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103 lines (55 loc) · 3.2 KB

File metadata and controls

103 lines (55 loc) · 3.2 KB

Key Bindings

This project by default defines the LEADER key as \. All key binds start with g, so that it doesn't override any actions/commands.

Navigating your project

NORMAL mode:

Pressing gp will let you find file in your project.

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Pressing g SHIFT + P will let you find commands. Press CARRIAGE RETURN twice to execute the command.

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Press gf to find text in your opened file/buffer. Recording 2022-09-23 at 11 34 04

Press gF To fuzzy find text in your project files.

Press gl to find or select currently opened files/buffers.

Press 'go' to open the project explorer relative to the opened file/buffer. Press g SHIFT + O to open the project explorer from the root of your project.

Text Editing


Selection is done via SHIFT + Arrow Key. To select all you can use g SHIFT + A. This helps to reduce the frustration for new vim users.

Disabling the highlight can be done by double tapping the \ key.

Indentation is done using TAB and SHIFT + TAB.

To duplicate a line use gd.

To move a line down use gj.

To move a line up use gk.

pressing CARRIAGE RETURN will create a new line at the point of the cursor and put you into INSERT MODE.

pressing BACKSPACE will remove the last character and put you into INSERT MODE.

This configuration uses system clipboard by default

Auto completion

INSERT mode:

CoC will present you with a menu as you are typing. Use the CARRIAGE RETURN key to select the first selection or the next selection. Use the TAB key to change the selection. You can also press CTRL + SPACE to bring up the menu.

Toggle Comments


Press gcc to toggle comment out code.

Renaming indentifier

NORMAL mode:

Position the cursor at the start of the identifier you wish to rename, Press gr to rename a symbol. Enter the new name and Press CARRIAGE RETURN. Recording 2022-09-23 at 11 51 55

Go To

NORMAL mode:

  • Press gtd go to definition
  • Press gtr go to reference
  • Press gtt go to type definition
  • Press gti go to implementation

Code Action

NORMAL mode:

Coc tries to lint your code. To fix the issues Press ga

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Format Code

NORMAL mode:

Press = to format the file. This requires the LSP to support formatting.

Getting Help

NORMAL mode: Press SHIFT + K.

Copy Path


To copy the path of the current file (file), press gs to copy the relative path, press g SHIFT + S to get the full path.

Alternatively, you can run the commands from the command bar, CopyRelativePath / CopyFullPath.