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pprcht authored Jul 29, 2024
2 parents f1b6928 + c8c520e commit 7112c04
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Showing 19 changed files with 1,370 additions and 1,030 deletions.
11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions src/algos/parallel.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -225,16 +225,18 @@ end subroutine crest_sploop
subroutine crest_oloop(env,nat,nall,at,xyz,eread,dump,customcalc)
!* subroutine crest_oloop
!* This subroutine performs concurrent geometry optimizations
!* for the given ensemble. Inputs xyz and eread are overwritten
!* env - contains parallelization and other program settings
!* dump - decides on whether to dump an ensemble file
!* WARNING: the ensemble file will NOT be in the same order
!* as the input xyz array. However, the overwritten xyz will be!
!* customcalc - customized (optional) calculation level data
!* IMPORTANT: xyz should be in Bohr(!) for this routine
use crest_parameters,only:wp,stdout,sep
use crest_calculator
use omp_lib
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -369,6 +371,11 @@ subroutine crest_oloop(env,nat,nall,at,xyz,eread,dump,customcalc)
end if
eread(zcopy) = energy
xyz(:,:,zcopy) = molsnew(job)%xyz(:,:)
else if(io==calculations(job)%maxcycle .and. calculations(job)%anopt) then
!>--- allow partial optimization?
c = c+1
eread(zcopy) = energy
xyz(:,:,zcopy) = molsnew(job)%xyz(:,:)
eread(zcopy) = 1.0_wp
end if
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251 changes: 208 additions & 43 deletions src/algos/protonate.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ subroutine crest_new_protonate(env,tim)
use optimize_module
use parallel_interface
use cregen_interface
use iomod
implicit none
type(systemdata),intent(inout) :: env
type(timer),intent(inout) :: tim
Expand All @@ -51,12 +52,14 @@ subroutine crest_new_protonate(env,tim)
real(wp) :: energy,dip
real(wp),allocatable :: grad(:,:)
type(calcdata),allocatable :: tmpcalc
type(calcdata),allocatable :: tmpcalc_ff
type(calculation_settings) :: tmpset
real(wp),allocatable :: protxyz(:,:)
integer :: natp
integer :: natp,pstep,npnew
integer,allocatable :: atp(:)
real(wp),allocatable :: xyzp(:,:,:)
real(wp),allocatable :: xyzp(:,:,:)
real(wp),allocatable :: ep(:)
character(len=*),parameter :: partial = '∂E/∂'
logical,allocatable :: atlist(:)
write (stdout,*)
!call system('figlet singlepoint')
Expand All @@ -68,10 +71,11 @@ subroutine crest_new_protonate(env,tim)
write (stdout,*) "|_| "
write (stdout,*) "-----------------------------------------------"
write (stdout,*) " automated protonation site screening script "
write (stdout,*) " revised version (c) P.Pracht 2024 "
write (stdout,*) 'Cite as:'
write (stdout,*) 'P.Pracht, C.A.Bauer, S.Grimme'
write (stdout,*) 'JCC, 2017, 38, 2618–2631.'
write (stdout,*)
write (stdout,*) ' P.Pracht, C.A.Bauer, S.Grimme'
write (stdout,*) ' JCC, 2017, 38, 2618–2631.'
write (stdout,*)

call new_ompautoset(env,'max',0,T,Tn)
Expand All @@ -84,18 +88,22 @@ subroutine crest_new_protonate(env,tim)
write (stdout,*)
!>--- The first step is to perfom a LMO calculation to identify suitable protonation sites
!>--- in this version of the program this step is always done with GFN0-xTB.

call tim%start(14,'LMO center calculation')
write (stdout,'(a)') repeat('-',80)
write (stdout,'(a)')
write (stdout,'(a)',advance='no') '> Setting up GFN0-xTB for LMO center calculation ... '
flush (stdout)

