You and a gang of thieves are planning on robbing a bank. You are given a 0-indexed integer array security
, where security[i]
is the number of guards on duty on the ith
day. The days are numbered starting from 0
. You are also given an integer time
The ith
day is a good day to rob the bank if:
- There are at least
days before and after theith
day, - The number of guards at the bank for the
days beforei
are non-increasing, and - The number of guards at the bank for the
days afteri
are non-decreasing.
More formally, this means day i
is a good day to rob the bank if and only if security[i - time] >= security[i - time + 1] >= ... >= security[i] <= ... <= security[i + time - 1] <= security[i + time]
Return a list of all days (0-indexed) that are good days to rob the bank. The order that the days are returned in does not matter.
Example 1:
Input: security = [5,3,3,3,5,6,2], time = 2 Output: [2,3] Explanation: On day 2, we have security[0] >= security[1] >= security[2] <= security[3] <= security[4]. On day 3, we have security[1] >= security[2] >= security[3] <= security[4] <= security[5]. No other days satisfy this condition, so days 2 and 3 are the only good days to rob the bank.
Example 2:
Input: security = [1,1,1,1,1], time = 0 Output: [0,1,2,3,4] Explanation: Since time equals 0, every day is a good day to rob the bank, so return every day.
Example 3:
Input: security = [1,2,3,4,5,6], time = 2 Output: [] Explanation: No day has 2 days before it that have a non-increasing number of guards. Thus, no day is a good day to rob the bank, so return an empty list.
Example 4:
Input: security = [1], time = 5 Output: [] Explanation: No day has 5 days before and after it. Thus, no day is a good day to rob the bank, so return an empty list.
1 <= security.length <= 105
0 <= security[i], time <= 105
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For a window [i - time, i + time]
, use two monotonic deques a
and b
to track the numbers in the first half [i - time, i]
and second half [i, i + time]
of the window.
Keep a
monotonic non-increasing and b
monotonic non-decreasing.
If both a.size()
and b.size()
equal time + 1
, we add the current index i
into the answer.
// OJ:
// Author:
// Time: O(N)
// Space: O(T)
class Solution {
vector<int> goodDaysToRobBank(vector<int>& A, int time) {
deque<int> a, b;
vector<int> ans;
for (int i = 0; i + time < A.size(); ++i) {
while (a.size() && A[a.back()] < A[i]) a.pop_back(); // Before pushing `i`, pop the indexes at the back of the deque whose corresponding value `< A[i]`
if (a.front() < i - time) a.pop_front(); // Pop index if it's out of window
while (b.size() && A[b.back()] > A[i + time]) b.pop_back(); // Before pusing `i+time`, pop the indexes at the back of the deque whose corresponding value `> A[i+time]`
b.push_back(i + time);
if (b.front() < i) b.pop_front(); // Pop index if it's out of window
if (a.size() == time + 1 && b.size() == time + 1) ans.push_back(i);
return ans;
// OJ:
// Author:
// Time: O(N)
// Space: O(N)
class Solution {
vector<int> goodDaysToRobBank(vector<int>& A, int time) {
int N = A.size(), left = 1;
vector<int> right(N, 1), ans;
for (int i = N - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
if (A[i] <= A[i + 1]) right[i] += right[i + 1];
for (int i = 0; i + time < N; ++i) {
if (i - 1 >= 0 && A[i] <= A[i - 1]) left++;
else left = 1;
if (left > time && right[i] > time) ans.push_back(i);
return ans;