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1 | Company Name | In_Scope | Year | Size | Industry | Industry2 | Style | Was_Public | Market | Symbol | Publication | Links | Country | Type2 | Data | Notes | Employee Count | Found Data | Trending_amount | |
2 | 0 | "Adobe Systems Inc" | True | 2013 | 152000000 | Software Publishers | tech | HACK | True | NASDAQ | ADBE | 10/3/13 | "http://krebsonsecurity.com/2013/10/adobe-breach-impacted-at-least-38-million-users/" | US | Source Code, email address and passwords | 10001 to 25000 | True | 0 | ||
3 | 1 | "Adobe Systems Inc" | True | 2012 | 150000 | Software Publishers | tech | HACK | True | NASDAQ | ADBE | 11/14/12 | "http://www.eweek.com/security/adobe-connect-security-breach-exposes-personal-data-of-150k-users/ " | US | name, username, company, title and email address as well as the hashed version of their password | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
4 | 2 | "Aetna" | True | 2009 | 65,000 | HMO Medical Centers | healthcare | HACK | True | NYSE | AET | 5/28/09 | https://www.pcworld.com/article/165655/article.html | US | unknown | 50001 to 100000 | True | 255 | ||
5 | 3 | "Aetna" | True | 2010 | 6,372 | HMO Medical Centers | healthcare | PHYS | True | NYSE | AET | 5/28/10 | https://www.michiganemploymentlawadvisor.com/technology-employment-issues/employees-the-weakest-link-in-the-company-data-security-defense/ | US | names, addresses, zip codes, dates of birth, and social security numbers of Aetna’s members. | 50001 to 100000 | True | 100 | ||
6 | 4 | "Aetna" | True | 2017 | 12,000 | HMO Medical Centers | healthcare | DISC | True | NYSE | AET | 8/24/17 | http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2017/08/aetna_revealed_hiv_status_of_patients_with_mailing.html | US | Name, HIV Status | 50001 to 100000 | True | 633 | ||
7 | 5 | "Amedisys" | True | 2014 | 6,909 | Home Health Care Services | healthcare | HACK | True | NASDAQ | AMED | 3/2/15 | https://www.pcworld.com/article/165655/article.html | US | name, address, Social Security number, date of birth, Medicare and insurance ID numbers, medical records and other personally identifiable data | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
8 | 6 | "America OnLine (AOL)" | True | 2006 | 650,000 | Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals | tech | DISC | True | NYSE | TWX | 8/6/06 | http://techcrunch.com/2006/08/06/aol-proudly-releases-massive-amounts-of-user-search-data/; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AOL_search_data_leak | US | Search Queriers | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
9 | 7 | "America OnLine (AOL)" | True | 2003 | 92000000 | Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals | tech | INSD | True | NYSE | TWX | 6/23/04 | http://money.cnn.com/2004/06/23/technology/aol_spam/; https://www.nytimes.com/2004/06/23/technology/aol-engineer-sold-92-million-names-to-spammer-us-says.html | US | Emails | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
10 | 8 | "Ameritrade" | True | 2005 | 200000 | Commercial Banking | finance | PORT | True | NASDAQ | AMTD | 4/20/05 | https://money.cnn.com/2005/04/19/technology/ameritrade/index.htm | US | customer data | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
11 | 9 | "Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Indiana" | True | 2011 | 6000 | Direct Health and Medical Insurance Carriers | healthcare | INSD | True | NYSE | ANTM | 4/12/13 | https://healthitsecurity.com/news/blue-cross-blue-shield-patient-data-breach-details-emerge | US | unknown | 50001 to 100000 | True | 0 | ||
12 | 10 | "Anthem Blue Cross" | True | 2013 | unknown | Direct Health and Medical Insurance Carriers | healthcare | DISC | True | NYSE | ANTM | 11/20/13 | "https://oag.ca.gov/system/files/Final%20Provider%20Notice%20CA_0.pdf; http://www.esecurityplanet.com/network-security/anthem-blue-cross-acknowledges-data-breach.html; http://www.latimes.com/business/money/la-fi-mo-anthem-doctors-breach-20131125,0,4528975.story" | US | names, business addresses and Tax Identification Numbers | 50001 to 100000 | True | 100 | ||
13 | 11 | "Anthem Blue Cross" | True | 2014 | 80000000 | Direct Health and Medical Insurance Carriers | healthcare | HACK | True | NYSE | ANTM | 2/4/15 | "http://krebsonsecurity.com/2015/02/data-breach-at-health-insurer-anthem-could-impact-millions/; https://money.cnn.com/2015/02/04/technology/anthem-insurance-hack-data-security/; http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/05/us-anthem-cybersecurity-idUSKBN0L907J20150205?feedType=RSS&feedName=technologyNews; http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/06/us-anthem-cybersecurity-warning-idUSKBN0LA24F20150206?feedType=RSS&feedName=technologyNews; http://www.databreaches.net/anthems-notification-letter-to-affected-members/; http://www.ahcmedia.com/articles/134824; https://oag.ca.gov/system/files/CA_AG%20Anthem%20Member%20Notice_0.pdf?" | US | names, birthdays, medical IDs, social security numbers, street addresses, e-mail addresses, employment information | 50001 to 100000 | True | 305 | ||
14 | 12 | "Apple Inc." | True | 2013 | 275000 | Radio and Television Broadcasting and Wireless Communications Equipment Manufacturing | tech | HACK | True | NASDAQ | AAPL | 7/22/13 | http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-57594770-37/apple-developer-site-targeted-in-security-attack-still-down/, http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2013/jul/22/apple-developer-site-hacked; https://www.wired.com/2013/07/apple-dev-center-breach-faq/ | US | names, addresses, and email addresses. | Review Style | 50001 to 100000 | True | 0 | |
15 | 13 | "Apple Inc." | True | 2012 | 12,367,232 | Radio and Television Broadcasting and Wireless Communications Equipment Manufacturing | tech | HACK | True | NASDAQ | AAPL | 9/3/12 | "http://news.cnet.com/8301-1009_3-57505330-83/antisec-claims-to-have-snatched-12m-apple-device-ids-from-fbi/" | US | Unique Device Identifiers (UDID), user names, name of device, type of device, Apple Push Notification Service tokens, zipcodes, cellphone numbers, addresses | 50001 to 100000 | True | 0 | ||
16 | 14 | "Auction.co.kr" | True | 2008 | 18000000 | Financial Transactions Processing, Reserve, and Clearinghouse Activities | retail | HACK | True | NASDAQ | EBAY | 2/12/08 | https://news.hitb.org/node/25865 | US | user information | ReView Style | 10001 to 25000 | True | 0 | |
17 | 15 | "Automatic Data Processing (ADP)" | True | 2005 | 125000 | Professional Employer Organizations | finance | DISC | True | NASDAQ | ADP | 7/6/06 | "https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=2160425&page=1" | US | names and addresses | Review Style | 50001 to 100000 | True | 0 | |
18 | 16 | "Automatic Data Processing (ADP)" | True | 2013 | 64,000 | Professional Employer Organizations | finance | DISC | True | NASDAQ | ADP | 8/9/13 | "http://doj.nh.gov/consumer/security-breaches/documents/mckesson-20130809.pdf; http://www.atg.state.vt.us/assets/files/US%20Airways%20ltrt%20employees%20re%20breach%20.pdf; http://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/Payroll-company-error-prompts-security-breach-4611194.php; http://doj.nh.gov/consumer/security-breaches/documents/fedex-20110624.pdf; http://posttrib.suntimes.com/news/porter/22190511-418/valpo-ambulance-users-could-have-had-personal-information-stolen.html; http://doj.nh.gov/consumer/security-breaches/documents/fedex-20110624.pdf; http://www.databreaches.net/adp-coding-error-also-impacted-alliedbarton-security-services-too/ (20140106)" | US | W2 data | 50001 to 100000 | True | 0 | ||
19 | 17 | "Bank of America" | True | 2013 | 200000 | Commercial Banking | finance | DISC | True | NYSE | BAC | 2/27/13 | https://www.computerworld.com/article/2495684/bank-of-america-says-data-breach-occured-at-third-party.html | US | Email, Salary, Position | Over 100000 | True | 616 | ||