allocate (grad(3,mol%nat),source=0.0_wp)
!>--- GFN0 job adapted from global settings
allocate (tmpcalc)
call env2calc(env,tmpcalc,mol)
tmpcalc%calcs(1)%id = jobtype%gfn0
tmpcalc%calcs(1)%rdwbo = .true.
tmpcalc%calcs(1)%getlmocent = .true.
tmpcalc%calcs(1)%chrg = env%chrg
tmpcalc%ncalculations = 1
write (stdout,'(a)') 'done.'
!>--- and then start it
Expand All @@ -119,15 +127,25 @@ subroutine crest_new_protonate(env,tim)
!>--- check LMO center
np = tmpcalc%calcs(1)%nprot
if (np > 0) then
write (stdout,'(a,i0,a)') '> ',np,' π- or LP-centers identified as protonation candidates'
write (stdout,'(a,i0,a)') '> ',np,' π- or LP-centers identified as protonation candidates:'
call move_alloc(tmpcalc%calcs(1)%protxyz,protxyz)
!do i=1,np
! write(stdout,*) protxyz(1:3,i)
write (stdout,'(1x,a5,1x,a,5x,a)') 'LMO','type','center(xyz/Ang)'
do i = 1,np
select case (nint(protxyz(4,i)))
case (1)
write (stdout,'(1x,i5,1x,a,3F12.5)') i,'LP ',protxyz(1:3,i)*autoaa
case (2)
write (stdout,'(1x,i5,1x,a,3F12.5)') i,'π ',protxyz(1:3,i)*autoaa
case (3)
write (stdout,'(1x,i5,1x,a,3F12.5)') i,'del.π',protxyz(1:3,i)*autoaa
case default
write (stdout,'(1x,i5,1x,a,3F12.5)') i,'??? ',protxyz(1:3,i)*autoaa
end select
end do
write (stdout,*)
write (stdout,*) 'WARNING: No suitable protonation sites found!'
write (stdout,*) ' Check if you expect π- or LP-centers for your molecule!'
write (stdout,*) ' Confirm whether you expect π- or LP-centers for your molecule!'
write (stdout,*)
end if
Expand All @@ -136,47 +154,164 @@ subroutine crest_new_protonate(env,tim)

!>--- If we reached this point, we have candidate positions for our protonation!
write(stdout,'(a)',advance='yes') '> Generating candidate structures ... '
pstep = 0
write (stdout,'(a)',advance='yes') '> Generating candidate structures ... '
flush (stdout)
natp = mol%nat+1
allocate(atp(natp), source=0)
call protonation_candidates(env,mol,natp,np,protxyz,atp,xyzp)
write(stdout,'(a)') '> Write with candidates ... '
call wrensemble('',natp,np,atp,xyzp*autoaa,ep)
write(stdout,'(a)') '> done.'
allocate (atp(natp),source=0)
allocate (xyzp(3,natp,np),ep(np),source=0.0_wp)

!>--- Enforce further constraints, conditions, etc.
! (TODO)
call protonation_candidates(env,mol,natp,np,protxyz,atp,xyzp,npnew)
!>--- NOTE: after this the global charge (env%chrg) and all charges saved in the calc levels have been increased

if (npnew < 1) then
write (stdout,*)
write (stdout,'(a)') '> WARNING: No remaining protonation sites after applying user defined conditions!'
write (stdout,'(a)') '> Modify the search criteria and check your input structure for sanity.'
end if

write (atmp,'(a,i0,a)') 'protonate_',pstep,'.xyz'
write (stdout,'(a,a,a,i0,a)') '> Write ',trim(atmp),' with ',npnew,' candidates ... '

!>--- Optimize candidates
call smallhead('Protomer Ensemble Optimization')
call tim%start(15,'Ensemble optimization')
call print_opt_data(env%calc,stdout)
call crest_oloop(env,natp,np,atp,xyzp,ep,.true.)
call tim%stop(15)
write(stdout,'(a)') '> Write with optimized structures ... '
call rename(ensemblefile,'')
call wrensemble('',natp,npnew,atp,xyzp(:,:,1:npnew)*autoaa,ep(1:npnew))

write (stdout,'(a)') '> done.'
write (stdout,*)

