Enum value nWorkitemsAcdCancelled was added to property target
- Enum value nWorkitemsAcdExpired was added to property target
- Enum value nWorkitemsAcdStarted was added to property target
- Enum value nWorkitemsAgentTransferred was added to property target
- Enum value nWorkitemsDeclined was added to property target
- Enum value nWorkitemsDisconnected was added to property target
- Enum value nWorkitemsOverSla was added to property target
- Enum value nWorkitemsQueueTransferred was added to property target
- Enum value nWorkitemsTerminated was added to property target
- Enum value nWorkitemsTimedout was added to property target
- Enum value nWorkitemsTransferred was added to property target
- Enum value nWorkitemsWrapupAdded was added to property target
- Enum value nWorkitemsWrapupRemoved was added to property target
- Enum value tWorkitemsAlert was added to property target
- Enum value tWorkitemsAnswered was added to property target
- Enum value tWorkitemsDirectAnswered was added to property target
- Enum value tWorkitemsFocus was added to property target
- Enum value tWorkitemsFocusComplete was added to property target
- Enum value tWorkitemsHandled was added to property target
- Enum value tWorkitemsHeld was added to property target
- Enum value tWorkitemsHeldComplete was added to property target
- Enum value tWorkitemsNotResponding was added to property target
- Enum value tWorkitemsParked was added to property target
- Enum value tWorkitemsQueueAnswered was added to property target
TaskManagementAsyncAggregationQuery (24 changes)
- Enum value nWorkitemsAcdCancelled was added to property metrics
- Enum value nWorkitemsAcdExpired was added to property metrics
- Enum value nWorkitemsAcdStarted was added to property metrics
- Enum value nWorkitemsAgentTransferred was added to property metrics
- Enum value nWorkitemsDeclined was added to property metrics
- Enum value nWorkitemsDisconnected was added to property metrics
- Enum value nWorkitemsOverSla was added to property metrics
- Enum value nWorkitemsQueueTransferred was added to property metrics
- Enum value nWorkitemsTerminated was added to property metrics
- Enum value nWorkitemsTimedout was added to property metrics
- Enum value nWorkitemsTransferred was added to property metrics
- Enum value nWorkitemsWrapupAdded was added to property metrics
- Enum value nWorkitemsWrapupRemoved was added to property metrics
- Enum value tWorkitemsAlert was added to property metrics
- Enum value tWorkitemsAnswered was added to property metrics
- Enum value tWorkitemsDirectAnswered was added to property metrics
- Enum value tWorkitemsFocus was added to property metrics
- Enum value tWorkitemsFocusComplete was added to property metrics
- Enum value tWorkitemsHandled was added to property metrics
- Enum value tWorkitemsHeld was added to property metrics
- Enum value tWorkitemsHeldComplete was added to property metrics
- Enum value tWorkitemsNotResponding was added to property metrics
- Enum value tWorkitemsParked was added to property metrics
- Enum value tWorkitemsQueueAnswered was added to property metrics
Function (1 change)
- Model was added
FunctionConfig (1 change)
- Model was added
FunctionZipConfig (1 change)
- Model was added
FunctionUploadResponse (1 change)
- Model was added
FunctionUploadRequest (1 change)
- Model was added
FunctionRuntime (1 change)
- Model was added
OperationListing (1 change)
- Model was added
OperationResponse (1 change)
- Model was added
OperationCreatorUserResponse (1 change)
- Model was added
Workitem (1 change)
- Optional property utilizationLabel was added
WorkitemUtilizationLabelReference (1 change)
- Model was added
WorkitemCreate (1 change)
- Optional property utilizationLabelId was added
WorkitemUpdate (1 change)
- Optional property utilizationLabelId was added
WorkitemVersion (1 change)
- Optional property utilizationLabel was added
WorkitemDelta (1 change)
- Optional property utilizationLabelId was added
POST /api/v2/conversations/messaging/integrations/line (2 changes)
- Description was changed
- Summary was changed
GET /api/v2/presencedefinitions/{presenceId} (1 change)
- Summary was changed
PUT /api/v2/presencedefinitions/{presenceId} (1 change)
- Summary was changed
DELETE /api/v2/presencedefinitions/{presenceId} (1 change)
- Summary was changed
GET /api/v2/presencedefinitions (1 change)
- Summary was changed
POST /api/v2/presencedefinitions (1 change)
- Summary was changed