You are given a tree with n
nodes numbered from 0
to n-1
in the form of a parent array where parent[i]
is the parent of node i
. The root of the tree is node 0
Implement the function getKthAncestor
(int node, int k)
to return the k
-th ancestor of the given node
. If there is no such ancestor, return -1
The k-th ancestor of a tree node is the k
-th node in the path from that node to the root.
Input: ["TreeAncestor","getKthAncestor","getKthAncestor","getKthAncestor"] [[7,[-1,0,0,1,1,2,2]],[3,1],[5,2],[6,3]] Output: [null,1,0,-1] Explanation: TreeAncestor treeAncestor = new TreeAncestor(7, [-1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2]); treeAncestor.getKthAncestor(3, 1); // returns 1 which is the parent of 3 treeAncestor.getKthAncestor(5, 2); // returns 0 which is the grandparent of 5 treeAncestor.getKthAncestor(6, 3); // returns -1 because there is no such ancestor
1 <= k <= n <= 5*10^4
parent[0] == -1
indicating that0
is the root node.0 <= parent[i] < n
for all0 < i < n
0 <= node < n
- There will be at most
Related Topics:
Dynamic Programming
Assign increasing ID to nodes via preorder traversal, then you will get the following relationship
0 0
/ \ / \
1 2 => 1 4
/ \ / \ / \ / \
3 4 5 6 2 3 5 6
We store the tree of the id's using vector<vector<int>>
Then given a node, we can find the corresponding id[node]
. For example id[2] = 4
, id[5] = 5
Also we can store the corresponding level of node. For example level[5] = 2
Then if we want to find getKthAncestor(5, 1)
, we can know that its parent is at level level[5] - 1 = 1
Then in level 1
, we use binary search to find the largest id that is smaller than id[5] = 5
. The parent id is 4
Then we use the id to find the corresponding node, 2
// OJ:
// Author:
// Time:
// TreeAncestor: O(N)
// getKthAncestor: O(logN)
// Space: O(N)
class TreeAncestor {
vector<int> nodeToId, idToNode, idToLevel;
vector<vector<int>> G, ids;
TreeAncestor(int n, vector<int>& parent) : nodeToId(n), idToNode(n), idToLevel(n), G(n) {
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) G[parent[i]].push_back(i);
int id = 0;
function<void(int, int)> preorder = [&](int u, int level) {
nodeToId[u] = id;
idToNode[id] = u;
idToLevel[id] = level;
if (level == ids.size()) ids.emplace_back();
for (int v : G[u]) preorder(v, level + 1);
preorder(0, 0);
int getKthAncestor(int node, int k) {
int id = nodeToId[node], level = idToLevel[id];
if (level - k < 0) return -1;
auto &v = ids[level - k];
return idToNode[*prev(lower_bound(begin(v), end(v), id))];
The brute force solution of this problem requires O(K)
time for querying, which will result in TLE.
If we precompute all the k
th ancester of node
, the query will be O(1)
, but the preparation will take O(K^2)
One solution in between which doesn't require storing that much of data and also can boost the efficiency, is binary lifting.
The idea is that we break down the value based on binary representation.
So instead of storeing all 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...
values, we only store 1, 2, 4, 8, ...
values. We can use those 1, 2, 4, 8, ...
values to restore those values in between.
For example, a 6
th (110
in base 2) parent is the same as the 4
th (100
in base 2) parent of the 2
nd (010
in base 2) parent.
Let P[i][node]
be the node
's 2^i
th parent.
The 6
th parent of node
can be expressed as P[2][ P[1][node] ]
We can calculate P
array using the following equation.
P[i][node] = P[i-1][ P[i-1][node] ]
What's the size of the first dimension of P
? It means the maximum order of a parent + 1, i.e. the depth of the tree h
. For example, a node in a tree of depth 3 can have at most 2nd parent, so the size of the first dimension of P
is at least 3
We know that n <= 5 * 10^4
. Given number of nodes in tree as n
, what's the maximum height h
? For a tree of height h
, it at most have 2^h - 1
nodes. For a tree of height h-1
, it at most have 2^(h-1) - 1
nodes. So, 2^(h-1) - 1 < n <= 2^h - 1
, log(n+1) <= h < log(n+1) + 1
, h = ceil(log(n+1))
. So, h
is at most ceil(log(5 * 10^4)) = ceil(15.6097) = 16
// OJ:
// Author:
// Time:
// TreeAncestor: O(log(max(K)) * N)
// getKthAncestor: O(logK)
// Space: O(N)
// Ref:
class TreeAncestor {
vector<vector<int>> P;
int len; // len is at most `16` if `n <= 5e4`
TreeAncestor(int n, vector<int>& parent) {
len = ceil(log(n + 1) / log(2));
P.assign(len, vector<int>(parent.size(), -1));
for (int node = 1; node < n; ++node) P[0][node] = parent[node]; // 2^0 = 1st parent
for (int i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
for (int node = 0; node < n; ++node) {
int p = P[i - 1][node];
if (p != -1) P[i][node] = P[i - 1][p]; // 2^i-th parent is the 2^(i-1)-th parent of the 2^(i-1)-th parent.
int getKthAncestor(int node, int k) {
for (int i = 0; i < len && node != -1; ++i) {
if ((k >> i & 1) == 0) continue; // If `k` has `0` at `i`th bit, skip.
node = P[i][node];
return node;