1.5.2 (2024-09-06)
1.5.1 (2024-08-01)
1.5.0 (2024-07-02)
1.4.0 (2024-04-18)
1.3.2 (2024-04-08)
1.3.1 (2023-11-14)
1.3.0 (2023-10-25)
1.2.7 (2023-10-18)
1.2.6 (2023-09-28)
1.2.5 (2023-09-07)
1.2.4 (2023-07-25)
1.2.3 (2023-07-14)
1.2.2 (2023-06-27)
1.2.1 (2023-06-06)
1.2.0 (2023-06-01)
1.1.2 (2023-05-03)
1.1.1 (2023-04-26)
1.1.0 (2023-04-26)
- added missing methods (#17) (73f29e6)
- added SDK config (#1) (e8ed7dd)
- tracking and in-app added (#2) (c23f2d9)
- add test coverage and refactored scripts (#34) (f7f2387)
- formatting issues (d67fa7e)
- in-app remove gist org id (#19) (ce4cc9e)
- missing methods and extra dependency (2c5deca)
- obj-c bindings issue (0dbe4ef)
- plugin version in user-agent (a10e482)
- release script typo (2a8b7ae)
- typo fixed (#9) (a5107df), closes #7 #8
- updated android dependency to auto update (#24) (040cef2)
- updated icon and typo (57c6eef)
1.0.0-beta.3 (2023-03-31)
- release script typo (2a8b7ae)
1.0.0-beta.2 (2023-03-31)
- added missing methods (#17) (73f29e6)
- added SDK config (#1) (e8ed7dd)
- tracking and in-app added (#2) (c23f2d9)
- formatting issues (d67fa7e)
- in-app remove gist org id (#19) (ce4cc9e)
- missing methods and extra dependency (2c5deca)
- obj-c bindings issue (0dbe4ef)
- plugin version in user-agent (a10e482)
- typo fixed (#9) (a5107df), closes #7 #8
- updated android dependency to auto update (#24) (040cef2)
- updated icon and typo (57c6eef)
1.0.0-alpha.9 (2023-02-16)
1.0.0-alpha.8 (2023-02-13)
1.0.0-alpha.7 (2023-02-09)
1.0.0-alpha.6 (2023-01-01)
- formatting issues (d67fa7e)
1.0.0-alpha.5 (2023-01-01)
- plugin version in user-agent (a10e482)
1.0.0-alpha.4 (2022-12-30)
- obj-c bindings issue (0dbe4ef)
1.0.0-alpha.3 (2022-12-29)
- missing methods and extra dependency (2c5deca)
1.0.0-alpha.2 (2022-12-22)
- updated icon and typo (57c6eef)
- iOS version bump
- Push messaging support
- SDK config support
- Tracking support
- In-app messages support