20 | 18 | "Bank of America" | True | 2005 | 1200000 | Commercial Banking | finance | PORT | True | NYSE | BAC | 2/25/05 | https://www.nytimes.com/2005/02/26/us/bank-loses-tapes-of-records-of-12-million-with-visa-cards.html | US | Personal Information | Over 100000 | True | 117 | ||
21 | 19 | "Bank of New York Mellon Corp/The" | True | 2008 | 12500000 | Commercial Banking | finance | PORT | True | NYSE | BK | 5/21/08 | https://www.bankinfosecurity.com/bank-ny-mellon-breach-much-bigger-than-first-announced-a-952 | US | unknown | 25001 to 50000 | True | 0 | ||
22 | 20 | "Bank of Nova Scotia" | True | 2011 | 643 | Commercial Banking | finance | INSD | True | NYSE | BKS | 5/18/12 | "http://www.canlii.org/en/on/onsc/doc/2014/2014onsc2135/2014onsc2135.html; http://www.rubinthomlinson.com/blog/privacy-breach-employee-price-tag-employer/" | CA | customer information | 50001 to 100000 | True | 0 | ||
23 | 21 | "Barnes & Nobles" | True | 2012 | 63 stores | Book Stores | retail | CARD | True | NYSE | BKS | 10/24/12 | http://bgr.com/2012/10/24/barnes-noble-security-breach-credit-card-information/, http://doj.nh.gov/consumer/security-breaches/documents/barnes-noble-20121024.pdf,https://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/24/business/hackers-get-credit-data-at-barnes-noble.html ; https://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/24/business/hackers-get-credit-data-at-barnes-noble.html | US | credit card information | 25001 to 50000 | True | 0 | ||
24 | 22 | "Blizzard Entertainment" | True | 2012 | 14000000 | Software Publishers | tech | HACK | True | NASDAQ | ATVI | 8/9/12 | https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2013/11/27/blizzard-entertainment-concludes-its-data-breach-investigation-fifteen-months-later/ | US | Email, Security Questions, Hashed passwords, | Review Style | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | |
25 | 23 | "Briggs Stratton Corporation" | True | 2017 | 12789 | Lawn and Garden Tractor and Home Lawn and Garden Equipment Manufacturing | manufacturing | HACK | True | NYSE | BGG | 9/30/17 | "https://www.hipaajournal.com/lawnmower-engine-manufacturer-reports-hipaa-breach/" | US | names, addresses, dates of birth, driver’s license numbers, Social Security numbers, health plan IDs, insurance information, passport numbers, work-related evaluations, and login details | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
26 | 24 | "Bright Horizons Family Solutions Inc" | True | 2012 | 1000 | Child Day Care Services | education | DISC | True | NYSE | BFAM | 1/27/14 | http://www.esecurityplanet.com/network-security/easydraft-data-breach-exposes-bright-horizons-customers-financial-data.html; http://doj.nh.gov/consumer/security-breaches/documents/bright-horizons-easy-draft-20140121.pdf | US | names, bank routing numbers and bank account numbers | 10001 to 25000 | True | 0 | ||
27 | 25 | "CHECKFREE SERVICES CORPORATION" | True | 2008 | 5000000 | Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services | tech | DISC | True | NASDAQ | FISV | 1/6/09 | "http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9125078/CheckFree_warns_5_million_customers_after_hack" | US | unknown | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
28 | 26 | "Cigna" | True | 2012 | unknown | Direct Health and Medical Insurance Carriers | healthcare | DISC | True | NYSE | CI | 3/27/12 | "http://oag.ca.gov/system/files/Email%20Customer%20Letter%20final%20approved.pdf" | US | first names and social security numbers | 25001 to 50000 | True | 0 | ||
29 | 27 | "Cisco Systems, Inc." | True | 2012 | 72000 | Computer Terminal and Other Computer Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing | tech | PORT | True | NASDAQ | CSCO | 4/9/12 | "http://doj.nh.gov/consumer/security-breaches/documents/cisco-20120409.pdf " | US | Name, Address, SSN | 50001 to 100000 | True | 0 | ||
30 | 28 | "Cisco Systems, Inc." | True | 2015 | unknown | Other Computer Related Services | tech | DISC | True | NASDAQ | CSCO | 11/7/16 | "https://www.databreaches.net/cisco-jobs-portal-exposed-personal-data/" | US | Name, Address. Phone, Resume | 10001 to 25000 | True | 0 | ||
31 | 29 | "Citigroup Inc." | True | 2005 | 3900000 | Commercial Banking | finance | PORT | True | NYSE | C | 6/5/05 | http://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/07/business/07data.html?pagewanted=print&_r=0; https://money.cnn.com/2005/06/06/news/fortune500/security_citigroup/ | US | Social Security numbers, names, account history and loan information | Over 100000 | True | 0 | ||
32 | 30 | "Citigroup Inc." | True | 2013 | 146000 | Commercial Banking | finance | DISC | True | NYSE | C | 7/17/13 | http://news.softpedia.com/news/Citi-Exposes-Details-of-150-000-Individuals-Who-Went-into-Bankruptcy-369979.shtml, http://www.americanbanker.com/issues/178_137/through-software-glitch-citi-exposes-data-on-150000-customers-1060665-1.html | US | Social Security numbers, birth dates | Over 100000 | True | 0 | ||
33 | 31 | "Citigroup Inc" | True | 2011 | 360083 | Commercial Banking | finance | HACK | True | NYSE | C | 6/9/11 | http://www.pcworld.com/article/229891/Citigroup_Hack_Nets_Over_200k_in_Stolen_Customer_Details.html, https://www.citigroup.com/citi/news/2011/110610c.htm | US | name, account number and contact information, including email address | Over 100000 | True | 0 | ||
34 | 32 | "CNO Financial Group" | True | 2018 | 566,217 | Direct Life Insurance Carriers | finance | HACK | True | NYSE | CNO | 10/25/18 | "https://healthitsecurity.com/news/health-data-breach-compromised-phi-on-566k-cno-customers; https://www.bankerslife.com/security-incident/; https://www.bankinfosecurity.com/bankers-life-hack-affects-more-than-566000-a-11691; https://www.informationsecuritybuzz.com/expert-comments/bankers-life-data-breach-exposes-566127-people/" | US | names, addresses, dates of birth, insurance information, and the last four digits of Social Security numbers, Social Security numbers, driver’s license or state identification card numbers, bank account numbers, credit or debit card information, medications, diagnosis, and/or treatment plans | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
35 | 33 | "Comcast Corp" | True | 2015 | 590,000 | Television Broadcasting | tech | HACK | True | NASDAQ | CMCSA | 11/9/15 | "http://news.softpedia.com/news/comcast-customer-list-found-for-sale-online-company-resets-passwords-for-200-000-users-495905.shtml" | US | email addresses and passwords | Over 100000 | True | 0 | ||
36 | 34 | "Comcast Corp" | True | 2009 | 8,000 | Television Broadcasting | tech | HACK | True | NASDAQ | CMCSA | 3/16/09 | https://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/03/16/passwords-of-8000-comcast-customers-exposed/ | US | Usernames, Passwords | Over 100000 | True | 0 | ||
37 | 35 | "Compass Bank" | True | 2007 | 1000000 | Commercial Banking | finance | PORT | True | NYSE | BBVA | 3/21/08 | http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9072198/Programmer_who_stole_drive_containing_1_million_bank_records_gets_42_months; https://web.archive.org/web/20080605192408/https://www.al.com/news/birminghamnews/index.ssf?/base/news/1206089188208770.xml&coll=2 | US | Debit Cards | 10001 to 25000 | True | 0 | ||
38 | 36 | "Crown Castle International Corp" | True | 2013 | 4500 | All Other Telecommunications | tech | HACK | True | NYSE | CCI | 11/25/13 | "http://www.esecurityplanet.com/network-security/crown-castle-acknowledges-data-breach.html" | US | employee names, Social Security numbers and compensation. | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
39 | 37 | "Cunard Line" | True | 2012 | 1,225 | Deep Sea Passenger Transportation | travel | DISC | True | NYSE | CUK | 6/23/12 | "http://www.cruisecritic.co.uk/news/news.cfm?ID=4878;http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1657908" | US | booking reference numbers, names and email addresses. | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
