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2019-10-28 13:07:00 -0700 |
看过英文版『出师表』,『浮生六记』,『阿Q正传』,也尝试去欣赏英译的唐诗宋词。和苏曼殊之于拜伦作品,那种升华一般的琅琅雅致相比,中文作品被翻译为英语后,大多数直白,缺韵,张力和想象力不足,如龙失目 少了魂魄。
My Preface Of Story Room>
n. 前言;引语
vt. 为…加序言;以…开始
vi. 作序
The Mountain Ghosts who wore the vanillas, touched Qu Yuan and he wrote the ; although monsters and divinities are strange,Li He loved to sing for them with addiction.
vanilla [vəˈnɪlə]
n. 香子兰,香草 adj. 香草味的
divinity [dɪˈvɪnəti]
n. 神;神性;神学
addiction [əˈdɪkʃn]
n. 上瘾,沉溺;癖嗜
Creatures sing from themselves naturally and beautifully, they use all the wonderful voices,have their own reasons.
I am insignificant like the autumn firefly's light, but want to shine by ghostly stories; I am uncoventional like the wild horse's dust,and can be laughed by monster tales.
adj.不因循守旧的; 不因袭的; 新奇的;
[例句]Linus Pauling is an unconventional genius
My ability can't match the Gan Bao,but I love to collect the Divine Stories;My hobby is like the Su Shi,and I like to hear the Ghostly Tales.
I write the stories if I heared about them,then make them become a book.
As the time passes,the friends from each directions,send the stories with the postal tubes,so that I gather the good stories greatly,the amount is very large.
Even,the people aren't the foreigners,the affairs are more strange than the savage area; the things before the eyes,the affairs are more odd than the Utopia country.
眼前所发生的怪事,竟比飞头国的事更为离奇。飞头之国,古代传说中的怪异地方。唐段成式《酉阳杂俎·异境》:“岭南溪洞中,往往有飞头者,故有飞头獠子之号。”(爽哥注: 段成式,今山东邹平人氏,与蒲松龄出生地相距几十公里, 相差800多年)
savage [ˈsævɪdʒ]
n. 未开化的人;粗鲁的人;残暴成性的人
adj. 野蛮的;残酷的;狂怒的;荒凉的
vt. 乱咬;粗暴的对待
n. (Savage)人名;(西)萨瓦赫;(英、德)萨维奇
My good interest is intense,it's difficult that I avoid crazy; my vast mindedness is eternal, it's needless that I evade the obsession.
intense [ɪnˈtens]
adj. 强烈的;紧张的;非常的;热情的
eternal [ɪˈtɜːnl]
adj. 永恒的;不朽的
evade [ɪˈveɪd] 详细X
vt. 逃避;规避;逃脱 vi. 逃避;规避;逃脱
evade: 逃避 evade obligations: 规避义务
obsession [əbˈseʃn]
n. 痴迷;困扰;[内科][心理] 强迫观念
The honest people, can't they laugh at me?
However the stories which I heared in Wufu Road, could be unfounded statements; and the tales that happened on Sansheng Stone,make me realize the previous causes greatly.
五父衢是一路名,位于山东曲阜县东南。 古道路名。《礼记·檀弓》:“孔子少孤,不知其墓,殡于五父之衢。”《左传》襄公十一年(公元前562年):季武子将作三军,“诅诸五父之衢”。
孔子少孤,不知父亲葬在哪儿。母亲去世,无法合葬。于是把母亲的灵柩殡(停放)于五父衢头,也就是街上。果然有知道的人告诉孔子,他父亲的墓的位置。孔子才能使父母合葬。 蒲自序是说自己故事的来源是道听途说
unfounded [ʌnˈfaʊndɪd]
adj. 未建立的;没有理由的;没有事实根据的
Unfounded: 多虑
Unfounded viewpoint: 无根据的看法
unfounded rumor: 讹传
The fantastic words,people shouldn't reject them because of the speakers.
n. 古怪的人
adj. 奇异的;空想的;异想天开的;古怪的;极好的,极出色的;不可思议的;不切实际的
When I was born,my father dreamed that one sick and thin monk,whose right shoulder was exposed came into room,the round ointment was like a coin, was sticked near the nipple, I had been born after my father awoke,as a result a mole near my right nipple.
瞿昙:梵语,原为佛教始祖姓氏,后泛指僧人。 悬弧:《礼记·内则》:“子生,男子设弧于门左,女子设帨于门右。”弧,木弓。后以“悬弧”表男子诞生。(比弄璋弄瓦高级一点..)
ointment [ˈɔɪntmənt]
n. 药膏;[药] 油膏 网络释义 OINTMENT: 药膏 Erythromycin Ointment: 红霉素软膏
mole [məʊl]
n. 鼹鼠;痣;防波堤;胎块;间谍
What's more,I was week and valetudinarian when I was young, and couldn't become longveous. My room is silent and miserable,I am as cold as a monk; I write the book with pen and ink,it is as depressed as the earthen bowl.
valetudinarian [,vælɪtjuːdɪ'neərɪən]
n. 过分担心自己健康的人;体弱多病的人
adj. 过分担心健康的;虚弱的;有病的
earthen [ˈɜːθn]
adj. 土制的;陶制的;地球上的
earthen: 土制的
earthen pot: 砂锅
Each time I scratch my head to consider myself, isn't that monk my previous status?
Because I lack for the reasons and roots,so couldn't get the achievements of heaven and prominent person; as I degenerate into the destiny and tendency,even could become the flower of toilet and dirty place.
prominent [ˈprɒmɪnənt]
adj. 突出的,显著的;杰出的;卓越的
prominent: 突出的
prominent intellectuals: 高知识群体
Prominent Figures: 人物
degenerate [dɪ'dʒen(ə)rət]
v. 使退化;恶化;堕落
adj. 退化的;堕落的;退化的;简并的
n. 堕落的人
The indistinct Six Worlds, isn't there any reason?
indistinct [ˌɪndɪˈstɪŋkt]
adj. 模糊的,不清楚的;朦胧的;难以清楚辨认的
indistinct: 不清楚的
indistinct strategy: 模糊战略
marking indistinct: 标志不清
Lonely I write in the glimmering night,the dim light is like the stamen; miserably I live in the rustling room,the cold table is like the ice.
n. [植] 雄蕊
n. (Stamen)人名;(塞、保)斯塔门
stamen: 雄蕊
I gather the stories into a book,boldly want to continue the <Nether World>
; I write the tales with a pen,only try to complete the <Isolated Resentment>
boldly [ˈbəʊldli]
adv. 大胆地;冒失地;显眼地
My aspiration is it,it's also grieved.
aspiration [ˌæspəˈreɪʃn]
n. 渴望;抱负;送气;吸气;吸引术
嗟乎!惊霜寒雀,抱树无温;吊月秋虫,偎阑自热。 知我者,其在青林黑塞间乎!
Oh! The cold sparrow who is astonished by frost, feels no warm when it stays on the tree;the autumn insect who is exposed to moonlight,gets any heat as it leans by the railing. The creatures who know me,perhaps live in the gloomy Spiritual World!
1679 Spring