!>--- Optimize candidates, optional FF pre-step
if (env%protb%ffopt) then
call smallhead('Protomer Ensemble FF Pre-Optimization')
!>--- set up a temporary calculation object
write (stdout,'(a)') '> LMO centers can be very close to atoms, leading to initial'
write (stdout,'(a)') ' extremely high-energy candidates which may undergo unwanted'
write (stdout,'(a)') ' chemical changes in optimizations. Classical force-fields'
write (stdout,'(a)') ' with defined bond-topology can help circumvent this issue.'
write (stdout,'(a)') '> Setting up force-field structure pre-optimization ...'
allocate (tmpcalc_ff)
tmpcalc_ff%optnewinit = .true.
env%calc%optnewinit = .true.
call tmpset%create('gfnff')
tmpset%chrg = env%chrg
call tmpcalc_ff%add(tmpset)
tmpcalc_ff%maxcycle = 10000
call tmpcalc_ff%info(stdout)

!>--- Run optimizations
call tim%start(15,'Ensemble optimization (FF)')
call print_opt_data(tmpcalc_ff,stdout)
write (stdout,'(a,i0,a)') '> ',npnew,' structures to optimize ...'
call crest_oloop(env,natp,npnew,atp,xyzp(:,:,1:npnew),ep(1:npnew),.false.,tmpcalc_ff)
call tim%stop(15)

deallocate (tmpcalc_ff)

!>--- sorting
write(stdout,'(a)') '> Sorting structures by energy ...'
call newcregen(env,6,'')
write(stdout,'(a)') '> sorted file was renamed to'
call rename('','')
pstep = pstep+1
write (atmp,'(a,i0,a)') 'protonate_',pstep,'.xyz'
write (stdout,'(a,a,a)') '> Write ',trim(atmp),' with optimized structures ... '
call wrensemble(trim(atmp),natp,npnew,atp,xyzp(:,:,1:npnew)*autoaa,ep(1:npnew))

!>--- sorting
write (stdout,'(a)') '> Sorting structures by energy to remove failed opts. ...'
env%ewin = 5000.0_wp
call newcregen(env,7,trim(atmp))
call rename(trim(atmp)//'.sorted',trim(atmp))
write (stdout,'(a)') '> WARNING: These are force-field energies which are '
write (stdout,'(a)') ' NOT(!) accurate for bond formation and breaking!'
write (stdout,*)

!>--- re-read sorted ensemble
deallocate (xyzp,atp) !> clear this space to re-use it
call rdensemble(trim(atmp),natp,npnew,atp,xyzp)
xyzp = xyzp*aatoau !> don't forget to restore BOHR
end if

!>--- H-position-only optimization (only makes sense after FF preoptimization)
if (env%protb%hnewopt.and.env%protb%ffopt) then
call smallhead('Protomer Ensemble Frozen-Atom Optimization')
!>--- create temporary calculation from our intended level of theory
write (stdout,'(a)') '> Setting up frozen structure optimization ...'
allocate (tmpcalc)
call env2calc(env,tmpcalc,mol)
!>--- freeze all atoms, EXCEPT the new one
allocate (atlist(natp),source=.true.)
atlist(natp) = .false. !> the new one is always last
do i = 1,natp
if (atp(i) == 1) then
atlist(i) = .false. !> additionally un-freeze all H's (this seems to be beneficial)
end if
end do
tmpcalc%nfreeze = count(atlist)
write (stdout,'(a,i0,a)') '> ',tmpcalc%nfreeze,' frozen atoms. All H non-frozen.'
call move_alloc(atlist,tmpcalc%freezelist)
call tmpcalc%info(stdout)

!>--- run opt
call tim%start(16,'Ensemble optimization (frozen)')
write (stdout,'(a,i0,a)') '> ',npnew,' structures to optimize ...'
call crest_oloop(env,natp,npnew,atp,xyzp(:,:,1:npnew),ep(1:npnew),.false.,tmpcalc)
call tim%stop(16)

pstep = pstep+1
write (atmp,'(a,i0,a)') 'protonate_',pstep,'.xyz'
write (stdout,'(a,a,a)') '> Write ',trim(atmp),' with optimized structures ... '
call wrensemble(trim(atmp),natp,npnew,atp,xyzp(:,:,1:npnew)*autoaa,ep(1:npnew))

!>--- sorting
write (stdout,'(a)') '> Sorting structures by energy to remove failed opts. ...'
env%ewin = env%protb%ewin*10.0_wp !> large energy threshold
call newcregen(env,7,trim(atmp))
call rename(trim(atmp)//'.sorted',trim(atmp))
write (stdout,*)