40 | 38 | "CVS Caremark Corp" | True | 2015 | 100 | Pharmacies and Drug Stores | retail | INSD | True | NYSE | CVS | 7/17/15 | http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/2015/jul/17/pharmacy-patient-data/; https://www.forbes.com/sites/katevinton/2015/07/17/cvs-investigates-credit-card-breach-at-its-online-photo-service/#3899b9d5c48c | US | credit card information | 10001 to 25000 | True | 0 | ||
41 | 39 | "DaVita HealthCare Partners Inc" | True | 2013 | 11,500 | Kidney Dialysis Centers | healthcare | PORT | True | NYSE | DVA | 11/5/13 | "http://oag.ca.gov/system/files/Samples%20Notices_0.pdf http://www.scmagazine.com/unencrypted-laptop-stolen-11000-dialysis-patients-impacted/article/319921/" | US | Names, clinical diagnoses, insurance carrier names, claims payment data and dialysis treatment information, Social Security Numbers | 50001 to 100000 | True | 0 | ||
42 | 40 | "Denny's Corp" | True | 2013 | 200 | Full-Service Restaurants | food | PHYS | True | NASDAQ | DENN | 9/18/13 | https://www.databreaches.net/az-job-applications-with-personal-information-found-in-dumpster/ | US | job applications | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
43 | 41 | "DirectTV" | True | 2012 | 300 | Cable and Other Subscription Programming | tech | HACK | True | NASDAQ | DTV | 6/15/12 | https://www.databreaches.net/directv-hacked-data-and-accounts-leaked-by-teamintricate/ | US | usernames, passwords | 25001 to 50000 | True | 0 | ||
44 | 42 | "Domain Factory" | True | 2018 | unknown | Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals | tech | HACK | True | NYSE | GDDY | 7/9/18 | "https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/07/09/domainfactory_in_germany_confirms_brdata_breach/; https://www.zdnet.com/article/user-data-exposed-in-domain-factory-hosting-security-breach/" | Unknown | Customer name; Company name; Customer number; Address; E-mail addresses; Phone number; DomainFactory Phone password; Date of birth; Bank name and account number | unknown | True | 0 | ||
45 | 43 | "Domino's Pizza Inc" | True | 2014 | 600000 | Limited-Service Restaurants | food | HACK | True | NYSE | DPZ | 6/13/14 | http://www.myce.com/news/hackers-compromise-personal-data-of-600000-dominos-pizza-customers-71814/; https://twitter.com/RexMundi_Anon/status/477433239251189760; https://www.csoonline.com/article/2364323/domino-s-pizza-large-breach-with-a-side-of-ransom.html | US | name, full address, phone number, email, favourite pizza | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
46 | 44 | "E-Trade" | True | 2013 | 31,000 | Securities Brokerage | finance | HACK | True | NASDAQ | ETFC | 10/9/15 | https://privacyrights.org/data-breaches/e-trade | US | customer email names, email and physical addresses | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
47 | 45 | "Entercom Communications Corp." | True | 2014 | 13000 | Radio Stations | media | PORT | True | NYSE | ETM | 5/13/14 | https://www.scmagazine.com/home/opinions/blogs/the-data-breach-blog/storage-devices-stolen-from-entercom-portland-employee-13k-affected/ | US | Names, Social Security numbers, payment card information, and bank account information. | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
48 | 46 | "Equifax Inc" | True | 2013 | 17,000 | Credit Bureaus | finance | DISC | True | NYSE | EFX | 10/10/12 | https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2012/10/ftc-settlements-require-equifax-forfeit-money-made-allegedly | US | mortgage payment | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
49 | 47 | "Equifax" | True | 2017 | 143000000 | Credit Bureaus | finance | HACK | True | NYSE | EFX | 9/7/17 | "https://www.cnbc.com/2017/09/07/credit-reporting-firm-equifax-says-cybersecurity-incident-could-potentially-affect-143-million-us-consumers.html; https://krebsonsecurity.com/2017/09/ayuda-help-equifax-has-my-data/; https://www.equifaxsecurity2017.com/; https://www.thestar.com/business/2017/09/19/equifax-says-100000-canadians-may-have-been-in-data-breach.html; https://investor.equifax.com/news-and-events/news/2017/09-07-2017-213000628; http://www.wired.co.uk/article/equifax-credit-data-breach-uk-security; http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/09/21/552681357/after-massive-data-breach-equifax-directed-customers-to-fake-site; https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2017-09-29/the-equifax-hack-has-all-the-hallmarks-of-state-sponsored-pros; http://mashable.com/2017/10/02/equifax-hack-worse-145-million/#xSVp4.4f0Oqb; https://krebsonsecurity.com/2017/10/equifax-hackers-stole-info-on-693665-uk-residents/; http://talkingbiznews.com/2/coverage-equifax-earnings-drop-amid-costs-from-data-breach/; " | US | names, Social Security numbers, birth dates, addresses,, driver's license numbers | 1001 to 10000 | True | 523 | ||
50 | 48 | "Euronet Worldwide" | True | 2011 | Unknown | Financial Transactions Processing, Reserve, and Clearinghouse Activities | finance | HACK | True | NASDAQ | EEFT | 1/23/12 | "http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/23/us-euronetworldwide-idUSTRE80M2ET20120123; http://digitaltransactions.net/news/story/3405" | US | Card Data | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
51 | 49 | "Express Scripts" | True | 2008 | 700,000 | Drugs and Druggists' Sundries Merchant Wholesalers | healthcare | HACK | True | NASDAQ | ESRX | 11/6/08 | https://www.computerworld.com/article/2528276/express-scripts--700-000-notified-after-extortion.html | US | names, birth dates, Social Security numbers and some prescription information | 25001 to 50000 | True | 374 | ||
52 | 50 | "Facebook" | True | 2018 | 800000 | Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services | tech | DISC | True | NASDAQ | FB | 7/2/18 | "https://www.securityweek.com/facebook-notifies-800000-users-blocking-bug" | US | unknown | 25001 to 50000 | True | 829 | ||
53 | 51 | "Facebook" | True | 2018 | 50000000 | Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services | tech | DISC | True | NASDAQ | FB | 9/28/18 | https://newsroom.fb.com/news/2018/09/security-update/ | US | phone numbers and email addresses | 25001 to 50000 | True | 331 | ||
54 | 52 | "Facebook" | True | 2013 | 6000000 | Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals | tech | DISC | True | NASDAQ | FB | 6/21/13 | https://www.facebook.com/notes/facebook-security/important-message-from-facebooks-white-hat-program/10151437074840766; https://www.reuters.com/article/net-us-facebook-security/facebook-admits-year-long-data-breach-exposed-6-million-users-idUSBRE95K18Y20130621 | US | phone numbers and email addresses | 25001 to 50000 | True | 867 | ||
55 | 53 | "Facebook" | True | 2012 | 100000 | Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals | tech | HACK | True | NASDAQ | FB | 10/11/12 | "http://hothardware.com/News/Facebook-Confirms-Massive-Data-Breach-and-Vulnerability/Default.aspx " | US | Phone Number | 25001 to 50000 | True | 1046 | ||
56 | 54 | "Facebook" | True | 2013 | 3,000,000 | Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals | tech | DISC | True | NASDAQ | FB | 6/12/18 | https://www.newscientist.com/article/2168713-huge-new-facebook-data-leak-exposed-intimate-details-of-3m-users/ | US | Survey Questions | 25001 to 50000 | True | 798 | ||
57 | 55 | "First Republic Bank" | True | 2012 | 10000 | Commercial Banking | finance | PORT | True | NYSE | FRC | 8/14/12 | "http://oag.ca.gov/system/files/Account%20Security%20Letter%20CA%20Upload_0.pdf? " | US | client names, account types and numbers and tax payer identification/social security numbers | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
58 | 56 | "GM Financial" | True | 2015 | 2,200 | Consumer Lending | finance | INSD | True | NYSE | GNW | 8/1/15 | "http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/gm-financial-customer-details-inappropriately-accessed-by-ex-employee-1.3177092" | CA | Names, Information | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
