Great, you're looking how to contribute to the Kubernetes CSI-Addons project! Many thanks for your interest 😃 🎉
The guidelines in this document try to be helpful and assist you while working with others on this project. Its intention is to make contributions as easy and straight forward as possible.
The Kubernetes CSI-Addons project uses a GitHub workflow for contributions. That means, changes are sent as Pull-Requests from a forked repository.
All Pull-Requests are required to be reviewed by at least two others that regularly participate in the project. There are two GitHub teams that contain members who can approve changes:
- @csi-addons/kubernetes-csi-addons-contributors: regular contributors, sending Pull-Requests, designing new features
- @csi-addons/kubernetes-csi-addons-reviewers: contributors to the general CSI-Addons project, sharing expertise and domain knowledge
For changes that are related to the integration with other components or affect
the user interface (Pull-Requests with the api
label), an approval from
someone in the @csi-addons/kubernetes-csi-addons-reviewers team is required.
After a Pull-Request has been reviewed and approved, it will get merged automatically by the Mergify bot (@mergifyio).