!>--- re-read sorted ensemble
deallocate (xyzp,atp) !> clear this space to re-use it
call rdensemble(trim(atmp),natp,npnew,atp,xyzp)
xyzp = xyzp*aatoau !> don't forget to restore BOHR

deallocate (tmpcalc)
end if

!>--- Optimize with global settings
if (env%protb%finalopt.and.env%protb%ffopt) then
call smallhead('Final Protomer Ensemble Optimization')
call env2calc(env,tmpcalc,mol)
call tmpcalc%info(stdout)
call tim%start(20,'Ensemble optimization')
call print_opt_data(env%calc,stdout)
write (stdout,'(a,i0,a)') '> ',npnew,' structures to optimize ...'
call crest_oloop(env,natp,npnew,atp,xyzp(:,:,1:npnew),ep,.false.,tmpcalc)
call tim%stop(20)

pstep = pstep+1
write (atmp,'(a,i0,a)') 'protonate_',pstep,'.xyz'
write (stdout,'(a,a,a)') '> Write ',trim(atmp),' with optimized structures ... '
call wrensemble(trim(atmp),natp,npnew,atp,xyzp(:,:,1:npnew)*autoaa,ep(1:npnew))

!>--- sorting
write (stdout,'(a)') '> Sorting structures by energy ...'
env%ewin = env%protb%ewin
call newcregen(env,7,trim(atmp))
call rename(trim(atmp)//'.sorted','')
call rename(trim(atmp),'')
end if
write (stdout,'(a)') '> sorted file was renamed to'
end subroutine crest_new_protonate


subroutine protonation_candidates(env,mol,natp,np,protxyz,at,xyz)
subroutine protonation_candidates(env,mol,natp,np,protxyz,at,xyz,npnew)
!* generate protonation/ionization candidate structures
!* The outputs are at and xyz, the latter being in Bohr
Expand All @@ -190,30 +325,60 @@ subroutine protonation_candidates(env,mol,natp,np,protxyz,at,xyz)
type(coord),intent(in) :: mol
integer,intent(in) :: natp
integer,intent(in) :: np
real(wp),intent(in) :: protxyz(3,np)
real(wp),intent(in) :: protxyz(4,np)
integer,intent(out) :: at(natp)
real(wp),intent(out) :: xyz(3,natp,np)
integer,intent(out) :: npnew
integer :: i,j,k,l
integer :: i,j,k,l,ii
integer :: ati,ichrg,ctype

if (natp .ne. mol%nat+1) then
write (stdout,'(a)') 'WARNING: Inconsistent number of atoms in protonation routine'
error stop
end if

write(stdout,'(a)') '> Increasing the molecular charge by 1'
call env%calc%increase_charge()
if (env%protb%swelem) then
!>--- User-defined monoatomic ion
ichrg = env%protb%swchrg
ati = env%protb%swat
!>--- DEFAULT: H⁺
ichrg = 1
ati = 1
write (stdout,'(a,i0)') '> Increasing the molecular charge by ',ichrg
call env%calc%increase_charge(ichrg)
env%chrg = env%chrg + ichrg

!>--- Check if we have some other conditions
write(stdout,'(a)',advance='no') '> User-defined: IGNORING '
if(.not.env%protb%active_lmo(1)) write(stdout,'(a)',advance='no') 'π '
if(.not.env%protb%active_lmo(2)) write(stdout,'(a)',advance='no') 'LP '
if(.not.env%protb%active_lmo(3)) write(stdout,'(a)',advance='no') 'deloc.π '
write(stdout,'(a)') 'LMOs ...'

!>--- Populate
npnew = 0
ii = 0
do i = 1,np
!>--- Enforce further constraints, conditions, etc.
ctype = nint(protxyz(4,i))
if(.not.env%protb%active_lmo(ctype)) cycle !> skip unselected LMO types

ii= ii + 1 !> counter of actually created structures
do j = 1,mol%nat
xyz(1:3,j,i) = mol%xyz(1:3,j)
xyz(1:3,j,ii) = mol%xyz(1:3,j)
at(j) = mol%at(j)
end do
xyz(1:3,natp,i) = protxyz(1:3,i)
at(natp) = 1
xyz(1:3,natp,ii) = protxyz(1:3,i)
at(natp) = ati
end do
npnew = ii

end subroutine protonation_candidates

Expand Down

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