59 | 57 | "Google Inc" | True | 2014 | 5000000 | Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals | tech | HACK | True | NASDAQ | GOOGL | 9/10/14 | https://security.googleblog.com/2014/09/cleaning-up-after-password-dumps.html | US | Emails, Passwords | Review Style | 50001 to 100000 | True | 0 | |
60 | 58 | "Google Inc" | True | 2018 | 500000 | Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals | tech | DISC | True | NASDAQ | GOOGL | 10/8/18 | https://www.cnbc.com/2018/10/08/google-bug-exposed-the-information-of-up-to-500000-users.html | US | name, email address, occupation, gender, age | Review Style | 50001 to 100000 | True | 0 | |
61 | 59 | "Groupon Taiwan" | True | 2013 | 4100000 | Advertising Agencies | media | HACK | True | NASDAQ | GRPN | 5/19/13 | "http://thenextweb.com/asia/2013/05/28/groupon-taiwan-resets-user-passwords-after-hack-but-credit-card-details-not-leaked/;http://www.groupon.com.tw/docloader.php?id=publicannounce;http://www.inside.com.tw/2013/05/28/groupon-taiwan-was-under-attack-on-5-19-2013" | TW | usernames and passwords | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
62 | 60 | "Gyft" | True | 2015 | unknown | Software Publishers | tech | HACK | True | NYSE | FDC | 2/6/16 | "http://krebsonsecurity.com/2015/12/password-thieves-target-e-giftcard-firm-gyft/; http://www.databreaches.net/gyft-notifies-affected-users-of-security-incident/; http://themerkle.com/news/gyft-reveals-more-details-regarding-security-breach/; http://www.scmagazine.com/gyft-resets-some-customer-passwords-following-breach/article/460904/ " | US | usernames and passwords | 101 to 1000 | True | 306 | ||
63 | 61 | "Honda North America, Inc." | True | 2010 | 4900000 | Automobile Manufacturing | manufacturing | HACK | True | NYSE | HMC | 12/30/10 | "http://www.zdnet.com/data-breach-affects-4-9-million-honda-customers-2062205394/" | US | names, login names, e-mail addresses and 17-character Vehicle Identification Number | Over 100000 | True | 0 | ||
64 | 62 | "HSBC" | True | 2012 | 380000 | Commercial Banking | finance | INSD | True | NYSE | HSBC | 10/30/12 | "http://oag.ca.gov/system/files/Customer%20Notification_1.pdf?, http://www.expatica.com/fr/news/french-news/court-says-france-cannot-use-stolen-bank-data-for-searches_205420.html " | US | full name, mailing address, phone number, email address, date of birth, account numbers, account types, account balances, transaction history | 1001 to 10000 | True | 100 | ||
65 | 63 | "Humana Inc" | True | 2014 | 3000 | Direct Health and Medical Insurance Carriers | healthcare | PORT | True | NYSE | HUM | 5/23/14 | http://www.tweaktown.com/news/38018/humana-customers-at-risk-data-breach-of-unencrypted-usb-drive/index.html | US | Names, Medical Records, SSNs | 50001 to 100000 | True | 0 | ||
66 | 64 | "Huntington Bank" | True | 2011 | 2,000 | Commercial Banking | finance | INSD | True | NASDAQ | HBAN | 5/8/11 | https://www.wvgazettemail.com/huntington-bank-sues-ex-workers/article_74034ef4-5093-5937-b75c-a68250b28705.html | US | customer names, addresses and telephone numbers, Social Security numbers, dates of birth, bank account numbers | 10001 to 25000 | True | 0 | ||
67 | 65 | "JPMorgan Chase & Co" | True | 2015 | 465,000 | Commercial Banking | finance | HACK | True | NYSE | JPM | 12/4/15 | "http://www.katc.com/news/data-breach-may-have-exposed-jp-morgan-chase-cardholders/;http://www.bayoubuzz.com/louisiana-news/baton-rouge-news/item/561503-hackers-may-have-exposed-personal-info-of-la-residents;http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/05/jpmorgan-cyber-attack_n_4388779.html;http://arstechnica.com/security/2013/12/hack-on-jpmorgan-website-exposes-data-for-465000-card-holders/;http://www.databreaches.net/louisiana-agencies-notified-of-breach-across-certain-jpmorgan-chase-systems-breach-not-confined-to-louisiana/;http://www.databreaches.net/jpmorgan-chase-breach-update-pile-on/;http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/business/Data-Breach-to-Affect-Pa-Cardholders-234676751.html;http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/news/57229169-78/breach-jpmorgan-customers-data.html.csp;http://www.hispanicbusiness.com/2013/12/6/data_breach_exposes_account_information_for.htm;http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2013/12/10/data-breach-could-expose-benefit-recipients-info/jf98QJfRsjwlHypHty3XyM/story.html;http://ivebeenmugged.typepad.com/my_weblog/2013/12/jpmorgan-chase-prepaid.html;http://www.bizjournals.com/boston/news/2013/12/11/jpmorgan-chase-data-breach-affects.html;http://www.kansascity.com/2013/12/12/4688533/jpmorgan-chase-job-aid-recipients.html" | US | credit and debit card numbers | Over 100000 | True | 0 | ||
68 | 66 | "Korn/Ferry International" | True | 2012 | unknown | Executive Search Services | consulting | HACK | True | NYSE | KFY | 10/11/12 | "http://doj.nh.gov/consumer/security-breaches/documents/korn-ferry-20121228.pdf, https://oag.ca.gov/system/files/Notification%20Letter_0.pdf;" | US | home addresses, resumes, salary information, and other details | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
69 | 67 | "Laboratory Corporation of America" | True | 2013 | 1000 | Medical Laboratories | healthcare | STAT | True | NYSE | LH | 4/19/13 | https://www.databreaches.net/labcorp-computer-with-phi-stolen/ | US | patient names, date of birth, and Medicare subscriber numbers | 25001 to 50000 | True | 0 | ||
70 | 68 | "Landstar System Inc" | True | 2016 | 1,362 | Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Long-Distance | manufacturing | DISC | True | NASDAQ | LSTR | 4/27/16 | "http://www.bizjournals.com/jacksonville/news/2016/04/27/landstars-data-breach-larger-than-initially.html" | US | usernames, passwords, credit card details, W2s | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
71 | 69 | "LexisNexis" | True | 2013 | 1000000 | All Other Information Services | finance | HACK | True | NYSE | RELX | 9/24/13 | "http://krebsonsecurity.com/2013/09/data-broker-giants-hacked-by-id-theft-service/ (20130925)" | US | Social Security numbers, birth records, credit and background reports | 1001 to 10000 | True | 317 | ||
72 | 70 | "Lincoln Financial Securities Corporation" | True | 2012 | 5,400 | Direct Life Insurance Carriers | finance | HACK | True | NYSE | LNC | 8/20/12 | "http://doj.nh.gov/consumer/security-breaches/documents/red-boat-advisor-20120820.pdf " | US | Name, Address, Social Security Number | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
73 | 71 | "MAXIMUS Inc" | True | 2014 | 400 | Human Resources Consulting Services | consulting | PHYS | True | NYSE | MMS | 6/6/14 | "http://www.cnbc.com/id/101739222;http://www.cnbc.com/id/101743080" | US | First Name, Last Name, Social Security Number | 10001 to 25000 | True | 0 | ||
74 | 72 | "Medtronic Inc" | True | 2013 | 2,764 | Electromedical and Electrotherapeutic Apparatus Manufacturing | healthcare | PHYS | True | NYSE | MDT | 8/1/13 | https://healthitsecurity.com/news/medtronic-loses-training-records-data-breach | US | insurance company data, contact information and limited patient records | 25001 to 50000 | True | 0 | ||
75 | 73 | "Microsoft Corporation" | True | 2013 | 2,898 | Software Publishers | tech | DISC | True | NASDAQ | MSFT | 3/20/13 | "http://www.itproportal.com/2013/03/20/thousands-have-data-exposed-in-microsoft-security-breach/" | US | names, gamertags, emails and dates of birth | 50001 to 100000 | True | 0 | ||
76 | 74 | "Microsoft Store India" | True | 2012 | unknown | Electronics Stores | tech | HACK | True | NASDAQ | MSFT | 2/14/12 | "http://www.pcworld.com/article/249927/microsoft_india_store_a_victim_or_poor_data_security_not_hackers.html; http://content.usatoday.com/communities/technologylive/post/2012/02/hackers-breach-database-of-microsofts-india-store/1" | IN | username, password, credit cards | 50001 to 100000 | True | 0 | ||
77 | 75 | "Molina Healthcare Inc" | True | 2014 | 5,261 | HMO Medical Centers | healthcare | DISC | True | NYSE | MOH | 5/2/14 | "http://www.abqjournal.com/393608" | US | Social Security numbers | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
