All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
1.6.0 - 2021-11-24
- Introduced 'Required' annotation for schema generation
- Added FORBIDDEN_ADDITIONAL_PROPERTIES_BY_DEFAULT for all generated json schemas
- Added schema-validation function to SchemaService
- Updated template of VerifiableDiploma & University Degree
- Added VcUtils (previously in SSI Kit)
1.5.4 - 2021-11-20
- Added eidasLegalIdentifier to VerifiableDiploma
1.5.3 - 2021-11-07
- Added DNSpublicKey to GaiaxCredential
1.5.2 - 2021-11-06
- Removed proofs from templates
1.5.1 - 2021-11-06
- Added GaiaxCredential
- Added credentialStatus (CredentialStatusList2020) to GaiaxCredential
1.5.0 - 2021-11-02
- Fix/ebsi jwt to credential
- Fix/get verifiable credential string
1.4.9 - 2021-09-25
- As issuanceDate and expirationDate, validFrom may now have also a non serialized null value according EBSI context.
- Updated VP data model according to EBSI spec
- expose optional id field on VerifiableCredential abstract interface
1.4.7 - 2021-09-13
- Fix JWT claim named "vp" for verifiable presentation according to EU spec
1.4.6 - 2021-09-09
- JWT-aware credential parsing
- preserve original credential JSON body and JWT (for JWT credentials)
- support parsing verifiable presentations with nested VCs in JSON-LD or JWT format
1.4.5 - 2021-09-01
- Changed default data for Verifiable ID, Verifiable Diploma and Europass credential templates
1.4.4 - 2021-08-26
1.4.4 - 2021-08-26
- Added credential template for Verifiable Diplomas
- Updated Europass & Verifiable ID data model in aligned with the EBSI Schemas
- Improved Schema Generator
1.4.3 - 2021-08-19
- Added VerifiableID model
1.4.2 - 2021-08-18
1.4.1 - 2021-08-16
1.4.0 - 2021-08-14
- Make TemplateManager usable with template ids
VcTemplateManager.loadTemplate("Europass") VcTemplateManager.loadTemplate(listOf("VerifiableCredential, VerifiableAttestation, Europass"))
- Added template id listing
- Added toMap method for VCs
VerifiableCredential.toMap(): Map<String, Any>
1.3.0 - 2021-07-28
reworked VC registration to allow for VC metadata, e.g.
// => Registration VcLibManager.register<UniversityDegree>(UniversityDegree) // OR VcLibManager.register<UniversityDegree>(UniversityDegree.Companion) // => Companion object of VC companion object : VerifiableCredentialMetadata( type = listOf("VerifiableCredential", "UniversityDegreeCredential"), )
moved TemplateManager to Walt.ID VC-Lib (see id.walt.vclib.templates.VcTemplateManager)
1.2.0 - 2021-07-28
- All credential now have a common proof
- further testing
1.1.0 - 2021-07-28
- All credential attributes can now be changed dynamically without recreating the credential instance
1.0.0 - 2021-07-28
- Initial release