78 | 76 | "Molina Healthcare" | True | 2017 | 4800000 | All Other Miscellaneous Ambulatory Health Care Services | healthcare | DISC | True | NYSE | MOH | 5/8/17 | http://www.esecurityplanet.com/network-security/molina-healthcare-security-flaw-makes-patient-records-available-online.html ; https://krebsonsecurity.com/2017/05/molinahealthcare-com-exposed-patient-records/ ; http://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/breaches-molina-healthcares-show-why-you-cant-skimp-security | US | names, addresses, birthdates, diagnosis, medication and other medical data | 10001 to 25000 | True | 0 | ||
79 | 77 | "Morningstar Document Research" | True | 2012 | 182,000 | All Other Information Services | finance | UNKN | True | NASDAQ | MORN | 7/5/13 | "http://www.infosecurity-us.com/view/33348/morningstar-provides-some-information-about-breach/#.UdxLu-0jYA4.twitter, http://www.esecurityplanet.com/network-security/morningstar-hacked.html, http://news.softpedia.com/news/Investment-Research-Firm-Morningstar-Notifies-Customers-of-Security-Breach-362049.shtml" | US | name, address, email address, and password, credit card | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
80 | 78 | "Nielsen Audio" | True | 2013 | 1,625 | Marketing Research and Public Opinion Polling | consulting | DISC | True | NYSE | NLSN | 2/10/14 | "http://www.scmagazine.com/nielsen-staffer-accidentally-sends-mass-email-containing-employee-data/article/333320/" | US | Names and Social Security numbers | 101 to 1000 | True | 0 | ||
81 | 79 | "Nordstrom Federal Savings Banks" | True | 2018 | 76,000 | Savings Institutions | finance | INSD | True | NYSE | JWN | 11/9/18 | https://www.seattletimes.com/business/retail/security-breach-at-nordstrom-exposed-sensitive-employee-data/ | US | names, Social Security numbers, dates of birth, checking account and routing numbers, salaries | 50001 to 100000 | True | 0 | ||
82 | 80 | "Nordstrom Federal Savings Banks" | True | 2012 | 100 | Financial Transactions Processing, Reserve, and Clearinghouse Activities | finance | DISC | True | NYSE | JWN | 8/7/12 | "http://oag.ca.gov/system/files/Notification%20Sample%20%28Nordstrom%20fsb%29_0.pdf?, http://doj.nh.gov/consumer/security-breaches/documents/nordstrom-20120801.pdf " | US | Account Number | 50001 to 100000 | True | 0 | ||
83 | 81 | "Northrop Grumman Corp" | True | 2012 | 2000 | Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical System and Instrument Manufacturing | consulting | HACK | True | NYSE | NOC | 8/15/13 | "http://doj.nh.gov/consumer/security-breaches/documents/northrop-grumman-20130809.pdf, http://www.atg.state.vt.us/assets/files/Northrop%20Grumman%20Tech%20Services%20Inc%20Security%20Breach%20letter%20to%20consumer%20.pdf, http://www.scmagazine.com/us-defense-contractor-sustains-data-breach/article/307498/" | US | Names, contact information, date of births, blood types, Social Security numbers and other government-issued identification numbers | 50001 to 100000 | True | 0 | ||
84 | 82 | "OptumRx" | True | 2015 | 400,000 | Pharmacies and Drug Stores | healthcare | PORT | True | NYSE | UNH | 4/8/15 | "http://www.esecurityplanet.com/network-security/unencrypted-laptops-expose-over-400000-patients-medical-data.html; https://www.databreaches.net/optumrx-notifying-patients-after-laptop-with-phi-stolen-from-vendors-unattended-vehicle/" | US | names, addresses, health plan names, prescription drug information, prescribing provider information, birthdates | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
85 | 83 | "Pfizer, Inc." | True | 2008 | 13,000 | Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing | healthcare | PORT | True | NYSE | PFE | 5/12/08 | "http://www.pharmalot.com/2008/05/what-security-latest-pfizer-breach-hits-13k-people/; http://attrition.org/pipermail/dataloss/2008-May/002313.html" | US | name, home addresses and telelphone numbers | Over 100000 | True | 0 | ||
86 | 84 | "Pfizer, Inc." | True | 2007 | 34,000 | Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing | healthcare | INSD | True | NYSE | PFE | 8/24/07 | "http://www.pharmalot.com/2007/09/another-pfizer-security-breach/" | US | names, Social Security numbers, addresses, dates of birth, phone numbers, bank account numbers, credit card info, signatures | Over 100000 | True | 0 | ||
87 | 85 | "Pfizer, Inc." | True | 2007 | 17,000 | Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing | healthcare | DISC | True | NYSE | PFE | 6/11/07 | "http://www.pharmalot.com/2007/06/pfizer-17000-employees-suffer-privacy-breach/" | US | names, social security numbers, addresses, bonus information | Over 100000 | True | 0 | ||
88 | 86 | "Pfizer, Inc." | True | 2007 | 950 | Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing | healthcare | PORT | True | NYSE | PFE | 8/13/07 | "http://www.pharmalot.com/2007/08/pfizer-laptops-stolen-from-locked-car/" | US | names, addresses, social security numbers, cell phone numbers | Over 100000 | True | 0 | ||
89 | 87 | "Pinnacle Foods Group LLC" | True | 2012 | 1,818 | Frozen Specialty Food Manufacturing | food | PORT | True | NYSE | CAG | 11/26/12 | "http://pymnts.com/news/businesswire-feed/2012/november/26/pinnacle-foods-group-llc-reports-data-breach-individuals-in-multiple-states-could-be-affected-20121126006302/ " | US | names, social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, credit card numbers | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
90 | 88 | "Procter & Gamble" | True | 2012 | 100 | Soap and Other Detergent Manufacturing | healthcare | DISC | True | NYSE | PG | 5/15/12 | "http://doj.nh.gov/consumer/security-breaches/documents/procter-gamble-05152012.pdf " | US | Name, Address, Shareholder Account Number, Account Details | Over 100000 | True | 0 | ||
91 | 89 | "Quest Diagnostics" | True | 2016 | 34,000 | Medical Laboratories | healthcare | HACK | True | NYSE | DGX | 12/12/16 | https://www.databreaches.net/quest-diagnostics-notifying-34000-patients-after-hacker-acquired-phi/ | US | name, date of birth, lab results, and, telephone numbers | 25001 to 50000 | True | 231 | ||
92 | 90 | "Ralph Lauren Corporation" | True | 2005 | 200000 | Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing | retail | CARD | True | NYSE | RL | 4/14/05 | "http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB111344917096006795?mod=googlewsj;http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/04/15/ralph_lauren_loses_data/;http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Enterprise-Applications/TJX-Polo-Data-Surfaces-in-Credit-Card-Bust;http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/04/15/ralph_lauren_loses_data/" | US | credit card information | 10001 to 25000 | True | 0 | ||
93 | 91 | "Regions Financial Corporation" | True | 2011 | 27,000 | Commercial Banking | finance | PORT | True | NYSE | RF | 1/23/12 | "http://blog.al.com/businessnews/2012/01/regions_says_employee_401k_dat.html " | US | 401K Information | 25001 to 50000 | True | 0 | ||
94 | 92 | "Republic Services" | True | 2013 | 82,160 | Solid Waste Collection | services | PORT | True | NYSE | RSG | 8/26/13 | "http://doj.nh.gov/consumer/security-breaches/documents/republic-services-20130826.pdf (20130830),http://www.atg.state.vt.us/assets/files/Republic%20Services%20Security%20Breach%20ltrt%20consumer.pdf (20130830)" | US | Names, Social Security Numbers | 25001 to 50000 | True | 0 | ||
95 | 93 | "Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc." | True | 2013 | unknown | All Other Insurance Related Activities | finance | HACK | True | NYSE | MMC | 5/6/13 | "http://doj.nh.gov/consumer/security-breaches/documents/sedgwick-claims-20130506.pdf" | US | name, Social Security Number, and employee ID | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
96 | 94 | "Sony Music" | True | 2013 | 40000 | Other Motion Picture and Video Industries | tech | HACK | True | NYSE | SNE | 7/13/13 | "http://www.cyberwarnews.info/2013/07/13/sony-italy-hacked-over-40k-personal-details-leaked/ (20130717) http://news.softpedia.com/news/Turkish-Hackers-Claim-to-Have-Breached-Sony-Italy-40-000-Accounts-Leaked-367890.shtml (20130717) https://twitter.com/Maxn3y/status/355778057426046976 (20130717)" | IT | names, usernames, addresses, dates of births, plain text passwords | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
97 | 95 | "Sony Online Entertainment LLC" | True | 2011 | 77000000 | Software Publishers | tech | HACK | True | NYSE | SNE | 4/20/11 | "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_Network_outage (20130912);http://mashable.com/2011/05/31/sony-playstation-services-return/ (20130912);http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2013/07/16/sony-to-pay-250000-fine-for-playstation-network-breach/ (20130912);http://www.crn.com/news/security/300073160/sony-agrees-to-15-million-payout-free-ps3-games-in-playstation-breach-settlement.htm" | US | names, addresses, email addresses, dates of birth and account passwords | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
98 | 96 | "Sony Online Entertainment" | True | 2011 | 24600000 | Software Publishers | tech | HACK | True | NYSE | SNE | 5/2/11 | http://www.psu.com/news/11514/SOE-hacked--12700-credit-card-numbers-and-246-million-accounts-may-have-been-compromised;https://www.soe.com/securityupdate/; https://www.theverge.com/2011/05/02/sony-online-entertainment-breach | US | names, addresses, emails, birth dates, phone numbers and other information | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
99 | 97 | "Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc." | True | 2014 | 9,500 | Motion Picture and Video Production | media | HACK | True | NYSE | SNE | 11/24/14 | "http://mashable.com/2014/11/25/sony-pictures-hack-inside/;http://securityaffairs.co/wordpress/30498/cyber-crime/sony-pictures-corporate-network-compromised-major-attack.html;http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/11/25/sony-pictures-computers-down-for-a-second-day-after-network-breach/?_r=1;http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/11/25/sony_pictures_in_it_lockdown_after_alleged_hacker_hosing/;http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2852786/Spider-Man-studio-gets-stuck-web-Hackers-attack-Sony-Pictures-claiming-stolen-private-information-Angelina-Jolie-Cameron-Diaz.html;http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2014/12/01/sony-pictures-reportedly-investigating-whether-north-korea-hacked-studio/;http://deadline.com/2014/11/sony-computers-hacked-skull-message-1201295288/;http://deadline.com/2014/11/fury-annie-sony-leaked-piracy-hack-attack-1201302289/; https://www.reddit.com/r/hacking/comments/2n9zhv/i_used_to_work_for_sony_pictures_my_friend_still/" | US | names, addresses, social security numbers and financial information | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
100 | 98 | "Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc." | True | 2011 | 1000000 | Motion Picture and Video Production | media | HACK | True | NYSE | SNE | 6/2/11 | http://mashable.com/2011/06/02/sony-pictures-hacked/ (20140212); https://www.forbes.com/sites/parmyolson/2011/06/02/lulzsec-hackers-purge-sonypictures-com/#15feee764e1e | US | passwords, email addresses, home addresses, dates of birth | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
101 | 99 | "SourceFire" | True | 2012 | 560 | Software Publishers | tech | PORT | True | NASDAQ | CSCO | 11/15/12 | "http://doj.nh.gov/consumer/security-breaches/documents/sourcefire-20121115.pdf " | US | Name, Social Security | 101 to 1000 | True | 0 | ||
102 | 100 | "Sprouts Farmers Market" | True | 2016 | 21000 | Supermarkets and Other Grocery (except Convenience) Stores | food | DISC | True | NASDAQ | SFM | 3/23/16 | https://www.scmagazine.com/home/security-news/w-2-data-breach-places-21k-sprouts-farmers-market-employees-at-risk/ | US | W2s | 25001 to 50000 | True | 0 | ||
103 | 101 | "Stanley Black & Decker, Inc." | True | 2013 | 50000 | Saw Blade and Handtool Manufacturing | manufacturing | PORT | True | NYSE | SWK | 3/11/13 | "https://oag.ca.gov/system/files/Sample%20notice_0.pdf?, https://oag.ca.gov/system/files/L2Employees%20re%20stolen%20laptop%5B1%5D_0.pdf?, https://oag.ca.gov/system/files/Stanley%20Black%26Decker%204_16_13update_1.pdf?" | US | name and the account number and routing number, Social Security Number | 25001 to 50000 | True | 0 | ||
104 | 102 | "Starbucks Corp" | True | 2008 | 97000 | Snack and Nonalcoholic Beverage Bars | food | PORT | True | NASDAQ | SBUX | 11/24/08 | https://infowatch.com/analytics/leaks_monitoring/1304 | US | Names, Address, Social Security Numbers | Over 100000 | True | 0 | ||
105 | 103 | "Superior HealthPlan" | True | 2013 | 6284 | Direct Health and Medical Insurance Carriers | healthcare | DISC | True | NYSE | CNC | 11/13/13 | "http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/privacy/hipaa/administrative/breachnotificationrule/HealthInfoBreaches.csv; http://www.phiprivacy.net/and-yet-9-more-breaches-added-to-hhss-breach-tool/" | US | names, addresses, and identification number | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
106 | 104 | "SUPERVALU INC." | True | 2014 | 200 stores | Supermarkets and Other Grocery (except Convenience) Stores | food | CARD | True | NYSE | SVU | 8/14/14 | http://www.securityweek.com/new-data-breaches-hit-supervalu-albertsons; http://www.supervalu.com/security.html; https://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/16/technology/food-retailer-discloses-a-data-breach.html | US | names, credit card numbers | 25001 to 50000 | True | 0 | ||
107 | 105 | "TD Bank" | True | 2013 | 17000 | Commercial Banking | finance | DISC | True | NYSE | TD | 10/17/13 | "http://doj.nh.gov/consumer/security-breaches/documents/td-bank-20131017.pdf" | US | Name, Address, Account number | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
108 | 106 | "TD Bank" | True | 2012 | 267000 | Commercial Banking | finance | PORT | True | NYSE | TD | 10/9/12 | https://www.pressherald.com/2012/10/09/td-bank-alerts-some-customers-of-lost-data/ | US | Social Security numbers | 1001 to 10000 | True | 473 | ||
109 | 107 | "The Coca-Cola Company" | True | 2014 | 74000 | Soft Drink Manufacturing | food | PORT | True | NYSE | KO | 1/24/14 | "http://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/view/36627/74000-data-records-breached-on-stolen-cocacola-laptops-/ (20140304);http://news.yahoo.com/coca-cola-laptop-theft-could-compromised-74-000-010357227--sector.html (20140304);http://news.techworld.com/security/3585884/coca-cola-sued-by-former-employee-over-unencrypted-laptop-data-theft/" | US | names, Social Security numbers and addresses, salaries, ethnicity | Over 100000 | True | 0 | ||
110 | 108 | "The Home Depot" | True | 2014 | 56000000 | Home Centers | retail | CARD | True | NYSE | HD | 9/2/14 | "http://krebsonsecurity.com/2014/09/banks-credit-card-breach-at-home-depot/; http://www.csoonline.com/article/2602002/data-breach/new-details-suggest-that-home-depot-breach-is-nationwide.html?utm_content=7775563&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkedin; http://www.heraldtribune.com/article/20140909/wire/140909703; http://investmentwatchblog.com/alert-home-depot-admits-massive-customer-payment-data-breach/; http://media.corporate-ir.net/media_files/IROL/63/63646/HD_Data_Update_II_9-18-14.pdf; http://arstechnica.com/security/2014/09/home-depots-former-security-architect-had-history-of-techno-sabotage/?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed; http://m.ajc.com/news/business/home-depot-breach-costs-credit-unions-more-than-57/nhxKS/#__federated=1; http://www.streetinsider.com/Corporate+News/Home+Depot+%28HD%29+Updates+on+Data+Breach%3B+About+53M+Email+Addresses+Said+Compromised/9986517.html" | US | Names, Credit Cards | Over 100000 | True | 466 | ||
111 | 109 | "Time Warner Cable Inc" | True | 2016 | 4,191 | Cable and Other Subscription Programming | tech | HACK | True | NASDAQ | CHTR | 2/28/16 | "http://www.databreaches.net/some-time-warner-business-class-customer-data-hacked-and-dumped-by-teamp0ison/" | US | usernames, email addresses, and encrypted passwords | 25001 to 50000 | True | 0 | ||
112 | 110 | "TIO Networks" | True | 2017 | 1600000 | Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services | tech | HACK | True | NASDAQ | PYPL | 12/1/17 | "http://www.zdnet.com/article/paypals-tio-networks-reveals-data-breach-impacted-1-6-million-users/; http://www.tionetworks.com/PYPL_News_2017_12_01_General_Releases.pdf; https://news.hitb.org/content/paypals-tio-data-breach-16-million-customers-personal-details-stolen-hackers; http://weartv.com/news/local/data-breach-could-impact-22k-gulf-power-customers; https://www.streetinsider.com/Corporate+News/PSE%26G+%28PEG%29+Says+Customers+May+be+Affected+by+Potential+Data+Breach+Involving+Systems+of+PayPals+%28PYPL%29+TIO+Networks/13594645.html; http://richmondfreepress.com/news/2017/dec/15/possible-security-breach-prompts-rrha-suspend-conv/; http://www.kctv5.com/story/37078016/compromise-of-paypals-tio-networks-could-affect-kcpl-customers; http://www.nhregister.com/business/article/Security-breach-exposes-information-of-as-many-as-12448651.php; http://tallahasseereports.com/2017/12/27/city-utility-payment-vendor-notifies-customers-of-data-breach-cot-silent/; http://www.kvia.com/crime/data-breach-affects-some-el-paso-electric-customers/680984304" | CA | names, addresses, Social Security numbers, usernames, passwords | 10001 to 25000 | True | 0 | ||
113 | 111 | "TJX Cos Inc" | True | 2005 | 94000000 | Family Clothing Stores | retail | HACK | True | NYSE | TJX | 1/17/07 | http://www.zdnet.com/wi-fi-hack-caused-tk-maxx-security-breach-3039286991/ (20130912);http://www.internetnews.com/ent-news/article.php/3714611/How+TJX+Became+a+Lesson+In+Proper+Security.htm (20130912);http://www.boston.com/business/articles/2007/08/15/cost_of_data_breach_at_tjx_soars_to_256m/?page=full (20130912);http://www.scmagazine.com/tjx-settles-over-breach-with-41-states-for-975-million/article/138930/ (20130912); https://www.cnet.com/news/t-j-maxx-hack-exposes-consumer-data/ | US | username, password | Over 100000 | True | 0 | ||
114 | 112 | "Toyota" | True | 2019 | 3100000 | Automobile Manufacturing | manufacturing | HACK | True | NYSE | TM | 3/21/19 | "https://www.zdnet.com/article/toyota-announces-second-security-breach-in-the-last-five-weeks/; https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20190329_38/; https://securitytoday.com/articles/2019/04/02/toyota-and-lexus-dealerships-hacked-millions-left-vulnerable.aspx?admgarea=ht.airport" | JP | names, birth dates and employer information | Over 100000 | True | 532 | ||
115 | 113 | "UGI Utilities" | True | 2017 | 1900 | Electric Power Distribution | services | DISC | True | NYSE | UGI | 1/26/17 | "http://www.mcall.com/business/mc-ugi-employees-exposed-phishing-scam-watchdog-20170126-column.html" | US | names, birth dates, Social Security numbers | 101 to 1000 | True | 0 | ||
116 | 114 | "Union Security Insurance Company" | True | 2013 | 1,500 | Direct Health and Medical Insurance Carriers | healthcare | DISC | True | NYSE | AIZ | 7/1/13 | https://privacyrights.org/data-breaches/union-security-insurance-company-1 | US | names, dates of birth, social security numbers | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
117 | 115 | "Unisys" | True | 2012 | -1 | Computer Systems Design Services | tech | DISC | True | NYSE | UIS | 3/4/13 | https://oag.ca.gov/system/files/03.04.2013%20Individual%20Notice%20Letter_0.PDF | US | name, address, date of birth, Social Security number, and salary information | 10001 to 25000 | True | 0 | ||
118 | 116 | "Variable Annuity Life Insurance" | True | 2013 | 774,723 | Direct Life Insurance Carriers | finance | INSD | True | NYSE | AIG | 2/20/13 | https://www.databreaches.net/valic-notifying-customers-of-breach-in-2007/ | US | unknown | 25001 to 50000 | True | 0 | ||
119 | 117 | "Virgin Media" | True | 2014 | 130000 | Cable and Other Subscription Programming | tech | DISC | True | NASDAQ | LBTYA | 4/17/14 | http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2606706/Virgin-Media-forced-apologise-data-breach-accidentally-copying-130-000-customers-email.html | US | email addresses | 10001 to 25000 | True | 0 | ||
120 | 118 | "Walgreen Co" | True | 2011 | 160000 | Pharmacies and Drug Stores | healthcare | DISC | True | NASDAQ | WBA | 12/15/14 | https://www.databreaches.net/oh-so-thats-what-happened-to-160000-walgreens-customers/ | US | first and last names, addresses, dates of birth, phone numbers, provider names, and details of the vaccines | Over 100000 | True | 0 | ||
121 | 119 | "Waste Management Inc" | True | 2007 | 400 | Solid Waste Collection | services | PORT | True | NYSE | WM | 1/17/07 | https://www.doj.nh.gov/consumer/security-breaches/documents/waste-management-20070403.pdf | US | Name, Credit card | 25001 to 50000 | True | 0 | ||
122 | 120 | "Wells Fargo & Company" | True | 2008 | 5,000 | Commercial Banking | finance | INSD | True | NYSE | WFC | 5/16/08 | "http://doj.nh.gov/consumer/security-breaches/documents/wells-fargo-20080516.pdf" | US | names, addresses, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, driver's licence numbers | Over 100000 | True | 0 | ||
123 | 121 | "Wells Fargo & Company" | True | 2013 | 50,000 | Commercial Banking | finance | DISC | True | NYSE | WFC | 8/17/13 | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/indianspice/IS608/master/Final%20Project/Data/shinydata.csv | US | ames and Social Security numbers, financial details | Over 100000 | True | 0 | ||
124 | 122 | "Wendy's International" | True | 2016 | 1025 locations | Limited-Service Restaurants | food | HACK | True | NASDAQ | WEN | 1/8/16 | http://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/01/wendys-probes-reports-of-credit-card-breach/ ; http://www.bizjournals.com/columbus/news/2016/02/09/wendys-finds-malware-at-some-restaurants-during.html ; http://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/06/theres-the-beef-wendys-breach-numbers-about-to-get-much-meatier/ | US | credit card information | 25001 to 50000 | True | 0 | ||
125 | 123 | "Wendy's International" | True | 2007 | 1092 | Limited-Service Restaurants | food | PHYS | True | NASDAQ | WEN | 1/29/08 | "http://doj.nh.gov/consumer/security-breaches/documents/wendys-20080129.pdf" | US | employee names, Social Security numbers, email addresses, ID numbers and salary information | 25001 to 50000 | True | 0 | ||
126 | 124 | "Willis North America" | True | 2014 | 2000 | Insurance Agencies and Brokerages | finance | DISC | True | NASDAQ | WLTW | 4/17/14 | "http://www.esecurityplanet.com/network-security/employee-error-causes-data-breach-at-insurance-broker.html; http://doj.nh.gov/consumer/security-breaches/documents/willis-north-america-20140417.pdf" | US | names, company e-mail addresses, birthdates, Social Security numbers, employee ID numbers, office locations | 10001 to 25000 | True | 0 | ||
127 | 125 | AT&T | True | 2008 | 113000 | All Other Telecommunications | tech | PORT | True | NYSE | T | 6/10/08 | https://www.computerweekly.com/news/2240104039/Unencrypted-ATT-laptop-stolen-details-of-managers-pay-lost | US | Salaries, Social Security Numbers, Names | Over 100000 | True | 100 | ||
128 | 126 | AT&T | True | 2010 | 114000 | All Other Telecommunications | tech | HACK | True | NYSE | T | 6/9/10 | https://gawker.com/5559346/apples-worst-security-breach-114000-ipad-owners-exposed?skyline=true&s=i | US | email addresses, ICC-ID | REView Style | Over 100000 | True | 507 | |
129 | 127 | Community Health Systems | True | 2014 | 4500000 | Offices of All Other Miscellaneous Health Practitioners | healthcare | HACK | True | NYSE | CYH | 8/18/14 | https://www.hipaajournal.com/community-health-systems-cyber-attack-puts-4-5m-patients-risk/ | US | names, addresses, dates of birth, phone numbers, and Social Security Numbers | Review Style | Over 100000 | True | 292 | |
130 | 128 | Countrywide Financial Corp | True | 2006 | 2600000 | financial | finance | INSD | True | NYSE | BAC | 9/10/08 | http://articles.latimes.com/2008/sep/10/business/fi-countrywide10 | US | PII | 50001 to 100000 | True | 0 | ||
131 | 129 | eBay | True | 2014 | 145000000 | Financial Transactions Processing, Reserve, and Clearinghouse Activities | tech | HACK | True | NASDAQ | EBAY | 5/21/14 | https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2014/05/21/ebay-asks-145-million-users-to-change-passwords-after-data-breach/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.70319c291140 | US | email addresses and encrypted passwords | Review Style | 10001 to 25000 | True | 281 | |
132 | 130 | Fidelity National Information Services | True | 2013 | 8500000 | financial Transactions Processing, Reserve, and Clearinghouse Activities | finance | INSD | True | NYSE | FIS | 7/3/07 | https://www.networkworld.com/article/2292203/lan-wan/fidelity-national-information-services--ex-worker-stole--2-3-million-customer-records.html | US | Name, Address, Phone, Bank Account, Credit Card | 50001 to 100000 | True | 0 | ||
133 | 131 | Gap Inc. | True | 2007 | 800000 | Other Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers | retail | PORT | True | NYSE | GPS | 9/28/07 | http://www.gapinc.com/content/gapinc/html/media/pressrelease/2007/med_pr_092807announcement.html | US | Job Applicant Data including Social Security Numbers | Over 100000 | True | 0 | ||
134 | 132 | Global Payments | True | 2012 | 7000000 | financial Transactions Processing, Reserve, and Clearinghouse Activities | finance | HACK | True | NYSE | GPN | 3/30/12 | https://www.wired.com/2012/04/global-payments-breach/ | US | Credit Card Numbers | 1001 to 10000 | True | 326 | ||
135 | 133 | Hewlett Packard | True | 2006 | 196000 | Computer and Computer Peripheral Equipment and Software Merchant Wholesalers | tech | PORT | True | NYSE | HPQ | 3/23/06 | https://www.computerworld.com/article/2563077/security0/laptop-theft-at-fidelity-exposes-data-on-196-000-hp-workers.html | US | Employee PII | 50001 to 100000 | True | 0 | ||
136 | 134 | Hilton Hotels | True | 2015 | 363,000 | Hotels (except Casino Hotels) and Motels | travel | HACK | True | NYSE | HLT | 9/25/15 | https://krebsonsecurity.com/2015/09/banks-card-breach-at-hilton-hotel-properties/ | US | cardholder names, payment card numbers, security codes and expiration dates | over 100000 | True | 0 | ||
137 | 135 | Honda Canada | True | 2011 | 283000 | Automobile Manufacturing | manufacturing | HACK | True | NYSE | HMC | 5/13/11 | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-honda-canada/honda-canada-warns-customers-of-major-data-breach-idUSTRE74Q6BQ20110527 | US | customer names, addresses, vehicle identification numbers | Over 100000 | True | 0 | ||
138 | 136 | JP Morgan Chase | True | 2014 | 83000000 | Commercial Banking | finance | HACK | True | NYSE | JPM | 10/2/14 | https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/19617/000119312514362173/d799478d8k.htm | US | names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses | Over 100000 | True | 333 | ||
139 | 137 | KT Corporation | True | 2012 | 8700000 | All Other Telecommunications | tech | HACK | True | NYSE | KT | 4/29/12 | https://www.inauth.com/blog/hacked-information-breach-of-half-of-the-total-mobile-phone-users-in-south-korea/ | KR | Phone Number, Name | 25001 to 50000 | True | 0 | ||
140 | 138 | Marriott International | True | 2018 | 500000000 | hotels (except Casino Hotels) and Motels | travel | HACK | True | NASDAQ | MAR | 11/30/18 | https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2018/11/30/marriott-discloses-massive-data-breach-impacting-million-guests/?utm_term=.a5c290e717f1 | US | names, addresses, credit card numbers and phone numbers, passport numbers, travel locations, arrival/departure dates | over 100000 | True | 149 | ||
141 | 139 | Morgan Stanley Smith Barney | True | 2011 | 34000 | Financial Transactions Processing, Reserve, and Clearinghouse Activities | finance | PORT | True | NYSE | MS | 6/24/11 | https://abcnews.go.com/Business/morgan-stanley-smith-barney-breach-losing-client-data/story?id=14008632 | US | names, addresses, Social Security numbers | 50001 to 100000 | True | 0 | ||
142 | 140 | Network Solutions | True | 2009 | 573000 | software Publishers | tech | HACK | True | NASDAQ | VRSN | 7/24/09 | https://www.bankinfosecurity.com/network-solutions-data-breach-573000-cardholders-at-risk-a-1660 | US | Credit Card, Debit Card | 1001 to 10000 | True | 350 | ||
143 | 141 | Orbitz | True | 2018 | 880000 | Travel Agencies | travel | HACK | True | NASDAQ | EXPE | 3/20/18 | http://fortune.com/2018/03/20/expedia-orbitz-data-breach-cards/ | US | names, dates of birth, email addresses, street addresses, and genders | 1001 to 10000 | True | 309 | ||
144 | 142 | Simplii | True | 2018 | 40000 | finance | finance | HACK | True | NYSE | CM | 5/29/18 | https://www.itworldcanada.com/article/bmo-cibc-victims-of-cyber-breach-attackers-demand-1-million-from-each-in-cryptocurrency/405703 | CA | customer names, social insurance numbers and answers to security questions | 25001 to 50000 | True | 233 | ||
145 | 143 | Taobao | True | 2016 | 20000000 | Other Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers | retail | HACK | True | NYSE | BABA | 2/3/16 | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-alibaba-cyber-idUSKCN0VD14X | CN | email addresses and passwords | over 100000 | True | 0 | ||
146 | 144 | Target Corporation | True | 2013 | 70000000 | Other Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers | retail | CARD | True | NYSE | TGT | 12/18/13 | https://krebsonsecurity.com/2013/12/sources-target-investigating-data-breach/ | US | names, mailing addresses phone numbers, credit cards | over 100000 | True | 0 | ||
147 | 145 | TD Ameritrade | True | 2007 | 6300000 | Commercial Banking | finance | HACK | True | NASDAQ | AMTD | 9/14/07 | https://abcnews.go.com/Business/story?id=3609704&page=1 | US | names, addresses and e-mail addresses | 1001 to 10000 | True | 235 | ||
148 | 146 | Triple-S Salud, Inc. | True | 2010 | 398000 | healthcare | healthcare | PORT | True | NYSE | GTS | 1/24/14 | https://www.hipaajournal.com/hipaa-violation-fine-3-5-million-triple-s-8197/ | US | PHI | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 | ||
149 | 147 | Under Armour | True | 2018 | 150000000 | Other Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers | retail | HACK | True | NYSE | UAA | 3/29/18 | https://www.cnbc.com/2018/03/29/under-armour-stock-falls-after-company-admits-data-breach.html | US | usernames, email addresses, and hashed passwords | 10001 to 25000 | True | 344 | ||
150 | 148 | UPS | True | 2014 | 51 locations | Private Mail Centers | retail | CARD | True | NYSE | UPS | 8/20/14 | https://www.bankinfosecurity.com/ups-reveals-data-breach-a-7217 | US | names, card numbers and postal, email addresses | over 100000 | True | 211 | ||
151 | 149 | Verizon Communications | True | 2016 | 1500000 | All Other Telecommunications | tech | HACK | True | NYSE | VZ | 3/24/16 | https://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/03/crooks-steal-sell-verizon-enterprise-customer-data/ | US | contact information | over 100000 | True | 0 | ||
152 | 150 | Vodafone | True | 2013 | 2000000 | All Other Telecommunications | tech | HACK | True | NASDAQ | VOD | 9/12/13 | https://www.engadget.com/2013/09/12/vodafone-hacked-2-million-customers-germany/ | UK | Personal Details, Bank details | 50001 to 100000 | True | 200 | ||
153 | 151 | Washington Post | True | 2011 | 1270000 | Newspaper Publishers | media | HACK | True | NYSE | GHC | 7/7/11 | https://www.pcmag.com/news/266619/june-hack-of-washington-post-netted-1-27m-user-account-detai | US | user IDs and email addresses | 1001 to 10000 | True | 0 |